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N Judah

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Everything posted by N Judah

  1. Oh...must be a definition thing. I consider what Texas Tech runs to be the spread (ie spread-option). I don't think of OU as running the spread.
  2. What the heck? Texas runs the spread now? I didn't know that...but I don't really follow UT.
  3. Demolishing Cougar Place will help create demand for these new lofts. I overheard a couple of maintenance dudes talking about how structurally unsound Cougar Place was and how the school had to spend money recently to patch it up. Eventually Cougar Place will be torn down for a tailgate plaza and the Robertson LRT entrance. This is a decent investment in "school spirit" and it can be worth it, in a city teeming with UH alums, to keep the school connection going. They should sell the stadium out every time (even in bad years). Making a better/more accommodating football game experience will help. In addition, the plan is to increase the # of grad students over the next several years, which will create demand for Calhoun Lofts. This reinforces the point I made earlier in the thread that it's all about the $$. Instead of coming up with more enticing lease agreements and/or dropping the price to entice more actual U of H students they decided they would rather have students from other schools. In this way they choose cash flow over "bustling community." Interestingly, they will have to make these kinds of concessions anyway once the LRT comes through and students have more options. Would a student rather have a straight shot < 10-minute LRT commute to midtown at $1.30-$1.50 per square foot or live on campus for ~1.5x the price?
  4. Nevermind, I thought it was the equivalent of them giving him a column. In fact I think anyone who wants a blog on Chron.com can sign up and get one.
  5. Some new developments, for anyone who's been following this topic -- http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=14850 If you search the news for "posse comitatus" there seems to be quite a bit to this on lots of different fronts. This video clip seemed a bit much, but I think the overall point is very valid. (originally found at http://maxkeiser.com/2009/08/21/ote15-on-the-edge-with-max-keiser-21-august-2009/ )
  6. Well I only know what they told me on the tour, and I have done my best to relay that information here. Having said that, I'm glad you appreciate the edit (which occurred long before you posted your reply) -- and in all seriousness, as soon as you figure out how to use a phone, you can even call them up and ask them for the pricing yourself ;-) You might be right -- but the fact is that they did run out of undergrad furnished efficiencies when demand still existed (a calculated move?). But the truth is that sometimes knowing more than a bunch of random people on a website just isn't enough.
  7. One of the new regents, Jarvis Hollingsworth, is a "past member of the Lehman Brothers Private Equity Advisory Board." This is not good news for a school that could be / will be getting more funds from the legislature than usual in the near future.
  8. I don't remember off the top of my head...I think per month the unfurnished efficiency was ~810-ish and the furnished efficiency was ~835-ish? I don't know. They'd probably tell you if you called them up -- who knows, maybe the prices are even lower by now. Also, the first X people to sign up get free laundry or something like that, but they made it seem like they were extremely close to signing up that X amount of people. Also, though the web site says "move-in special" I was told that, in fact, there is no move-in special. Alright that's about all I remember about these dorms. They have a rooftop deck with a panoramic view of downtown. If I were a 1L who intended to do a summer associate-ship downtown these dorms would be the obvious choice. But as far as fostering a "bustling community" I really don't think this is the way to do it. In the end the LRT will have more of an effect than anything. Edit: Actually, I don't think the efficiencies had lowered prices, but it was the other units (1-bdrm, 2-bdrm) that had the lowered prices.
  9. Sorry, I meant to say "the entire building is definitely not sold out" (just in case anyone might have been thinking that). I wasn't referring to undergrad furnished efficiencies in particular.
  10. Well I forgot to mention that they did lower the prices. I do not remember what the original prices were, only that they were lowered. Also I was under the impression that unfurnished efficiencies and furnished/unfurnished one-bedrooms and two-bedrooms were available for undergrads, and all types of units were still available for grad students (ie above the 5th floor or whatever the cutoff is). They had some kind of map with unavailable units crossed out and it was definitely not sold out.
  11. No, I'm talking about something else. It was supposed to be Amsterdam-like...with the goal being to increase property values around these canals and control floods also.
  12. There was once a plan to establish a network of man-made canals around Houston for purposes of flood control. Whatever happened to that? I think that should be on the top of the list, together with anything related to the Buffalo Bayou plan. The longer the city waits, the more expensive it will become.
  13. Er...and so you're saying that everyone leaves because of a lack of available summer housing? And it is your opinion that the absence of people around is then what makes it "hellish" ? That makes no sense at all. Other schools have dorms, which are on-campus (ie owned by the university), and either you leave in December, or May, or you pay to stay another three months. If you want to live off campus you live in an off-campus apartment, which typically has a yearlong lease, which is what these on-campus lofts are most like. That is what I'm saying. Private dorms located a block from campus offer the 10- or 12-month "option." So do private apartments, except it's typically the opposite -- they do not give you the "option" to only stay for the schoolyear. This particular (private apartment) setup is what this particular dorm setup most closely resembles. This is neither bad nor good from my perspective (unless they have trouble filling the dorm, in which case it is definitely a bad waste of university space and resources). I have no idea why somebody would take this viewpoint as a personal affront. Perhaps if less such people attended U of H it would not be so "hellish" and have more of a "bustling community."
  14. You can't think of any reasons? Anyway, I think a significant portion of the people who live there will leave for the summer. U of H is hellish during the summer. Again, I haven't seen that particular setup at any other school's on-campus housing. That was my initial point. It is less like the typical "on campus housing" setup and more like an off-campus private dorm. If, as you've said, this is their way of fostering a "bustling community" I'm not sure what precedent exists.
  15. I drove by and thought it looked like a faux-honky tonk...like a theme bar almost.
  16. Having to pay for a 12-month lease when you only intend to live there for the schoolyear (or just for a semester) is not going to foster "community." I don't know what would make anyone think that.
  17. But really, that facade is one of the worst I've ever seen. It seems almost spiteful towards the idea of street-level interaction. It's a shame too since the rest of the building looks good.
  18. No, I think it's about money. Other schools with bustling campus communities and on-campus housing don't make you pay for 12 months at a time. You can't make a "community" by trapping people into a lease. If it were that easy that goal would have already been achieved by the private dorms a block from campus.
  19. As of last week the undergrad (ie floors 2-5) furnished efficiencies were all gone at Calhoun Lofts. They didn't say how many of them were undergrad furnished efficiencies to begin with. The "utilities package" includes the first $25 of electricity. The remaining $320/mo. (for an efficiency) is for water, heating, and AT&T U-verse. Parking in the new garage will be in the mid-$200 range...they said they do not know yet. Residents of Calhoun Lofts are pre-allotted a # of parking spaces in the new garage. They want 12-month leases, which makes it not really like the typical "on campus housing" setup and more like an off-campus private dorm. Usually, at most places, it is done by semester. The rooms are very nice...for a few hundred $ more per month than you'd pay to live at Cougar Place you get a significantly nicer setup.
  20. An atrocious, idiotic street-level interaction followed by a really good one. How NOT to do it right v. how to do it right.
  21. Good news before bad, I guess. Front page of today's WSJ: "Taliban Now Winning"
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