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Everything posted by dgreco

  1. NHL Playoff Matchups: Pick'um EASTERN 1. vs. 8. 2. vs. 7. 3. vs. 6. 4. vs. 5. WESTERN 1. vs. 8. 2. vs. 7. 3. vs. 6. 4. vs. 5. Should be an exciting playoffs.
  2. Same here, Just want to say Hello, and glad I came across the forum. Great posters with interesting insite, hopefully I can do the same.
  3. just say that 2 full lengths togehter can be a bit much, I enjoyed it, but I can see others saying this is just to long to be in the theatre. Also, just because its natural one is better than the other, and its not even close. Worth seeing though.
  4. I wish I could help you out more, I don't know how to do it exceptionally well. I do know j-a-x who is on the forums has amazing HDR pictures, maybe he will read this and give us all a link or something
  5. goodluck with the pictures, let us know once you have taken some.
  6. the garage doesn't need to be near either stadium, this way they could incorporate a nice light rail stop from the garages to the stadiums/arenas.
  7. everyone should read Marx, once you understasnd communism it makes so much more sense than any other system. To bad it would never work. Also for more classic, check out.... Michel Foucault Emile Durkheim Charlotte Perkins Gilman William James Anna Julia Cooper John Maynard Keynes Georg Lukacs Betty Friedan Saskia Sassen Frantz Fanon Claude Levi-Strauss. Buit I would also recommend comtemporary readings, the classics are good, but there is some great new books out there Theoriest or not.
  8. atleast we can bank on astros being a second half team, right?
  9. sometimes you wonder, because while I don't support the whole uniform idea of the world, and expressivness is important to me. I just don't understand why someone would do anything like that, especially after the Richardson stuff. This is when it really starts to bother me.
  10. I would recommend a few authors Klosterman, Kidder, Thompson and Albom. The book by Kidder is Mountains beyound Moutains... It really is a great book. 2 chuck klosterman books; Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs a low culture manifesto and IV: a decade of curious people and dangerous ideas. I would recommend all of Mitch Albom's book he has some great short quick reads. Last everyone should read ever Hunter S. Thompson book, Gonzo art is so amazing and his gonzo writing is great.
  11. I thought this was one of the scariest movies I have seen. Not gore scary or make you jump scary, but it reminded me of a rollercoaster, the anxiety right before the drop. Well this movie gave you chills and fear like something was about to happen throughout the entire movie.
  12. i misunderstood what he said I guess, I thought he was more asking, where can he take pictures of cars... not where can he setup shoots for cars. In that case yea, I understand that situation.
  13. i think the tailgating is somewhat imnprotant to the soccer world, but realistically, people will come either way. If the sports Rockets/Astros/Dynamo all did a garage together that might be financially possible. They do have overlapping games, but its not hard to build a large garage to hold for 2 events at once. If they do a nice job, it will be a nice addition to the skyline?
  14. lol, I do think they will have a system, I would just be pissed if I am paying 2,000 a month to hear construction, but in the end its probably worth it.
  15. you don't a permit on public prop. Also you can take pictures of private property as long as you are on public property.
  16. freeway noise is much different than Hammers/Drills. Especially if they even get near falling behind and they work in the wee hours of the night. Or even better waking up to that every morning at 6. Maybe I am just biased because I live near a tower going up and it is so annoying to wake up every morning to that noise.
  17. that is kind of a pain for the residents though, to deal with the noise of a second building going up a rocks throw away.
  18. The Photographer's Right that link should work, if not let me know. This article outlines your rights and remedies when stopped or confronted for photography. Please print the appropriate PDF documents out and have it with you at all times when out taking photos. Know your rights as a photographer!
  19. yea I do actually I went to school there. and I used to live in Costa Mesa, I know the area well. It isn't built like a proper city. It really misused and mishandled its city. Dense sprawl isn't good. Sprawl is never good, when you enjoy urban environments. I didn't say LA was a shitty city, I said that it wasn't built like a proper city, they could of done so much more with it. Well with SF, I think the best part of their skyline isn't downtown. They built downtown in a funny way because of topography. Unless you are in Oakland you can't enjoy the city skyline. If you go west and view the city from across GG bridge the skyline is much more impressive. downtown west of downtown. Without restrictiosn you have a better way to fill in the city, and make the city flow better. I think that is why SF has one of the best transit systems also. You never need a car, between MUNI, CC, Street Cars, BART you can get anywhere within a good distance.
  20. Well i don't think a picture has ever done anything justice. But from what I can see I assumed most of the city doesn't have much color. I like buildings to add something different to the skyline. I don't remember the name, but the medical building with the top that glows different colors. I wish we could see more of that. NYC does a great job on incorporating color into the skyline.
  21. they aren't building up they are building to much sprawl. Also, they had a chance to build a great large city. I think they built wrong. LA has the view of the valleys, great campuses, and so much more, and you really miss out on that. Residential neighborhoods should be in the towns outside the main cities, they shouldn't consume them.
  22. I get to enjoy Daisuke on NESN, and he didn't pitch as well as he has in spring training. His breaking balls are amazing, and he can place the fastball well. He is isn't overpowering, so I am concerned unless he has great location ie; the Maddux's of the world, he will have a tough time. Overall though his breaking stuff really keeps them off balance so he should do decent. Also historically these Japanese pitches have really faded from great to eh over the first 5 years, so hopefully he lasts longer. The change in pitching I think has a huge effect on that.
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