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Everything posted by ToolMan

  1. My 1st date is usually Absenthe, La Carafe, of Boheme - both Absenthe and Beheme have pretty decent food if you want to eat. The 2nd date is Lola's. She isn't for me if she is too stuck up or scared at Lola's.
  2. Good luck to them. Every place seems to fail at that location.
  3. I tried to go Thursday night at 9:30 and they were already closed. Went to Warren's instead.
  4. Excellent. I'm sad I don't live next to this place anymore, but will plan on making a visit soon. 12 Spot was always a good date place, and I asume this will be the same.
  5. This thread amuses me. That's all I have to add.
  6. What a jackass. What was the officers name?
  7. Well you are in Houston, and there is no need to watch the Astros game.
  8. Yay oil...yay Kroger. I don't don't know what they have to do with each other.
  9. AtticaFlinch needs to get in touch with reality. Houston would need 2000 plus HPD officers in order to visit every car theft, and don't call the police for a minor accident. I would much rather them be responding to high priority calls.
  10. Red, when are you opening onther cheesesteak place? I didn't enjoy their sandwhiches much, but I did like to hang out there and watch the game.
  11. I heard a rumor that Little Woodrow's is looking to buy the place. Another rumor is BW3 will be opening a new place on Waugh and Washington. Not sure if there is any truth in that at all, but I will miss Walter's even though it's a sh!thole. I have seen a few gigs in there.
  12. Yeah, it's looking like they are still working on the place and need to work some stuff out. I think they will serve real food after they get settled in.
  13. I hate it when my neighbor's cat gets its paw prints all over my car; however, I like the cat because it keeps the rodents away from the house. I saw it come out from beneath my house the other day with something furry in its mouth. Why don't you call animal control for the dogs?
  14. I agree Taps layout is a pretty good setup - lot's of space. My only complaint is the parking.
  15. A lot of the shops were serving wine. Some of them had an open bar in the back. You just had to tip them well to get a good pour.
  16. This was a blast - 19th st. looked like Austin's 6th street. It should be like this every weekend.
  17. This may be the best news I have heard all year.
  18. Has Hubcap Grill been mentioned? Good burgers.
  19. I made it out to Sawyer Park (where the Pig Stand used to be) Thurday night and it was a good crowd. It was about 50/50 guy to girl ratio. I wouldn't call the place a sports bar, but they do have a nice tv setup upstairs on the deck. I may check this place out during college football season.
  20. Happy hour at McCormick & Schmicks at the Houston Pavilians and Cielo on Main & Congress. What do I win? Make sure you get the happy hour prices.
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