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Everything posted by Subdude

  1. Definitely the Astrodome at one point, but after they built Reliant next door the Dome lost its visual impact and some of its "icon-ness" (iconosity?). To me, it was always a memorable sight to drive along the South Loop and come up on the Astrodome. It just seemed so massive. I'm not sure anything now is quite at the level. Perhaps the downtown skyline viewed from Allen Parkway.
  2. I didn't pick that up at all. With the possible exception of London, I don't think the UK has nowhere near the degree of diversity as America. Might I ask where? I haven't seen anything comparable to the US standards for selection, price, and cleanliness.
  3. Well it is my home also, but is it "pitiful" to live elsewhere? It isn't meant as a repudiation of America.
  4. Is it though? If you had a good opportunity from a foreign firm should you turn it down just for not being in the US? I'm kind of facing this situation myself at the moment.
  5. I would have to say it is American supermarkets. Outside of the US I haven't seen anything approaching the quality and selection of even what we would consider a typical Kroger, much less something like Whole Foods.
  6. Byzantine Fresco Chapel Art Car Museum Big Head on Main Street
  7. I used to really dislike the thing, but I have to admit it has grown on me to the point where I would consider it almost tolerable, if for no other reason than it is such a 1980s period piece. If it were bricked up it would look like a Super-Target, so I'm not sure that would be a good idea. Modernization rarely works.
  8. So by that definition the area is far more than a "corridor."
  9. What on earth is a "corridor" anyway, as opposed to a "road" or "street"? Corridors and districts to me just have this trendy ring to them. I prefer good ol' neighborhood names.
  10. Gnu mentioned the names of some of the neighborhoods. As far as I know there was never a name for the whole area however. I like the idea of calling it the West End, since it sounds broader than any of the specific neighborhood names (Rice Military, 6th Ward, Brunner, etc). I don't like the "corridor" names, since it is more than just Washington Ave. It would be like calling Midtown the "Main Street Corridor". It sounds a bit forced perhaps.
  11. I met the Brass Maiden lady at a reception last year. She was quite....well, intense. I can only compare it meeting a woodpecker.
  12. The world is full of jerks, but ratting him out to the Feds will hardly contribute to the welfare of his workers.
  13. Excellent. Thanks for posting that. I notice thought the list also included Sacramento. Sacramento?
  14. You have to wonder why they even bothered planting the bushes. They just look straggly. Great pictures though.
  15. That sounds like a good idea to give some identity to that whole stretch between I-10, Downtown, Buffalo Bayou, and Memorial Park.
  16. I'm not sure we've had enough Washington Avenue topics to justify its own category yet. I'm not quite sure if it should fall under Heights, Other Neighborhoods, or what.
  17. Never been to Lankford, but I have heard they have the best burgers in town. Favorite oddball store is Texas Junk on Welch at Taft. Just what it says, an eclectic collection that is fun to check out.
  18. Funny, my experience was just the opposite. My DSL was so bad I swore I would never go back to that.
  19. If this is next to the French chateau, years ago a friend was renting out the servant's quarters while she was finishing grad school. Occasionally when the owners were out of town we would go inside the house to hang out. I remember very little of the interior, other than thinking that it wasn't as luxurious as I had expected. The servant's quarters were dire - she had to cook on a little hot plate.
  20. If the project is sold to a private developer it would seem that there would be a good chance the dumb name could go.
  21. Looks like the "Freedom Tower" may be ready for life support.
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