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713 To 214

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Everything posted by 713 To 214

  1. Is there some unwritten rule for this forum, that I don't know about, which pertains to discussing scandals at TSU? I don't understand how one of the biggest stories in the city, right now. . .former TSU president Priscilla Slade's trial is not being discussed here. What gives? Did you know she spent forty THOUSAND (American) dollars ($40,000.00) on a dining set, and had the nerve to use TSU's tax exempt status to shirk paying taxes on the purchase? I think she'll be eating off of plastic trays where she's going. http://chron.com/disp/story.mpl/front/5127403.html
  2. So what! African Americans are loosing what little power they had in this city anyway.
  3. I knew that, already. However, a few members of this forum, including you, have attempted to pass DT of as some sort of entertainment mecca for Houston. I'm just glad that the truth has finally been acknowledged. Now, an honest debate can begin about where we want to see DT Houston go, and how to get there. It's like an alcoholic who refuses to admit he/she has a problem. . .you can't help him/her unless/until (s)he does. Red, you're one of the most intelligent members of this forum, and many others follow your lead. I only hope you lead them in the right direction...for the overall betterment of Houston!
  4. Where's all of the traffic and throngs of people I've been reading about?
  5. Because people LIVE down there and there's tons of retail!
  6. Your logic is flawed. Dallas adds about 140,000 people per year. Imagine if there were no rail at all. Rail is never meant to be the one and only solution to any city's transportation needs. It's just another tool in the tool kit along with HOV, bus, well designed roads, bike lanes, etc. that make any city's transportation system the best it can be. Are Houstonians going to have to pay for their many years of procrastination on the issue of rail? Of course they are. . .and you know what. . .the price is only going to go up every day the citizens continue to wait to implement these alternatives. I have no doubt, and I think you'll agree with me, that the City of Houston WILL eventually have a meaningful rail component as a part of its overall transportation system. The only question is whether the City going to pay for it now, ten years from now, or twenty five years from now. Again, I submit that the costs, both direct (i.e. construction) and indirect (i.e. diminishing quality of life) will only be compounded every day Houstonians wait.
  7. I heard that one on the radio yesterday. That's pretty funny. Yeah the defense was seriously lacking on Sunday night. Hopefully, when Terrence Newman returns, the defensive play will improve. No matter, I have no doubt that the Cowboys will finish with a better record than the Texans, and the Cowboys will make it to the playoffs, and the Texans will be at home watching again in December and January. You can;'t even begin to try to compare the two teams. Your celebration of even the most minor accomplishments is proof of how far the Texans have to go, and if you think a pre-season game against an inferior team whose whole season is determined by whether or not they can beast the Cowboys means anything to the fans in Dallas, you've got another thing coming. Red, you lived in the Metroplex at one time. . .albeit before the Oilers left for greener pastures. You should know that. I bet it was more recent than the last time a team from Houston even MADE the playoffs.
  8. That's why you should sit down, shut up, and listen to your elders, son. However, in your predictable fashion, you will continue to try to have the last word. . .By the way, I don't know how we went from the mediocrity of bragging about having the 3rd longest winning to a comparison between the NFL teams in D-Town and Houston.
  9. The success of heavy rail or light rail transportation should be looked at on a case by case basis. Thoughtful planning and coordination by City leaders, civic groups, and transportation agencies should yield positive results every time. If some bone heads in another city failed to properly implement their system, then one can't just look at that system's failures and say that it can't work here. That's dumb, and defeatist. Any goal that the City of Houston wants to accomplish with its light rail expansion can be accomplished if all the proper parties come together to properly plan and implement a prudent plan. However, there are too many "auto-centric" political powers at play in this town that do their best to keep Houston at least twenty-five years behind the rest of the country when it comes to making a REAL commitment to developing a meaningful rail system.
  10. As usual, not only satisfied with, but bragging about something less than the best. That's the problem with some people in this town. . .they're too willing to settle for mediocrity.
  11. Even in a thread devoted to Houston's diminishing DT nightlife as well as its associated crime, "thug life," and problem attracting residents, the sister city to the north somehow becomes, not only a topic of conversation, but the whipping boy. Dallas must be doing something right. Some people can't have a discussion without bringing her up. She must be the yardstick by which some people measure Houston by.
  12. A reality that many here are unwilling to accept. . .from the energy companies that run this town. . .to City Hall. . .to the common man/woman on the street who is totally oblivious to how good others living in cities with dense urban environments, and "credible" public transportation, have it.
  13. Let's play the numbers. . .shall we? If only 10% of the passenger traffic coming through the HAS took public transportation, then that would be 4.48 million people annually using the trains/buses (based upon 2004 numbers). Do you think that 10% is an unreasonable number to take advantage of public transportation? If so, why? Please provide sources or some type of reference information this time. Thanks in advance.
  14. The Houston Airport System served more than 44.8 million passengers in 2004. It is the 4th-largest multi-airport system in the U.S. and the 6th-largest in the world. Bush Intercontinental is the world's 12th-busiest airport. Source: Houston Airport System I find your statement really hard to believe.
  15. 1. What do you think a substantial mass transportation system consist of? 2. Do you think the City's transportation system would be better off with rail lines that served both of Houston's airports, allowing passengers to take a train ride downtown?
  16. Talk about a waste of tax payer's money. . .I'd rather have police protecting the citizens from CRIME instead of rounding up homeless people because some people are afraid of, or otherwise have a phobia about the homeless.
  17. Anyone aware of anything being done at City Hall to address this verifiable problem in the Nation's energy (oil) capital?
  18. Remember, Gallery Furniture will . . .SAVE. . . YOU. . . MONEEEEEEY!!!
  19. ...and it's obvious that you should lead that effort.
  20. Therefore, should Austin be considered more global/international/alpha/beta/gamma/whatever than Dallas or Houston, because it is the capital of Texas. Have you ever even been to D.C? I can understand why it's ranked that way.
  21. I personally think that if you live downtown, you should expect a certain amount of noise. It's the heart of the city. If you want "quiet," move to the Woodlands. The retail shops and restaurants at the Pavilions will also bring increased noise levels. DT Residents should be of the school of thought that embraces the noise that is a bi-product of "the city."
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