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Everything posted by Gary

  1. What the hell does that mean? Who are you to decide what is the right or wrong reason for a person to buy a large vehicle? Also, what public perception? I don't care what some East or West coast moron thinks about my big Houston truck (Ford F250 Diesel super cab). One of the things I always loved about Texas was that people here didn't seem to care what the rest of the world thought about them. I have adopted that attitude myself and will run over (figuratively speaking) any Protege owner that thinks otherwise. I am so tired of those that constantly judge those of us who don't meet their criteria for environmental sainthood.
  2. Are you for real? You've got to put up a little bit better fight my friend from the north. Try a little salt on that crow, it'll go down easier. Seriously, I take no joy in Dallas' CBD falling to such vacancy levels, but it sure is fun when folks like Dallasboi get their hats handed to em.
  3. Man, this site has become a hotbed for liberals making the same sweeping judgments of Conservatives as they do regarding liberals. HAIF is dying a quick death. I say that not because of Liberals consuming the site, but because of the unbelievably asinine remarks made of late. Let the genious insults begin.
  4. What's "Hrm" mean? Geez man, Did it ever occur to you that technology has gotten a little better over the last 50 years? How old are you anyway?"UGH"...
  5. What a waste of a perfectly good 59 Bellaire.
  6. Weird... I didn't know people still used the old Commodore 64's. I guess it's a nostalgic thing.
  7. You didn't come across confrontational at all. I just wanted to clear up that I was speaking of weeds, not grass. As far as good oragnic ideas: For spider mites try using "Pace picante sauce" (the hot version)and straining the liquid content into a spray bottle, then add about 5 parts water and spray. It works pretty well, but washes off quickly when it rains so you have to re-apply often. For a pre-emergent herbecide "corn gluten meal" works pretty well. A good fungal control, which should be applied now if your going to do it, is "Agricultural Corn Meal". Edit: Found this from Randy Lemmon regarding organic insect killers. He says it's a formula in progress, but it sounds promising. Oh, and he's using it on potted plants, but if it works, it should work on bedded plants as well. http://www.ktrh.com/pages/gardenline-insectspray.html
  8. Not sure if the grass seed your refering to was in reference to my post, but I was speaking of weeds like Crabgrass, centipede, clover, dollarweed, etc. Not grass. Another thing to consider is, if your going to lay down 4 plus inches of mulch be careful doing that around the base of any tree, and especially don't cover up the tap root. This promotes rot and can kill the tree over time. I see many folks in town doing it, and it's a big no no. I still advise Yankee to look into Randy Lemmon's site. The guy is very knowledgable abouth South Texas horticulture.
  9. Rarely does newspaper or geo textile fabric (weed cloth) work here. The problem is that the weed seeds will still blow into the beds via the wind. The best thing to do, and it takes about two seasons to see the results, is to use a pre-emergent herbecide both in your lawn and your beds. What this does is sterilize the seeds that will bloom in the Spring and will significantly cut the Spring weeds down. It also creates a vapor barrier at the soil level that stops weed seeds. You then use the the pre-emergent herbecide again in the Spring in order to cut down your Fall weeds. After doing this for about a year you'll find that weeds are almost no problem at all. You might find that it's necessary to use a post emergent from time to time, but those are scary to use in a flower bed. Try this link to Randy Lemmon who is the host of Garden Line. He's very good with Southeast Texas horticulture. http://www.ktrh.com/pages/gardenline2.html
  10. Your way out of line Wayne. Like it or not your the boss here, and giving a shot to the collective body of the city that has supported this forum is not cool. Your the moderator, not the instigator. I'm not sure what has been edited from Red's posts, but he's a big contributer here and has added alot to the forum. I for one don't want to see him leave.
  11. I like the new look but DO NOT like how they've moved the entrance/exit on Willowbend. It makes pulling into the Shell (going east on Willowbend) much more difficult now.
