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Everything posted by Subdude

  1. I think the system we have now works better, where there are topics for both words and pictures about individual projects. If there were a topic devoted to pictures it would inevitably include discussion about the projects, and that would just end up replicating existing threads in a more confusing format. Second, picture-intense topics are difficult to pull up for dial-up users.
  2. Look, I don't know how many times we have to freakin' repeat it. This forum is NOT the place for this idiotic Dallas vs Houston garbage. Read the banner at the top of the page. Those are the rules, so deal with it. If that is your only interest then you should find some other board, because your membership on this one will be suspended. The topic is the Dallas Winterplex, so stick with it.
  3. The big-name sponsors are understandably bailing.
  4. That is fine used as an adjective. I was referring to usage like, "She gifted him with a new watch." Believe me, I've heard it.
  5. Could you guys take the one-on-one discussion to PM? This thread is long past dead.
  6. I think for Houston a location along a freeway would have been far more appropriate than a park.
  7. This morning, Houston City Council approved amendments that strengthen the Historic Preservation Ordinance. The measure passed with nearly unanimous approval. At-Large Position 5 Council Member Michael Berry cast the only opposing vote. One of the amendments makes it easier for property owners to have their neighborhoods designated as City historic districts. Historic district designation will now require the consent of a simple majority (51%) of the property owners in the proposed district. Designation previously required the support of a super majority (67%) of property owners. The amendments also include a two-year no-build penalty for the illegal demolition of designated City of Houston historic landmarks as well as contributing and potentially contributing buildings in designated historic districts. If designated historic buildings are demolished without the required City approvals, City officials are prohibited from issuing any permits that would allow for development on the site for two years. The two-year penalty was a compromise reached after District E City Council Member Addie Wiseman tagged the ordinance last week to prevent the measure from coming to a vote. In its original form, the amendment included a five-year no-build penalty. The original version of the amendments had been approved by the City of Houston Archeological and Historical Commission, Planning Commission and the City Council
  8. The renderings were just representative locations, but I thought Hermann Park was one idea. I-10 and 45 would have been a good location - right down the road from the big Beatles statues going up. It was designed to be about 500 ft tall. The artist has since died, and the idea along with him.
  9. Correct. What is done by the team, or Sharpton, or "the media" doesn't justify or change the improper behavior of the radio host on the air.
  10. The name would probably remain the same unless the lead tenant changes. I assume the naming rights are written into their lease. The building has already gone through a number of name changes related to Bank of America predecessors. I believe it started out as the Republic Bank Building.
  11. Yeah, I've been there a few times. It is pretty good, but I wouldn't stick it in the "great" category.
  12. Why, it was an idea for a giant statue representing Houston, thus This would have been famous! As a little piece of HAIF trivia, as I recall a Spirit of Houston thread was the first topic on the first HAIF.
  13. Well that's kind of cool! I'm guessing it wouldn't be big enough however to produce a significant amount of its content, so it would probably just show reruns etc. Still, that's a start.
  14. Which is exactly the problem. It is situated somewhere among the smokestacks of the refineries out along the ship channel. It may be a swell monument and all, but as you say it lacks the right visibility and I don't think it has that strong an association with Houston.
  15. As ever, I come down strongly for "Other." It really depends on the nature of the zoning rules. Rather than citywide zoning, I would like to see it as an option to help protect neighborhoods like the Heights or 6th Ward. In more commercial areas I'm less convinced of its value. One would think that most homeowners would love zoning, since it seems to somewhat increase property values. One question: What do they mean by Houston being "ready" for zoning? How would a city be "ready"? Is there a preparation process? Do we need a practice tee?
  16. I've seen photos of other places with it. It is just a kind of plastic matting to provide a skiing surface.
  17. I think the issue isn't not having toll roads, it is the idea of privitizing them. In the case of the TTC, part of your tolls will go to make Spanish shareholders wealthy, not contribute to road-building. I have a really hard time making a case for private development of public roads.
  18. We've had several topics discussing whether Houston should have a signature monument, and what it could look like. I don't have any objection to them on moral grounds ("monuments to waste and backwardness" ). Cities have used monumental structures to indicate their cravings for attention or whatnot for thousands of years. Personally, I would prefer a signature skyscaper, but I wouldn't object to a large civic monument as long as it wasn't just another space needle, which has been done to death. If only the "Spirit of Houston" had been built!
  19. Is the Grand Parkway a private project? I thought it was public. As for the TTC, with any luck this will kill it. That is the mother of all boondoggles.
  20. But that is the traditional pronunciation. I always associate that "San Felee-Pay" pronunciation with non-Texans who don't know any better. What I really can't stand is nouns used as verbs. "Architected" "Tasked" "Gifted"
  21. In the Buffalo Bayou Plan I think the canal to create an "Alcatraz Island" on the north side of downtown was a more important component than "Symphony Island." It would have also served a practical flood control need.
  22. They are great pictures. I especially love the mural in the first shot. You gotta love the Raven Tower. A Houston classic!
  23. Are there any words that you just can't stand? For me there's "Amenity" - always shows up in smarmy advertising "Iconic" - pretentious "Veggie" - sounds like baby talk Thanks. I had to get it off my chest!
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