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Everything posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. I was in Smithville yesterday eating at a little hamburger joint, and a football game was on in the dining area. Even though I quit following football years ago, I knew that Texas had beaten OU from someone at an art show we were doing that weekend. We were well aware we would have to compete with that game. Anyway, I wasn
  2. This is the first I have heard about Arnes. When did it close? My mom would probably like to know as she loved that place. So did I. for that matter.
  3. Sour grapes make bitter whines. It seems to me y
  4. There was also one in the Heights, on Whit Oak, I believe.
  5. My feeling is that his "slip up" was of the Freudian variety. Consider this; if you are a Christian, would you believe you could accidentally mention "my Jewish faith"? Or if you are White, would you ever slip up and say "my Black heritage"?
  6. The characters Norman Bates and Buffalo Bill (Silence of the Lambs), The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and other horror films were created from the real life story of Ed Gein. Gein was portrayed in the movie
  7. The reality of bad things happening hit me, and others my age, with the bombing at Poe Elementary. I never felt "unsafe" exactly, but I did become aware that bad things can happen without warning, and for no apparent reason.
  8. I know of many women who say they wouldn
  9. Well, there were a few about 8 years ago that were pretty Gore-y!
  10. I don’t suppose the shower scene from Psycho scared anybody, did it? There were some monster movies that were kinda scary for me as a kid. But there is one movie above all that made me want to jump out of my skin. It was just one scene from the whole movie, and it wasn’t so much as a scene as it was just the sight of someone’s face. The face belonged to Jessica Walter, and the movie was Play Misty for Me. Of course, it was only frightening the first time I saw the movie. I saw it again, and I knew what to expect, so it was no big deal. But that first time totally scared the shicaca out of me!
  11. I agree, westguy, but I would rather it become I-12.
  12. But, that’s the number you used! I will probably be working the Veteran’s Booth at the Courthouse, but I’ll be making the rounds as well, so I’ll look for you there. Not sure if you know, but there is a BBQ cook-off and pie contest being held that same day. It’s at Fisherman’s Park on the river, just a short walk from Main Street. Speaking of Veterans, do I remember right your saying once that you were a bubblehead?
  13. Cause and effect. Is the sex bad because a man is addicted to porn? Or is a man addicted to porn because the sex is bad? I agree that physical sex could suffer from porn addiction. But you could go further and say that many other things could suffer, including job performance. A person
  14. Ah, but you have to multiply that 7 minutes by the number of stop lights. That can really add up. I went through Giddings about 8 years ago, and it was just before their big event of the year, a rodeo, I believe. They had a parade down the main drag, so they shut down 290 to thru traffic. You had to go around. Luckily I got there after the parade was over so my delay wasn
  15. There will soon be another light on 71 west of Bastrop at Pope Bend Road. The construction going on there now is a new high school for Cedar Creek. When they put the toll road across 71, I couldn
  16. I don't think they sign off with a prayer any longer. Something to do with 'separation of Church and Station' I believe.
  17. If I recall, I did a Google search for "half wits", and I musta mistyped it. At least I think it was a typo.
  18. I was just curious about something. I think I was doing a search about something from Houston
  19. You mean like that garish, obnoxious, blinding blue Aquarium sign overlooking I-45 through downtown? Please tell me that sign is gone by now. I don
  20. Actually, there are only two lights in Bastrop, and another west of the city at 1209. I have made this comment before, that as far as I know, Texas is the only State in the nation that does not have an interstate between its largest city and capitol.
  21. The photo is looking south, isn't it? Buff Stadium is off to the left? If so, Prince's should have been on the left of the freeway and on the other side of Cullen. It's not what I can see, but where I remember Prince's being located. BTW, did you know Jax is the only beer that ever had a picture of its brewery on the lable?
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