  12. The scene in Atlanta? What's that? I'm pretty involved with the entertainment industry in Atlanta (mainly music) and it's not like the place is brimming with talent. In fact, I would venture to say that Houston and Dallas have more. Seriously though, Atlanta isn't a pimple on the butt of the big 3 and will never come close. Yeah they get some exposure, but with the exception of hip hop every single artist ATL eventually hopes to hop on the train to LA. There are of course some exceptions with those that don't have the same oppurtunity in the big markets, and thus move to a smaller market in order to get a job. That's the way it works.
  13. Finally someone in this thread who somewhat understands the entertainment industry and why it is centralized in certain locals. Some of you here don't seem to understand why Houston isn't a giant meca of the entertainment industry. I'm in it, and have been for 25 years (top 50 album, etc) and can tell you that it has NOTHING to do with Republican politics. I'm not taking up for Republicans, but I know that it has nothing to do with them. If your somewhat successful today you either move to LA, Nashville, or New York. There is almost nowhere else to make your mark, that is unless your lucky. That will never change, at least in our lifetimes. The only two cities that carved into the big three markets were Seattle in the early 90's, and Boston in the 70's, and even then everybody went to LA afterwards. You had to, that's where everything was/is. As Niche said, and I paraphrase, if you want some form of the entertainment industry in Texas move to Austin. Those of course in the know understand that there is very little pay for a fulltime musician. For those that do gain a regional following in Austin, that's generally as far as it goes when considering that style of music doesn't sell well nationally.
  14. Campbell played 7 years for the Oilers and Moon played 10 years. Hardly a difference, especially considering that Moon's first season finished at 2-11 and his next two were finished at 5-11. His next year (strike year) he played only a partial season as well. Campbell however made an immediate impact on the Oilers, and was a clutch player through and through. Moon on the other hand had his share of chokes with his playoff appearances and that was with a MUCH better football team than what Campbell had. Moon was a great passer, but he was no Earl Campbell. Campbell still owns this debate.
  15. That's funny because the Oilers won the regular season matchup with the Steelers from 78 through 80 four games to two. It is true that the Steelers were a fabulous team, but the Oilers held they're own against them, and had a very good chance to beat them in the 79 championship.
  16. I'm surprised that more Oiler supporters aren't commenting to this thread.
  17. "that's not saying much?" Do you have any knowledge of the history of football in the 70's? Campbell was a phenom when he came into the league. He was MVP three straight years, rushing leader for three straight years, holds the 3rd best single season rushing total (and that was taking 1 game off) and was inducted into the Hall of Fame on his first year of eligibility. As I said above, Earl is arguably the best power back of all time. How you can equate him to a "B' movie is beyond me. The man was a constant highlight reel. Here's a few of them.
  18. I've been hearing the Pappasitos rumor for a while now (two years), so don't get your hopes up. I hope I'm wrong because I love their food and think it would do fabulous business.
  19. So, now you are making HUGE assumptions about me and my beliefs in God, reaching across the isle, science, my ability to reason and then offerng them up as debate? Then you accuse me of playing a "victim card"? I suggest you re-read my first post. I was simply trying to keep the discussion civil versus jerk photos that do nothing other than encite anger from those who might offer some constructive debate from the conservative side. Unfortunately that is pretty much impossible here. Can't you understand that for those of us who might beleive in God that something like your photo would be insulting? Can't you understand that yuou can' lump all conservatives into one barrel? Geeez, I don't believe for a minute that God and science are mutually exclusive, and most conservatives I know don't either. Broadbrushed stereotypes are often wrong. I would love to get into this, but decided a while ago not to get involved with this one sided, totally biased attitude, especially when that person has already made his mind up about who I am and/or what my belief system is. I've learned that debate in this context is pointless and I'll not do it. Of course you'll probably promote your victory here after reading my post, but that's ok. Have at it.
  20. Yeah your right. There's nothing worse than a coach that takes a team that had lived in the basement of the NFL for years, and turning it into what was arguably the second best team in the league in 78 and 79. He also took them to the playoffs in 80, took an O-line that was filled with hacks and made them damn respectable, was genuinely loved by his players and the entire city of Houston. Bum was a gem indeed with great antidotes and a kind heart. He was also a great motivator that took a team with mediocre talent and made them play like hell. Bum was one of the few things that Bud did right. Your analogy is WAY off.
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