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Everything posted by ricco67

  1. I'm not saying it's a BAD thing, but he was harping on it all throughout the campaign, and I agree that policy should be affected by any new enlightening information that would change one's position. To vilify an opponent for his views that is "right" and then turn around and do the that very thing is he is against is interesting. Nothing more. It's one of those things that irritate me about politics, that's all. Now that its basically a done deal, I wonder what will happen when the elections come again and how contributions from environmental lobby will happen. Then again, they have usually been Democratic in their leanings, so I expect them to stay with President Obama and chalk it up to a 'quirk' in his environmental stance.
  2. One thing I wasn't expecting are the details that are being put to the exterior of the building, I'm quite pleased with the result.
  3. That's funny. Didn't he promise that he wouldn't drill off the costs of florida and such? While I support the decision, that sounds an awful like "flip flopping" file that under "Breaking a promise."
  4. Just finished mine and sent in.
  5. Then again, they could just be hanging out waiting for the new YMCA to be finished next door.
  6. Well, I would expect for the turbines to be not be the typical rotary style that most people see, but a pole like appearance.
  7. Bah. Keep a camera nearby. The photos would be awesome.
  8. It IS a bit haphazard and a bit chaotic on the ground, but I hardly call it wasteful. Believe it or not, working as a census taker made me appreciate my country even more and probably pushed me from a Liberal stance to a more conservative mindset. I hate to say this, but it sounds like you're going to have quite an experience. Dealing with people is my forte' and that is why I applied then (I wished I could do it this year). You're going to have to adjust your thinking on how to ask certain questions and approach them. Get ready for some heart wrenching stories, though. I was working the gulfton area and came across a group of apartments that were apparently housing refugees from the Serbian war and started telling me stories while filling out forms. One child (10?) walked up to me and asked why I was doing what I was doing. After giving my response, more than a few (By this time, the apt filled up with about 20 neighbors) of them started crying because and said, "THAT is why America is great! EVERY PERSON MATTERS! " He then proceeded to tell me how the child is one of the few male survivors of a village. He saw his uncles, father, and cousins grouped together and shot. He was small enough that he hid under the bodies for a few hours while he heard more shooting around him. It was when it turned dark that he and a few others ran into the woods for a few weeks until they were able to make it to other relatives' homes. It turned out every member of the 3 surrounding apartments had basically the same story of close calls. They figured they were the last remnants of a family that numbered close to 100. Including parents, grand parents, great-grand parents, and countless of kids. Sorry for my rambling, but those few weeks were eye opening and is why I am so adamant about "affordable" housing and why I take such conservative views on some and liberal on others.
  9. I think it does. Did the Census worker thing in 2000 and there were times when I had to use multiple forms because I ran out of space.
  10. I guess a brief summary is out of the question?
  11. I don't see it happening. People can protest all day long, but if a company doesn't see a profit in plunking down a decent amount of change, they aren't going to do it.
  12. I think it's Phoenix, Arizona that has the toughest water usage regulations in the country. Some people here would call that VERY intrusive, but eventually, it would be needed. We as society waste so much water it is mind boggling. I almost go into fits when multiple days of rain are in the forecast, but sprinklers are still left on during the downpour!
  13. Looks like it's time for pictures for a before, during, and after construction is due. I elect Jax. He's closer than anyone else, and that corner is a pain to get to.
  14. eat at One's a meal or any other joint at 3am and you'll wonder if you already aren't eating with animals.
  15. Ripley House? Isn't that over on Navigation? That's a hefty walk from harrisburg, but I guess it wouldn't be that bad.
  16. I agree. Hopefully, the menu price range will run the gamut. The truffle one is intriguing though. Man, I need to stay off this thread, I'm getting hungry again.
  17. Isn't that basically human nature, to seek people that are like minded to and validate their own beliefs, morals, and ethics? He simply doesn't want to post here because he has a cause (as self absorbed as it may be), but rather, hoping to be able to find someone that is sympathetic to him and his plight. We all do that to a certain extent. I say we build a shantytown. But I think it should be in the outskirts of Sealy, that way they can just travel down I-10 to be able to deliver his pizza. USC, I am curious to know if your prejudice would include luxury apartments as well?
  18. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever, I'm starving and I am about to make some mac's. To hell with my diet. Adding some bacon to what I mentioned earlier.
  19. THIS sounds good: I like they have the cheeseburger version, I do that from time to time. Now I'm getting hungry.
  20. I don't know, I say we start a shanty town out by Cleveland, have it surrounded by troops and then have a high speed rail network to make sure they are able to work (if they do) in the city and leave promptly when their various shifts end.
  21. I'm drooling. Seriously. I don't know why, but I'm drooling.
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