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psilverot last won the day on October 2 2010

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    The Great Northwest

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  1. Been reading a lot of articles pertaining to 'food deserts'. One particular area that surprises me as being a food desert area or low income area is the champion forest/1960 area. IMO a trader joes would thrive on 1960/CCP (Cypress Creek Parkway). Thoughts?
  2. Work has started on a mixed-use development at 1480 Nicholson Drive at the site of the old Prince Murat Hotel, more than 12 years after plans were first announced for the project... ...River House will have 224 luxury apartments spread over a pair of four-story buildings, a 34,000-square-foot, three-story office building, 15,000 square feet of retail and a 4,600-square-foot community clubhouse. More at: http://theadvocate.com/news/business/13211068-123/developer-constructing-river-house-apartment
  3. Square 46 moves forward ..The property will be improved with a 25,000-square-foot mixed-use development with retail, office and restaurant establishments and up to 15 high-density residential units. A 2,000-square-foot space is designated for a breakfast/coffee shop; another 3,500-square-foot space is set aside for a restaurant. More at: https://www.businessreport.com/realestate/su22-tom-cook
  4. Our Lady of the Lake has released new renderings and details about its long-planned Children’s Hospital, which will be located on a 60-acre tract of hospital-owned property that runs parallel to Interstate 10 between Essen Lane and Bluebonnet Boulevard. More at: https://www.businessreport.com/article/olol-childrens-hospital-break-ground-years-end
  5. Six local businesses relocating to newly renovated warehouse in heart of Nicholson corridor An old warehouse on Nicholson Drive near the Mississippi River Bridge soon will be the new home to several tenants with design or artistically related businesses. The 18,000-square-foot building at 1010 Nicholson Drive will be called 1010 Nick and will represent something of a milestone in the redevelopment of the Nicholson corridor between downtown and LSU. More at: https://www.businessreport.com/article/six-local-businesses-relocating-newly-renovated-warehouse-heart-nicholson-corridor
  6. A group of investors led by Mo Vij, the founder of local IT company General Informatics, has acquired an 8.5-acre tract of vacant land at the intersection of Highland Road and Bluebonnet Boulevard for $3.6 million, with plans to develop an office and commercial complex on the site that will be modeled after the campus-style settings of high-tech giants like Microsoft and Apple. The new development will be called @Highland, and it will include a 45,000-square-foot, three-story office building that will front on Highland and be the new headquarters for General Informatics... More at: https://www.businessreport.com/article/high-tech-office-park-planned-8-acre-site-highland-bluebonnet
  7. Baton Rouge is getting a new hotel. According to The Greater Baton Rouge Business Report, local real estate developer Mike Wampold has broken ground on the redevelopment of the 12-story the old Louisiana National Bank Building. The property is located at 150 N. Third St. in the city’s downtown. He plans to turn the 88-year-old building into a 146-room hotel. More At: http://www.cpexecutive.com/cities/baton-rouge/wampold-starts-work-on-new-hotel-in-downtown-baton-rouge/1004117282.html
  8. Drago’s Seafood Restaurant, the New Orleans eatery best known for its charbroiled oysters, is looking at opening locations in Baton Rouge and Lafayette. A location for the Lafayette restaurant should be announced “in the next couple of days,” said Ron St. Pierre, a spokesman for Drago’s. That restaurant should open later this year. Drago’s is also interested in opening a Baton Rouge restaurant, possibly as part of a mixed-use development that would be built off Highland Road in front of the Country Club of Louisiana. “We are interested in that piece of property, but we are strictly in the negotiation phase,” St. Pierre said. While Baton Rouge is a priority market, a Drago’s wouldn’t open in the city before 2016. Plans are in the works to build a 45,000- to 55,000-square-foot mixed-use development in front of the Country Club, on the side of State Bank and Trust. More At: http://theadvocate.com/news/11879316-123/popular-new-orleans-restaurant-dragos
  9. Baton Rouge is getting a new luxury apartment complex. The Wampold Companies has finally started work on the Bayonne at Southshore, a luxury rental community on Stanford Avenue. According to The Advocate, the project is expected to cost about $42 million. More at: http://www.multihousingnews.com/cities/baton-rouge/wampold-cos-to-demolish-rebuild-on-5-5-acre-apartment-site-3/1004113527.html
  10. Construction on The Grove mixed-use development fronting Interstate-10 behind the Mall of Louisiana, is moving along as scheduled as developers bring more retailers aboard, one being the first of its kind in Baton Rouge. More at: http://www.nola.com/business/baton-rouge/index.ssf/2014/07/the_high_grove_to_include_bato.html This development also includes The High Grove and The Addison both luxury rental properties developed by The Domain Companies. More at: http://thedomaincos.com/projects.php?id=2
  11. All of the development projects going on between downtown Baton Rouge and LSU has led to plans to develop a $100 million streetcar line along the Nicholson Drive corridor. more at: http://theadvocate.com/home/8307612-125/streetcar-line-eyed-for-nicholson WebRep currentVote noRatingnoWeight
  12. Consultants working on a proposed south Baton Rouge health district say they want to reduce the amount of traffic and create a network of low-volume roads in the Essen Lane-Bluebonnet Boulevard-Perkins Road area. more at: http://theadvocate.com/news/business/10358331-123/consultants-outline-road-plans-for website: www.brhealthdistrict.org
  13. Developing over the next decade, The Water Campus will rise on 35 acres along the Mississippi, adjacent to downtown Baton Rouge. In that time, the number of researchers and support staff employed at the facility will expand to over 4,000. More than 1.8 million square feet of labs, research facilities and commercial space will enable them to carry out their vital work in a collaborative environment – studying coastal threats, formulating theories, exchanging ideas, and cooperating to arrive at innovative solutions that might never be possible working alone. More at: http://thewatercampus.org/about-the-water-campus
  14. Would this then be considered to be part of the "West Belt" development?
  15. Update: Turner Construction appears to be completing this project.
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