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Posts posted by Triton

  1. I like those arches.



    As Texasota pointed out, you won't be able to like those arches for too long. That building is potentially on the chopping blocks across the street.


    They are REALLY going to have to improve the lighting under the bridge if they are going to claim it is pedestrian friendly. Not that it is a dangerous underpass, but I can say that at the same time that I certainly don't feel safe and that's coming from someone who's not even walking under it but riding my bike!


    Either way, excellent use of that land! Sounds like we could expect the samething across the street.. perhaps. Hopefully it is sound proof though cause I'd hate to be listening to trains while I'm studying for finals. 


    Edit: ok wait.... 




    easy acess to SE METRO rail line"


    Seriously.. what are they talking about. No easy access at all. 


    In the end, Third Ward is being bombarded from all sides now with development. From TSU to UofH to the Midtown area and now from the north of I-45. Even Scott St. is getting a lot of new fast food joints, gas stations, etc. I will love to see this area 5 years from now.

  2. From what I have heard is they are scaffolding the building to access the exterior brick face for removal. The Netting is to protect pedestrians from any small debris that may fall. The owner elected to scaffold the face instead of using those climbing decks that were used on Texas Ave. Felt it will be safer. 

    Thanks for the info and welcome!

  3. I don't have enough time to go into full detail like I usually do, but since there was a request made, I decided to make a quick tour of the rapidly changing western side of Third Ward. 


    The red line is the route I took starting from Midtown and then going into Third Ward. The black lines boxes represent development either under construction or very close to being so. 




    As soon as you cross 59 on McGowen, there are already new homes going up on the left side:



    This is the future site of the 2020 McGowen midrise... the variance signs are up:





    Townhome variance signs are also scattered across this massive lot as well:




    Same lot for future townhomes:



    Anybody need a leather couch?? The people moving into these townhomes will! (Note the existing townhomes in the distance)



    Emancipation Park closed off for a complete overhaul:





    Development is starting just north of Emancipation Park:



    Now heading north:





    The quality of this development along St. Emanuel is very nice:



    And some of the development along St. Emanuel is surprisingly very modern looking:



    Including this one on Hutchins St:



    Moving eastward along Webster:





    Very peaceful area:



    So peaceful in fact that this guy is chilling in his red hammock!



    Yes... we are still in Third Ward if you can believe it... this is along Bastrop:



    Check out the multi-family midrise in the distance:







    Along with the renovated park, the city is also targeting the area with brand new sidewalks (this one taken along I-45):



    And I'll end it on this note to give the area some perspective... all of this development has been within several blocks of this station:




    • Like 8
  4. Photo tour, por favor?


    Sure thing. Guess I can just post them here... or maybe create a new thead and link it here? The only other cool thing is that Emancipation Park is being completely redone just a few blocks area. The other thing people don't realize is that this area is definitely being targeted, not only with the new light rail on Scott, but also with the brand new sidewalks which were finished just 2 weeks ago. There's cheap abandoned land everywhere here and it's going to go quickly.


  5. The parking lot that is EAST of the Four Seasons and SOUTH of One Park Place. ......

    With all of the announced development, why is this primo lot next to Discovery Green not under contract? I assume that the land owner has not recieved a price he wants....it's probably as simple as that...... But.....

    What should go there?

    My vote: 40 story residential condos with an average sq foot size of about 1400......


    The land is currently owned by MIPS Investment LLC from Dallas. There is not much information about them. They were founded in 2010. The value of the land is somewhere from $10-13 million.

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