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Everything posted by HoustonMidtown

  1. Eastbound over and under the bridge is now open
  2. I couldn't find an existing topic for this -- anyone know what is going on here - the apartments are empty
  3. I got "pulled over" on my bike riding on the sidewalk downtown once - was sternly told it was illegal !! I was going up Main St in the section where there aren't any car lanes, just the light rail - guess I was supposed to go around the block !!
  4. Work is progressing quickly -- the street beside the tracks/bridge is now open so you don't have to u-turn anymore...
  5. The lot hasn't been mowed in a while - looks like this one is dead
  6. I was riding my bike through the park yesterday afternoon while this was going on - I thought it was a SWAT drill or event like that - there were fire trucks, ambulances, and police all over the place - it was crazy.
  7. Does anyone know what the rather small new building going up next to the Car Wash (next to the taco place) on West Gray is going to be ?
  8. I always wondered too -- I don't drive by it much anymore, but used to all the time - I could never tell if it was being worked on or not....then all of a sudden, a new windows would show up !!
  9. It looks like one of the protective "bags" Specs puts on your liquor bottles !!
  10. It's 564 sq ft - that's a studio according to http://www.marketsquaretower.com/residences/#sp The smallest 1 BR is 814 sq ft
  11. The BizJournal link in the first post says it's a different group - now Stolz Partners, originally was Butler Brothers
  12. The connector piece to the Heights bike trail isn't done yet (that's where I went off-road) and I couldn't get past Yale as they were working on the bridge and trail and had it all blocked off - there was a small patch in between those two points that wasn't done also
  13. I found the new trail yesterday - had to go "off-road" a bit as it's still under construction !! I actually rode down the section in your pics you just posted
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