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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. I don't, but would be interested to see such an analysis. My impression is that Houston has had a greater movement towards repopulating its traditional center than most cities; I have no basis for this opinion. Of course, there are many criteria by which such a trend could be measured, or interpreted. As Twain (or was it Disraeli?) said, "(there are) Lies, damned Lies, and Statistics."
  2. Forgive me - but THAT's funny. The term 'East End' seems to encompass everything east of Main Street. I've grown to grudgingly accept the Neartown designation (well...not really) for the whole Montrose/Hyde Park/Audubon/Westmoreland et.al. neighborhoods. What name seems right for your neighborhood? I always thought Maxwell would be an appropriate name for the neighborhood immediately surrounding the coffee plant.
  3. Well, there was an old woman who lived in a shoe ....
  4. Have there been any updates on this building? Do the plans for the new Carnegie Vanguard High School include it?
  5. Appreciate the info. The 311 operator gave me the direct number to Parks and Recreation's Forestry office; (832)395-7000 What especially galls me about this property is that the majority (maybe all) of the debris from the demolished slab has been hauled away; the dumping appears to have been done out of sheer spite. Edit: City of Houston Forester's number has changed. It is now (832)395-8463
  6. Your Paphian contacts notwithstanding, please address the issue that many people do choose to remain uncounted. edit: definition for Paphian added: cool word, eh?
  7. An update: The existing trees, which lie on the public right-of-way, are in the process of being smothered by a huge stack of dirt and debris. No kidding; they have it piled more than six feet high, and directly on the trees' trunks. Was this done accidentally? I don't see how it could have been. And recently another tree's trunk has been buried under a pile of asphalt. Maybe the owners/developers of the lot are trying to avoid a fine for removing a mature tree from the public right-of-way by killing the trees first? At any rate, an eyesore has been created, and those responsible for creating it should be made to clean it up. I urge people to call 311 and report this illegal dumping at the corner of Jackson Blvd and Grant St. Unfortunately, I don't have a digital camera; if someone in the neighborhood could post a shot, it would be appreciated. edit: added quote.
  8. (Sigh.) Yes. As is TXDOT and the Pentagon. Yet, no one seems to hold these agencies to the same level of scrutiny.
  9. What sort of image do you want these pictures to project? Romantic? Sophisticated? Traditional or modern? Casual or formal? What's your ideal setting? At any rate, congratulations on your upcoming wedding. If HAIF can help find the ideal location, please consider sharing the pictures with us.
  10. Your point is well taken. It's entirely possible - in fact certain - that some people were counted more than once. There are also a significant number of people who were determined not to be enumerated, whether through fear of deportation or ignorance. Many people are unaware that the Census is constitutionally mandated, and think that the Census is just another Obama Big Government Plot. To count the population of a city is to aim at a moving target. In my mind, the over and undercounted cancel each other out.
  11. My interpretation as well. OP has a good reputation for informed posts, and I think the statement was meant to be ironic; that people assume that every improvement to the community must be the result of an overfed government. Obviously, this is not the case here.
  12. Hi Ivers, and welcome to HAIF, and Houston. Can you provide more information about what kind of home you're looking for? ( price range, what part of town you'd prefer, whether you'd rather buy or rent, concerns about school systems, entertainment, etc.) Houston offers a variety of options; just let us know what your priorities are.
  13. HISTORIC HOUSTON's Salvage Warehouse SPACE SAVER SALE With the cost of operating our warehouses rising at a disproportionate rate to our income, we are looking to consolidate our inventory into one facility. But, in order to do so, we must liquidate some of our materials. This is where you come in... 50% OFF ! That's right, our inventory is discounted! SALE begins Wednesday, February 23th and runs through Saturday, February 26th. (This offer will not be combined with any other discount) Bathubs/Sinks/Toilets, Hardware, Doors, Windows, Shutters, Fireplace Mantles, And MUCH MORE! *OFFER EXCLUDES FLOORING
  14. HISTORIC HOUSTON's Salvage Warehouse SPACE SAVER SALE With the cost of operating our warehouses rising at a disproportionate rate to our income, we are looking to consolidate our inventory into one facility. But, in order to do so, we must liquidate some of our materials. This is where you come in... 50% OFF ! That's right, our inventory is discounted! SALE begins Wednesday, February 23th and runs through Saturday, February 26th. (This offer will not be combined with any other discount) Bathubs/Sinks/Toilets, Hardware, Doors, Windows, Shutters, Fireplace Mantles, And MUCH MORE! *OFFER EXCLUDES FLOORING
  15. HISTORIC HOUSTON's Salvage Warehouse SPACE SAVER SALE With the cost of operating our warehouses rising at a disproportionate rate to our income, we are looking to consolidate our inventory into one facility. But, in order to do so, we must liquidate some of our materials. This is where you come in... 50% OFF ! That's right, our inventory is discounted! SALE begins Wednesday, February 23th and runs through Saturday, February 26th. (This offer will not be combined with any other discount) Bathubs/Sinks/Toilets, Hardware, Doors, Windows, Shutters, Fireplace Mantles, And MUCH MORE! *OFFER EXCLUDES FLOORING
  16. Thanks for sharing your views of Houston, and for reminding us that there is unexpected beauty in every corner of this city.
  17. dbigtex56


    I'm still puzzled by the '*' and '#' keys on my landline.
  18. Good news, I guess - but how much did METRO pay CAF to begin with? Was it only $14 million? I cannot believe they cancelled such a lucrative contract without some compensation. How much did METRO lose on this deal?
  19. Thanks for the pictures, sevfiv. Sometimes a lack of discretionary funds is preservation's best friend. Hopefully, the recognition of this building's architectural significance will be considered if improvements need to be made.
  20. 'liberal vitriol' is an oxymoron.
  21. Not quite sure I follow your logic (which is to say, NOT QUITE SURE I FOLLOW YOUR LOGIC!!!) Not everyone is involved in your traffic dispute. Other motorists, and people who live close by will merely be annoyed.
  22. Noticed that the black ceramic tiles which replaced the original Vitrolite have been removed and a more sympathetic material has been installed. While not identical to the original, it's a definite improvement.
  23. I've seen concerns expressed that these sculptures might collect debris, litter, etc. Imagine if everyone who likes and appreciates them would devote just one day a year to maintaining them. They would remain spotless.
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