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Everything posted by kylejack

  1. Wunder Bar would have been a somewhat cool name for a bar. Bar Munich almost guarantees it will be crap.
  2. Yes, I am skeptical about this new program. We shall have to wait and see the specifics.
  3. Opening in mid to late February, via Morgan.
  4. Douchebags drink rum and cokes, Bud Light, and Stella at best, not craft beer.
  5. Residents like me. I walk past homeless who ask me for money every day. I don't make up any stories about not having change on me. I simply say no and they leave me alone. They know it's a losing proposition to badger me for money when they could be asking someone else. There's nothing wrong with not wanting to give homeless money. The incidence of addiction among homeless is astronomical, so putting money in their hand virtually assures that they're going to get drunk or high on it. Giving to organizations that help them is a whole different matter, though. Every M-F Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church has people lined up around the block for breakfast. These organizations need our help. I did not make any personal attacks on you, by the way.
  6. Wow, that sounds just awful, how do you cope with having to tell someone no when they ask you for money, someone who might have to sleep on the streets when it's going to get down into the 40s tonight? And how dare the city and churches feed hungry people, honestly the nerve of them to help the homeless. It is your prerogative to give or not to give to organizations which help the homeless, but try to have some respect for the mission that they're doing. These organizations are doing what they can to help people who are suffering, regardless of who is at fault for that suffering, and it's not all about you. Downtown doesn't just belong to you and the co-workers that you walk to lunch with.
  7. Lots and lots of cars have hit the train, but in the Summer there were two strangely close together incidents of buses hitting the train. One happened smack dab in front of the Metro administration building.
  8. Nice that they've maintained the frequency despite the slower transit time.
  9. It's going to be awesome. There's more technical data here: http://barleyvine.blogspot.com/2011/01/hay-merchant.html
  10. Fare checks, policing busy intersections where people constantly obstruct the train, etc. In other cities the train has its own right of way and jumping a turnstile is harder so it is not as much of a problem. My friend was pulled over and ticketed on the freeway by a Metro cop, though. I didn't think they bothered.
  11. No, because he's a rude prick. Pat Gray is conservative and I like him. He's moved on to Glenn Beck, though.
  12. Addickes owns, the president heads own. An excellent visitor spot, tragic to lose.
  13. I noticed you snapped the Peden building tear-down!
  14. I don't know if they'll find the financing, but there are a lot of unserved needs in the Med Center because square footage is at such a premium. I could see this working.
  15. I had a really good meal at Cielo and a really bad meal. Anyway, here's an article: http://culturemap.com/newsdetail/01-11-11-a-downtown-duos-demise-two-houston-restaurants-shutter-leaving-a-hole-on-main/
  16. Ayup, gone. Grumbar closed near here a while back too (maybe 6 months?)
  17. Cava Bistro was sharing kitchen space with Cielo, so Cava Bistro is gone too. Both were Mia Bella restaurants.
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