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Everything posted by KinkaidAlum

  1. It's a shame we keep allowing for the destruction of our city so that folks who don't live here can drive in and out more easily. Some day, we'll grow up like other places.
  2. Nah. Mine is respectful and also only 9 pounds and a short-haired wiener.
  3. My dog wants Rice to fix the fountain between Baker and the Biz School. It's been broken this entire semester and she likes to lay in it.
  4. Having high end hotel and apartment windows 10-15 feet away from office windows. Living in a fishbowl. Not for me. Also, the office tower is going to wipe out northern views... which happen to be TMC/Hermann/Downtown views. Most people who rent top floors a pay premiums tend to do so for the view. In my ideal world, I'd have put the office tower on the Southern lot. Just seems counter-intuitive to build it this way.
  5. A 33 story office tower has the potential to become the tallest building in the med center (not including the multiple spired buildings. This thing should be in the 500 foot-to-the-roof range).
  6. Office floor to ceiling heights are almost universally taller than residential. Love they height but the massing of the overall development looks a bit crazy.
  7. Or, maybe, he's expanded his plans. When it was first floated he wouldn't need financing, it was just one tower. He's since made more land purchases for future development.
  8. So did this one lose 2 floors and 20+ feet? So glad to see it coming to fruition. This is what Midtown needs along the rail corridor. I can envision a "wilshire" like stretch of high rises connecting downtown and Hermann Park some day.
  9. The residential tower is turning out to be quite handsome. Nothing spectacular but solid. Much better than I expected.
  10. People flock to take their social media-filtered posts at Austin's graffiti wall/park. Lets one up them. Hipsters would love it and it could help lure Amazon II. It's on the light rail too! Win-Win-Winning. (sarcasm)
  11. They went Hollywood glam but missed. That looks dated already. The public spaces aren't bad but that room...
  12. Brass fixtures have been a thing for the last few years; everything from hand rails to faucets. Not a fan.
  13. When Rice Stadium built, not only was there no NFL team but UH had only been playing football for 2 seasons. Also, Rice was good. In the 1940s, Rice won a Cotton Bowl and an Orange Bowl. Rice not only was in the SWC but they also played LSU every year and beat teams like Clemson, North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, Texas, Texas A&M, Texas Tech, and LSU.
  14. LOL that overdevelopment, overpopulation, and deforestation are not part of the flood problem in India. You might want to try google.
  15. Not sure how that's a bad location. That was Berryhill's forever. Here's a hint, if you open a tex-mex joint and your food is gross, you're not going to be in business long.
  16. Still cannot believe the original apartment component never got off the ground. Since then, how many units have opened downtown? So short sighted.
  17. Where's the picture? You claim it exists so produce it or shut the hell up with your fake news.
  18. Pretty typical for a large shell space. Commercial grade appliances required in a kitchen that size will eat up a huge chunk of that budget. Then throw in materials and fees for designers/architects and it's easy to get there.
  19. UH Katy is so good it's gonna make Fall happen in Houston!
  20. HSPVA draws students from all over the HISD zone. Downtown is centralized and has the best transit options. It also makes sense to develop relationships between HSPVA and Houston's performing arts organizations, most of which are based downtown. This seems like a no-brainer to me.
  21. The good news about Michigan Central is it is still standing and near Corktown, one of the only areas of Detroit that isn't a hell hole. Lots of empty lots but few burned out/abandoned buildings/tire dumps so there's maybe future potential?
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