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Everything posted by Vertigo58

  1. Trying not to stray from subject but this had to be the most "clever" advertising ever for a movie. They knew exactly how to tease the listener and viewer. The paperback book was always at the Weingarten store in our neighborhood (we kids had to peek inside when no grown ups were looking). An older girl at school took the book to school and she was the awe of us younger kids. Newspaper kept advertising ..."Held over for 10th Week!" Then the shock from all around the world from clergy and rumours of people getting possessed and others jumping off buildings after seeing the movie. It was relentless not matched to this day. My head is turning around now. Regannnnnnn!!!!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Exorcist_(film)
  2. He should be glad he didn't ask for Marquis de Sade probably would have got tied up and whipped with a wet noodle... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marquis_de_Sade
  3. I clearly recall (around 1974) The Exorcist played "Exclusively" at this theater for a very long time. Lines were around the block every time we passed which was rare but relatives would go out of thier way to show us the mob scene. The fact that they would only show at this place heightened the curiosity & mystique of the infamous film. Last Tango In Paris also played here for a long time after or before that. Sorry to stray from topic but I felt it to be considered as historic as these films boosted the popularity of this renowned Rice Village landmark.
  4. Both this and Mariars are very rare photos. I often wish they had never placed 45Gulfrwy as it is in the photo and present as it has presented such problems as far as traffic are concerned. The city never imagined we would grow so fast that the frwy is really outdated and simply too small to handle the flow in both directions. To make matters worse it goes up and down and swirls around, madness. Should have been farther away from the crowding buildings and it should have been way elevated and level throughout as it winded around DT. Around 4-6PM its gridlock in both ways. You learn to hate it now. It will only worsen I'm afraid. Imagine the costs to redo? Yikes! Guess this belongs in "Traffic section" oops!
  5. This part of lower Westheimer has been like this even when we were kiddies! Everyone thought the environment would change when the place went condo then town homes and yuppies made atempts to better the place. However, lower Westheimer is always going to be a magnet for street life. It is the equivalent of streetwalkers on Hollwood Blvd and Time Square. No matter what society tries to change steet people will be nearby. End of story. and thats the positive part! Not knocking just get along with them! We all have a little punk or slam dancing in us!
  6. Now that I think about it, if you stand in front looking straight at it. The GRB appears as the movie set of Titanic as it was being built in Mexico I think off Baja Peninsula. So now we have a duplicate Titanic as tourist spot.
  7. THANK YOU on that one! That whole side of downtown is resembling a huge prison - red-brick-mania! Its out of control...Yucko!
  8. I'm sure it has been mentioned maybe a moderator an dig it up somewhere? The GRB was originally designed to look like a ship. There are many articles that explain the nautical appearance, smoke stacks, etc. One weekend I was with a group of people coming back from the International Festival and I filmed the construction for about 10 minutes. I thought someone might care to see one day? Here is the the real irony, just last night on channel 20 one of the last Robocop movies did quite a bit of filming of the interior shortly after completion. I can't recall the year of the movie late 80's? but it was nice enough to be worthy of being filmed (even though it was supposed ot be Detroit). So guess what your wish came true because in the film it gets all smashed up thanks to ROBO !
  9. and who would have dreamed that one day there would be townhomes being built just blocks away! The developement is headed south from downtown to near East End. The only barrier for progress is Scott st. It might take action from the mighty heavens above to fix Scott st area. As soon as they built that new Shell station and cheesy motel next door it drew a pretty tough bunch (day n night) . Its in the news quite often. No sugarcoating folks.
  10. Wish someone had snapped photos of what appeared to be imbedded flower beds or for shrubs? There are several right beneath or next to those columns. I caught my park-n-ride across the street for years and we often had that view to gaze at while waiting. So the mind wonders "what was". The beds are irregular in shape if memory serves well. They are almost like a triangle but elongated and rounded at edges. This pertains to the building so please don't scream "Hi-jack" moderator. Homeless people love to sleep under all along here too. Perfect shelter.
  11. It surprised me that at the beginning of this topic no one seemed to figure out the association of the term "Savage" and Indians. In those days the term savage was used very often in movies and television in describing Indian tribes. Yes, today it sounds terrible but lets be realistic this is where the owner got the idea. These were the days when such language was totally acceptable. (still hear on old TV reruns) Most eateries had a theme in the area so it was bound to happen. The phrase "savage style" was only meant as a cute name for the dish in reference. Like when you go to restaurants now-a-days and order the "Meat-lovers style" or "Sailors platter". That simple.
