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Everything posted by pokemonizepic

  1. Would love for them to eventually also make the bike lanes on 20th street actually usable, that way it would be a nice network going south/north and east/west everywhere in the heights
  2. yet another meeting for this redesign tomorrow at 6:30 PM. Hopefully this is the last one and construction actually starts soon, this thing has been in the design phase for years now https://www.letstalkhouston.org/11th-street-bikeway zoom meeting link ---> Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85857117178?pwd=OWtzTVMxM0w2eGp0aDZKeGFhVW5WUT09
  3. hopefully it eventually just becomes permanent, this program adds vibrancy to main st. IMO
  4. believe it or not you can have dense development without large amounts of noise pollution, also the amount of cars passing thru an area does not mean more noise pollution if cars are driving at slow speeds. About your point on the danish study, I'm gonna go ahead and trust a team of scientists instead of some randoms on a forum.
  5. https://www.researchbank.ac.nz/handle/10652/4529 https://www.strongtowns.org/journal/2015/1/20/the-negative-consequences-of-car-dependency https://unevenearth.org/2018/08/the-social-ideology-of-the-motorcar/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0966692319307732 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1369847818308593?dgcid=author https://alex-m-dyer.medium.com/the-inhumanity-of-car-dependency-3616a3258f3b heres some papers about the negative social aspects of car centric development since. https://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/374/bmj.n1954.full.pdf here is the research paper that the guardian article talked about. It pretty clearly states the negative effects of not just railway noise exposure, but also road traffic noise exposure. Here is even a direct quote from the article . Of those, “the diagnosis in an estimated 963 patients was attributed to road traffic noise, and in 253 patients to railway noise”. anyway, please work on your reading comprehension
  6. any evidence for this claim that the positives far outweigh the negatives? GDP per capita in now way relates to density and there have been several studies that show the negative effects of urban sprawl. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2021/sep/09/transport-noise-linked-to-increased-risk-of-dementia-study-finds#:~:text=“In this large nationwide cohort,disease%2C” the researchers wrote. https://www.socialconnectedness.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Emma-Harries-Social-Isolation-and-its-Relationship-to-the-Urban-Environment.pdf just to name a few of the drawbacks of car centered development, as well as the fact that it is incredibly expensive and inefficient
  7. everything looks finished for the most part, just a bit of the landscaping left
  8. great to have you back! forum was noticeably more dead without your updates
  9. new recording from the meeting discussing changes around the buffalo speedway
  10. after review, Public Works is going to change the design to include a physical barrier to separate the bike lanes
  11. Bcycle/TIRZ15 survey about mobility https://tei.mysocialpinpoint.com/tirz-15-mobility-plan-map#/
  12. stopped by yesterday, they have these stakes in the ground (i assume to mark where the trail will be) but other than that no progress
  13. "METRO's latest project, in partnership with the City of Houston, will bring new markings and signage to the dedicated bus and carpool lanes along Milam and Travis to distinguish them from regular traffic lanes." https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/TXMETRO/bulletins/2f895a2 https://www.ridemetro.org/Pages/Red-Lanes-Downtown.aspx
  14. city is discussing to have temporary (and later on hopefully permanent) protected bike lanes that serve as a detour for the current construction going on at white oak bayou
  15. agreed, went to burns BBQ right after trying this place cause I had heard so much about burns, but the meat there was definitely less flavorful, albeit a lot cheaper
  16. loving the density in this little section, 5 apartment complexes on these couple of blocks.
  17. update from bikehouston on twitter : Update: We've spoken with @HouPublicWorks. They're looking into this, and will have an update on the plan within 30 days. possible W?
  18. there is currently a "safe routes to school" program that aims to improve walkability and likeability to school. I'm not sure about Montrose but in the heights I've seen them slowly improving the sidewalks near heights high school. Montrose specifically also has a safe streets program, they are currently working on Woodhead and Hawthorne st. In the justification section for these projects schools are a top reason. https://montrosehtx.org/meeting/august-9-2021/ if you wanna check out the two projects they are t-2707 and t-2708 in the 2022 budget document
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