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Posts posted by KimberlySayWhat

  1. I'm very humbled and honored, Vertigo and Pumapayam. Thank you. There's no crying smiley or I'd put one here.

    Did nmainguy really die? If so I'm so sorry to hear that. I was wondering what happened to him among a few others.

  2. Earth Quest reminds me of "Galaxy Quest". A cheesy movie starring Tim Allen. BTW I have that DVD, never opened, still in its wrap since it came out.

    Anything's better than Dinosaur City, which it was initially called. Someone on here, can't remember who, said it reminded them of those roadside reptile exhibits in Florida.

  3. I e-mailed the East Montgomery County website (www.emctx.com) to ask if they could provide any new information. They responded and said they didn't have any to share right now, but plans are still on going.

    Maybe we can try periodically to get news out of them, assuming they have some.

    I wish they'd put up a website that shows development. Walt Disney hosted a weekly TV series similar in the '50s when Disneyland was being built.

  4. In a crock pot as well:

    Boneless, skinless chicken breasts

    A can of Rotell tomotoes

    A generous amount of Italian salad dressing

    Some fresh cilantro, onion, bell pepper and garlic

    Let it cook and then serve it over rice.

  5. Not much to it. I agree it's kind of lame. My favorite part is dining out on the terrace, but now One Park Place is blocking the view, which would have been great now that Discovery Green is here. Not that I'm not glad about One Park Place.

    They could use better stores. The food court is fine.

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