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713 To 214

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Everything posted by 713 To 214

  1. You actually think comparing Houston to KC is a good thing?
  2. I thought Los Angeles already had light rail service with the Blue, Green, and Gold Lines. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Los_Angeles_C...Rail#Light_Rail
  3. No! What you need to stop doing is reading "plans" studies, and information otherwise not confirmed for development and then taking that information and (re)posting it elsewhere as though it's a confirmed project. You do this often on both HAIF and Dallasmetropolis, and probably other places. Aside from it being foolhardy, and misleading to those who don't know any better, it's rather annoying, IMHO. Just wait until the relevant media is released which confirms the construction of a project then you can go around and repeat it's going to happen all you want. Please remember that developers, governments, and transit agencies change their "plans" all the time. As for DART's DT "subway," the 2nd DT alignment is currently being "planned," and several options include below-grade rail and stations. While one of these options will probably happen in the next 5-7 years, at this point it is far from certain.
  4. With Discovery Green seeing considerable patronage in its infancy stage (let's hope it continues past the honeymoon period), this project is set to become a prime asset for DT, and Houston in general.
  5. I repeat my question. Do people here actually think that Starwood is going to build a W hotel without issuing a press release, or are some posters really just fooling themselves, and others, who don't know any better?
  6. Great description of this individual. I can't tell you how many times I (and many others) have wanted to type those same words. What is the Dynamo's franchise current value?
  7. I'd like to see the "purple line" extended further south to serve the Meyerland/Meyer Park areas, and then turn east at the intersection of S. Post Oak and Belfort, headed for Reliant Park.
  8. This statement explains A LOT.
  9. This live cam captures the Arts District cranes, and many of the others. You can control the camera's movement to catch most of the cranes up in and around Victory. Marketing pieces for most, if not all, of these projects reference Victory's close proximity as a incentive to move. So, I guess the argument could be made that Victory is helping to spawn additional development.
  10. Would you mind defining the term "black mecca," please. I don't understand what you mean. It can't be from a city government standpoint (you know the people who run the city), as evidenced by the following list of council members. http://www.houstontx.gov/council/gallery.html.
  11. Sure thing, and thanks for the crane count. Pick any of the following places in Victory and let me know when we're drinking. CRAFT GHOSTBAR HOUSE OF BLUES KENICHI LA CONDESA LUNA DE NOCHE MEDINA N9NE NOVE VICTORY TAVERN LIVING ROOM Thanks for the crane count, again. Too bad we couldn't get the Arts District cranes in any of those shots. However, there is a live cam I think that can capture them all. I'll look for the link.
  12. We didn't have Dirk. What did you expect? Seriously, though, I didn't really believe the Mavericks would win. They're not playing very good right now. The Rockets however are on a roll. Better hope they aren't showing they're playoff muscle too soon. The second season is a little different than the regular season.
  13. Can't argue with you there. I'm just having fun. However, you should talk to the pedant about making comments when he doesn't have all of the facts. It could get embarrasing
  14. My prediction is that the Mavericks will halt Houston's win streak tonight in a devastating loss. . .even without Dirk Novitzki
  15. Let's make it interesting. If I can prove it, will you forever stop posting in this thread?
  16. . . .and you've been wrong since day one. There are at least 17 other cranes up within a half mile radius from this site. Many of them are just a few blocks away. The financing problem experienced for this project was site/developer specific. This project is way more ambitious than many others going up now.
  17. Welcome to Stadium City!. . .We finance them all.
  18. After 64 pages of commentary, can someone answer the following questions for me? 1. Has the alignment for this line been determined yet? 2. Has a date certain been announced for the groundbreaking of this line?
  19. I've been waiting for that reality to sink in.
  20. She'll be running for governor soon. I'm sure she'll want you to remember this deed.
  21. . . .and there lies your fundamental problem. Contrary to your belief, intelligent discussion often times incorporates many differing viewpoints. As you've (indirectly) stated, you don't care to engage in intelligent discussion on this topic, so please indulge those of us who do by refraining from the usual personal attacks. Thanks in advance.
  22. I knew you'd be the first one to prove my point. IMHO, you are truly part of the problem. This is a discusssion, and everyone isn't going to share your point of view. Get over it, and stop taking this discussion so personally. Hurling insults, or otherwise attacking people who don't agree with your point of view makes you look out of control (you do this often). I don't have respect for people with little self control. . .and you're an attorney? Come on man, let's have an intelligent discussion without all of the indirect threats of physical violence that you could never make good on in the first place. As for the topic at hand, these observations about Houston's growth and desireability compared to other cities is real. If you'd stop to take a deep breath, and take your "pro houston" hat off for a minute, then maybe you could see that a great many people believe these observations to be true. So they shouldn't be dismissed and/or diminished just because you don't like it. I don't beleive that these critiques are being made by individuals who want to belittle the municipality of Houston, or the residents in her corporate boundaries. On the flip side, I'd like to know if you can come up with one thing Houston could do to change this "undesireable" perception, or what it could do to increase its growth rate (not that Houston's gowth rate is shabby at all).
  23. If people keep stating that Houston is undesirable, or growing at a slower pace than other cities, then there must be some truth to those staements. IMO, the best way to stop people from saying these things is to have some critical analysis as to why people keep saying these things. Once you identify the reasons, then you can try to overcome them. My opinion is that the reason people keep saying these things about Houston is because there are problems which have never been addressed, because too many people walk around with a chip on their shoulder about Houston which causes them to go into instant defense and spin control mode, rather than problem solving mode. When you're so busy trying to condemn the critics and spin your way out of the criticism, you can't focus the proper attention on correcting the problems at hand. Do some people like living in Houston? . . .Of course! But that's not to say that Houston can't improve. The problem is, few people from Houston like it when a non-Houstonian points out the areas that need improvement, yet refuse to point out the problems for themselves, because they're afraid that they just might validate the critics. Get rid of the chip on your shoulder. Houston will be better for it.
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