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Everything posted by Avossos

  1. Back to the topic - it seems as shell will also be building a campus. They are renaming 2 Shell Plaza. That pretty much is proof they are vacating. Does Chevron have the balls to do their own thing and build their downtown campus? I certainly hope so. This trend sucks so much.
  2. This is true, and I agree. I wish the appearance of the building was all brick instead of the trendy, expected apartment building. I think we can all agree this building is showing a good trend, but it definitely isn't super exciting within itself, and that's ok.
  3. So the point your making is....? There should be multiple buildings occupying 1 city block and none of these blocks should be parking? I like the multiple uses for 1 block, and think that feels more urban. I think we see that north downtown. But in this former "parking district" it is unreasonable to assume that a parking lot block will be purchased in peices. This area of downtown is going to have, most likely, single buildings on it... Just because this is the case, doesnt mean it is bad. What's done is done here. I wish the 1900s buildings still filled these blocks, but, i will take what we get here. Happy to see the development!
  4. Im ready for this corner to be nice. It is, and has been, unfortunate looking for some time. Ucchi is nice. Alladin on the corner, connected to Ucchi is ugly. On the West Side it is the ruined art deco building - which will some day be redone, and then there is the Valero... This intersection needs help! BTW - if someone is demoing it, someone is paying for it. And it is not cheap. I wouldnt be surprised if there wasnt already a plan for this space, since Ruggles is gone too.
  5. Do y'all ever wonder how sustainable these buildings are? Will they look nice in 20 years? Are they truly quality buildings that will be an asset to Houston, or just another thing we will end up replacing. My guess, it will be a mix of both. This one is debateable, but the ones that invest in quality materials will probably last alot longer than some of these cheaply made ones. As they are being built, It is hard for me to judge if the project is actually worth-while, or just 'eh'.
  6. cool. Same, just wasnt sure if I needed to count that or not. Will be a pretty tall building, considering its location. Will be impossible to miss.
  7. I dont know why we can't arrange something like the supertall in philedalphia. If a hotel wants 30 floors, 40 floors of office, and 30 floors residential / retail bottom floors? It sounds like alot of work, but I can imagine a corporate office would like a hotel literally in the same building. And the views on top of that building would be incredible.
  8. No construction timeline is available and the project is still in the "development" phase... according to Culturemap. So with this, and Hines tower, and Exxon redo... there will be TONS of space downtown... No International tower?
  9. good luck! I really want to save our history like this. Would be such a cool place to live.
  10. I think the next version of this is going to have alot added. I am not sure about moving things from Proposed / Approved to "under contruction", but the "proposed' list has certainly grown in the past month. Montrose residential, additional market square residential, Uptown developments. Cool progress.
  11. Top detail has been eliminated completely. I wonder if this went over-budget and they had to cut costs. This is just not as nice or historically accurate to me. Shame. This went from a 10 of 10, to a 8 to me. Also, Does anyone know what they are doing to the side building that they gutted?
  12. Uptown will be very dense by 2016, more so than it is now. The TMC is dense, and getting denser. Downtown's parking lots are being eaten up by residential and office towers. Buffalo Bayou has a handful of towers around it, with a handful more proposed / starting Greenway Plaza / Upper Kirby are growing. Montrose is seeing some tall activity finally. We are seeing our own Manhattan island forming. The 4 by 1.5 mile stretch that runs East to West. You can even see it from UH (their new stadium in particular). Its so exciting to see.
  13. Fellow Smu grad here. And good point about the reality of the street condition.
  14. 1. This is an improvement from the first rendering. 2. This is all masonry, which seems to last and looks appropriate in Houston - I like that the trendy (and probably cost efficient) mix of fake stone or stucco is NOT in this rendering. 3. I can see this structure adding value. 4. Ground floor retail it seems. Looking forward to this.
  15. Looks like there is nothing actually happening. http://swamplot.com/central-square-plazas-new-green-graffiti-defense/2014-01-07/#comment-1133295
  16. I don't know if this is truly the finalized rendering... I say this because I remember the first rendering looked most similar to this, then I distinctly remember a second rendering that looked a little different (better in proportions, but less . The rendering above looks similar to the 1st. If this is truly the 3rd rendering, then I agree in the sense that this is the worst of the 3 I've seen. This is such a unique space, and this is better than I was expecting. I think it needs to be MOSTLY brick, and accents of the other materials, as opposed to vice versa, as they mentioned. I hope they make this as classic as possible, with the hints of modernity as the accents. Either way,it will be an improvement.
  17. I understand, but a centralized office / campus seems to have much more upside. Closer to other offices, closer to customers, closer to the 'best the city has to offer - type' ammenities. As a young professional, I just don't see this as a good move. I wont argue on who decides these things, or if it is a popular decision or not. People who work for Exxon who live in Sugarland, will now either have to commute twice as long, or move. That automatically asks alot of the employees. When your central, your employees can live and maintain whichever lifestyle they want. I am sure this is not news to anyone on here. I am just shocked that this could be a trend. hopefully downtown continues to thrive with or without the relocating companies. I have been so excited for the DT development.
  18. I'm interested in the renderings, it looks like they are actually developing the first tendering that has the buildings upper addition (top 8 floors) in a slightly different stone work design than the bottom. Also, I hope they still plan adding the rooftop detail that makes the design truly cone together. From some of the pictures above it looks like they finished it with no detail - so I'm waiting and hoping they redo the top.
  19. The suburban campus office trend is a complete mistake. Young professionals do not want to live outside an urban area, this is a huge mistake in my opinion. I can't imagine personally making that drive and living in an urban area like I want. I hope this is purely like a research site or something.
  20. So... What happens to this now? Federal govt. want to finish this or just let it go unfinished... It's been ages since I've seen anyone there.
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