  12. So maybe that means that even the Baseball Team names we had as kids will have to change? Here are some teams I was in that will be considered PI? The Hornets Wildcats Tigers Eagles Orioles Could anger animal activists? change all to names like The blues, the reds (no that won't work), the greens, the purples. Somethings blowing in the wind!
  13. Not sure if this helps but try www.rootsweb.com worth a try for any documents/articles on Riverside T. actually, I just checked and that may not be the correct link, sorry! I was told that if you search in that site you could find but it seems more towards family/geneaology searches, maybe someone can assist?
  14. If anyone else has fantastic photos like these please share! I mean the downtown scene with cars and or people. Unreal how clear they came out after all these years. I am stunned can't wait to show mom! Look at the billboard "The new 59 Buick" I'm breathless. Bravo!
  15. I always wondered if they might have yanked him because it was either castrate him or else. LOL! Then he would blend right in with the infamous "Heaven's Gate" cult members. The men had to do "without" before the spaceship was able to whisk them away. Sadly he would have had to take a helping of the lethal elixer to depart this earth. Nike shoes would have been tough to squeeeeeze on a horseys footsee's too.
  16. I wonder how this topic got placed under Historic Houston well it sort of is, but seems should have went under Way Off maybe? In any case. Our school was the Stephen F. Austin Mustangs. Maybe animal activists will protest our horsey? He "Stevie" used to prance around during pep rally's and just run up and down the auditorium aisles. Animal cruelty? maybe, His hooves were smacking concrete floors during all the jubilation. Sometimes he broke in to 2 pieces and humans popped out! I better get to work on starting a demonstration.
  17. I know we are drifting from the topic but when you get a chance to see the video/dvd of this film (Earthquake). To this day, I still find it extremely hard to distinguish what is a real & whats not. They had done a hell of a job for this movie. Took years to make and was well worth it. Won best "Special Effects" that year much deserved. Didn't need any cheap cruddy computer animation then. Earthquake played "exclusively" at The Tower Theater for months. We used to round up friends and ride the bus just to see again & again. Critics knocked it for years but I can attest that it was way ahead of its time. No one cared about the acting it was the spectacle that mattered. I recall the speakers on the wall rattling & flickering everytime the quake started. Was too coooool!!!!
  18. Looks neat I hope it actually comes into fruition in our life time. Seeing is believing!
  19. I imagine sometimes we can't do anything about old man progress. If a freeway needs to plow through a neighborhood it has to happen and the poor old houses have to go. Same with old movie houses. After the Alabama Theater was remodeled, it never was the same. It always felt so ackward walking through rows of books where just a few years earlier I sat with my whole family to see The Towering Inferno, it was a spectacular event at the Alabama. Week after week people surrounded the block to get in and it often to sold out. The tall Alabama neon sign in front will always hark me back to those days and especially that film as the sign resembled the flaming tower in the film. (just not on fire of course). Glad I still have the movie poster for memories...
  20. While it's great that there is "development," how many banks, bars, dry cleaners and drug stores does one neighborhood need? Send them all to us "Hillbillies" here in the Near East End. It'll make us feel like were back in them there hills. Right Jed!? Hmmm doggy! Time for some of grannies rheumetism medicine!
  21. Real convenient, Telephone Rd red-light district is just over a block. It should be called Icing on the Blue Top Motel?
  22. When we were teenagers we used to drive around River Oaks just to gawk at the mansions. We honestly didn't feel as if we were in Houston more like Beverly Hills or Brentwood, Ca. I passed through the other day and it took me back to those carefree days. We used to say "Hey that one looks like an old movie star lives in it! The area never ceases to amaze me. One of a kind in our nation.
  23. I know the hippies used to loiter in the piazza in the early 70s and that is when the downfall started. Did this whole structure sit idle from about 1980-1995 when Home Depot was built? They were fools to demolish any of it. BTW, how much of the square is left now? 40%? less? Sorry for being late in noticing and there are far too many replies to know where we are but this would or could have been a great place for shooting a movie or anything film related. After viewing the photos it could have been mistaken for Italy or somewhere far away. The area around the fountain is (or was) a great focal point. What a waste. Save if not too late!
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