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Everything posted by Subdude

  1. I wouldn't say that is a wild prediction at all. In fact I would think it was right on the mark. If you can't provide a stadium you can't expect to keep a pro team.
  2. Yeap, that's the one. It was meant to be a condo conversion maybe ten years ago but financing fell through. As far as I know it has remained vacant.
  3. Fair enough, but that decontextualization (how's that for a word?) was part and parcel of postmodernism. It was about the rediscovery and reuse of historical design references that had been lost during the high modern period. Cynical it frequently was, but I think it was a necessary reaction to the generation of soulless buildings that came before it.
  4. Interesting stuff. Back in 2003 a lot of cities were thinking about how to attract the "creative class" but I suspect now most have more bread and butter issues to deal with. That said, I think it is worth the effort to continue to try to revitalize downtowns. Nobody would benefit from the return of the urban wastelands of the 1060s-1980s. I would even have to question his reasons why cities have reason to be hopeful. Commodity prices has been plunging and the dollar gaining value.
  5. Personal attacks on other members doesn't belong on HAIF. Let's keep it civil please.
  6. The old Hotel Brazos was along the bayou but was torn down to make way for the expanded Southern Pacific terminal. The hotel in the picture on the right, immediately to the east of the station, was the Hotel Macatee. Immediately to the west of the station was the Tennison Hotel, which is still there.
  7. One of the top peaks is indeed a long thin room, like a conference room. I have no idea what, if anything, it is used for.
  8. Oh, duh. Sorry, I'm hard of reading. But I didn't realize they were moving to River Oaks as well as Bookstop. That will leave a big whole in the Alabama Center.
  9. The unfortunate thing is that this will put a stop to his quest to find the real killer. How was that going anyway?
  10. The Shamrock had a nice cozy little bar inside off the lobby. We used to stop in sometimes after work.
  11. I went to the final St Patricks day party at the Emerald Room right before the Shamrock closed.
  12. Subdude


    So let me get this straight...prepackaged food that has a whole lot of calories and is engineered to promote constipation.... Urrr, I think I'll pass.
  13. I've read about these miracle berries before. The things people will do to get high nowadays!
  14. Probably 7-8 most nights, although less and less do I sleep through the night without waking so I would say sleep quality has gone down. Last year I went through a couple of weeks where for some reason I was sleeping enormous amounts, like 10-11 hours a night. It wasn't like I was sick; I felt fine but just wanted to sleep. Do a lot of people have seasonal differences? I think I tend to sleep a bit more in the winter.
  15. It's those faux-Roman columns inside and out that do it for me.
  16. Hmmm, odd coincidence. A friend and I have this long-running game of trying to infect the other with obnoxious earworms (you know, the awful songs that get stuck in your head for days) mainly from the 1980s. Anyway, she was just pushing this one last week. Now it will be burned into my brain!
  17. Yes, it is a sad day in the world of salads. Lettuce pray.....
  18. I am soo hung over this morning. Urrggg. Still, good time last night.
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