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Everything posted by dgreco

  1. nice shot, good angle... to bad there are surface lots there though =/
  2. freedom of speach is not to say whatever you want right or wrong... freedom of speach means to talk about about your government and what you think is wrong... ie saying you hate bush if you want to. It doesn't mean to say whatever you want... we all need to understand the laws better.
  3. it is impossible to ban language, but I just think people need to learn blacks and whites and everyone else inbetween that certains just arent acceptable. The same thing with the F word, or even more so the C word, you dont just walk around calling your friends C words, and you shouldnt use it even to marginalize someone. So hopefully we can shift away fromthat.
  4. nice pictures thanks for the post.
  5. jsut workingout and diet? did you use just a home do it yourself diet? or did you use something like weighless. I have heard good things, and my mother used it... she was only looking to loss 15, but it helped.... and congrats.
  6. they made the promise, hopefully they do.
  7. they could use some new OL players, that is the most important part I think.
  8. texans should really just sing OLmen, thats what they need more than anything.
  9. techincally they can go 8 straight games in a row. Same thing with Denver and SA.
  10. I think the thing to take from the article, isn't necessarily what is the major problem in inequality for blacks, but rather the problem with the general public we are scared to address real problems and only target the easy ones. We are so jaded in perception that we find it much worse that a shock jock said something stupid rather than a another coach at LSU who was having a sexual affair with a player. Actions go much further than words, and that should a be story more so than an old white man making a stupid remark. I also think people need to return to the phrase "sticks and stones", because every time something bad happens we try to find the easy way out and address the lesser of issues, because it is easier to attack. this is my only problem...
  11. check your BMI, I am sure if you track that you will be able to tell. And BMI is much more important than your weight anyway. Keep track of that and you will know how much shape you are in.
  12. well if you lock a topic, and only post the pictures so people can't have discussion it would work, because I know sometimes I am looknig for a rednering and it stinks scrolling through 10 pages of text before I find one, and then I lose what I was going to say trying to find the picture.
  13. is there any price for name sponsor? or is it just the main tenant?
  14. I can see them going 7-9, but not much better, about 6 of those games I really think they have no shot, we will see though.
  15. I am talking recent years, you can't compare his malone stockton days, to his teams now. That was more players making it, than coaching I think. You can see he can coach a regular season well, but he can't do much else. Just like you can't say Kobe is a great playoff leader until he does well with the other people who were around him. You can't compare the past with the present so openly.
  16. welcome to the boards. I think the video was pretty good, seems like you used a few mac features that I enjoy. It was pretty good, the only little adjustment was the unstead camera. Overall it was pretty good, and as a person looknig for relocation, much more informative than regular websites with just photos.
  17. I just feel that people are to sensitive sometimes... I just wish we knew how to deal with things and look at them properly instead of just being ridiculous on so many issues.
  18. Article by Jason Whitlock, great article, and please read.
  19. I think Sanjaya will make it to the final 5 probably. Phil is definately going home.
  20. dgreco


    I didn't find that funny, but his standup is great, live at the fillmore is the funniest standup I have ever seen.
  21. Jerry Sloan has never really done anything special in the playoffs. JVG hasn't done much either, I think JVG ios more of an honorable coach especially in the eyes of his players. Hopefully he take sthe Utah Series and hopefully they still another series.
  22. so is the use of gifted here not really a word? He is a gifted young athlete.
  23. dgreco


    Dave Chapelle is hysterical... His DVD's not the show are great. Also Bill Cosby has some pretty funny dvd's
  24. as long as the lead tenant doesn't change it will stay the same, but who is selling the building exactly? Just the developers? since there is no sinage that saves money right
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