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Everything posted by jmitch94

  1. I maybe in the minority but I'd prefer 2-3 of these types of developments over a single high rise and trust me I love high rises.
  2. Just noticed that they are building with just the yellow tower crane now. The white one is gone.
  3. About the climbers. I saw one on the Allen project crane the other day (on the webcam) and they ended up adding at least 2 section to the crane so I guess they can be removed and put back on if needed.
  4. To be fair most stand alone retail like a fast food restaurants are around 75% parking
  5. I wouldn't count on it. The Mosaic Condominiums did nothing to cover their garage and their buildings are much nicer that this soviet block looking building.
  6. How did I not know about this. So glad these old buildings are being used and not torn down.
  7. If you look through this thread there are about half a dozen of these proclamations. I'll believe it when I see it until then it's just a dream.
  8. I count 9 new high rise buildings in this great picture by brijonmang. What an amazing amount of development.
  9. Soooo glad you posted this I was about to ask if they needed to do anything to cool down pours this big. I'm a decent history buff and have heard a 100 times about how they had to run cooling pipes in the Hover dam because the heat generated would be immense and I was wondering if pours of this size needed cooling down too.
  10. Is the "design" in the rebar to grip the concert, so it basically won't slide around inside?
  11. Does it irk anyone else that one flood is taller than the others and its not one of the top floors?
  12. I'll believe it when I see it. If you look back through the tread you can see that this was going to start construction in 2015...
  13. I do to but you're right. Often the first renderings are pretty handsome and then once he's sold a lot of the units he pulls the switch and puts out one of the stinkers of a rendering.
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