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Everything posted by ricco67

  1. According tothis article, some of the beliefs that are held by some people REALLY need to be educated:
  2. But wasn't a mile of bw8 covered with concrete with similar properties? Anyone know how that test is doing?
  3. I was next door and thought how annoying the were with the live band. Give minutes later a cop showed up and ordered then to quiet it down. Someone from there was trying to persuade the officer about something, but it did not work.
  4. When would you suggest a better time of week? I-45 is always busy. Otherwise I would agree that concrete would be better, but that would take a long time.
  5. Cheapskate! I'd say some of the subdivisions nearby should be adequate. hope you got a good lens, though.
  6. If you're the president of Venezuela, then you would be horrified at their treatment. I guess he hasn't been paying attention to the protests in the Arab world or he might have fallen over and died. We all know that would be an absolute shame.
  7. Don't forget they can be killed by a low speed if there is just the right amount of damage, like a head injury. Hell, I've heard of people tripping and dying because they tripped and hit their head on the curb.
  8. That might also be true. I also noticed that they were in the process of deconstructing those old homes on AoA as well, but I didn't put 2 and 2 together.
  9. Those bushes need to go, but even then, you're right, there wouldn't be enough room. Also, the turns on westheimer would be too sharp for tracks. The only way this would work if metro does one of two things and that is either close off lower westheimer to only bikes and rail, or turn it into a subway until Weslyan. The buying of ROW there would not only be raise all sorts of hell from the area, but would be insanely expensive.
  10. Didn't really think this needed a new thread for this. But I drove by and discovered that the locomotive is being moved! Does anyone know if they're just moving it out of the way from the Rail construction? How ironic. Thought I'd take some uncluttered photos of this beauty.
  11. Lets see... Crosstimbers @ I-45.. Taylor near I -10... I can't make up my mind which is closer to downtown
  12. Oy. Yeah, found out recently that the Crowne Plaza @ the southwest freeway is referred to as "Crowne Plaza at River Oaks." I almost stopped my reservation on principle alone.
  13. Glad to hear that they're moving this far into downtown. Excuse me while I wipe the drool off my face and do a happy dance.
  14. I don't think anyone is trying to impose new rules or regulations for motorists or joggers, but just offering suggestions as to how to accommodate both. As far as the hole goes, call 311, but considering the amount of and nature of the construction in the area, I don't think it will receive a high priority.
  15. If they build it, I sure hope the streets can handle the traffic. It's already a nightmare during rush hour to get into or out of the area.
  16. Exactly. I don't like it when people automatically blame a driver for an Auto/ped. The cyclist/pedestrian needs to share some part of the burden and take some responsibility for their own safety as well. If for some insane reason they put in a button for the joggers, I hope it doesn't work during high congestion times. Then again, no one is traveling very fast that those times anyway.
  17. Now the question is, who has the proper right of way? Typically, I will give the right of way while making a left on 11th when I have a light, but if they're at least a good 15 feet or more from the intersection, I can continue my turn without worry. Now, if they're running/jogging, am I supposed to be the mind reader as to what the jogger's intentions? Additionally, if I'm driving down 11th and I have the green and crossing Heights, I'm not going to look for joggers; I'm going to be looking for other red light runners. Does this mean when I see a jogger I should simply slam on my brakes and risk getting into an accident for someone else?
  18. I don't find it hard to believe at all. there have been cases when joggers ran into the paths of trains. I understand the need to find something else to focus on while you're running, but do you really need to cut yourself off from the world like that?
  19. I read pieces of this and found it interesting. This is a chance for those on here that want to make a noise about the parking lots located in FRONT of business to make their voices actually heard or for them to shut up.
  20. I don't know. I can not only hate a sport, but I'd help form a posse to lynch them. dog and cock(Rooster!) fighting would be a good example of some sports this planet can do without.
  21. But then, I'm sure this would further sink any hopes for a passenger rail service to be implemented. Not like it ever has a real chance of succeeding anyway.
  22. Praise the lord! now, if they would only increase the service on sundays before and after the game....
  23. Was driving by when I saw these interesting items in white. I'm assuming they are building the framework for the exterior, or IS this part of the exterior?
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