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Everything posted by phillip_white

  1. When I rode my bike by here around 830 last night, all of those round balls were lit up. Gonna look great from the street.
  2. Is this heading to the "NIMBY" storage facility, the "you deal with my useless stuff" storage facility (Goodwill), or the "out of sight out of mind" storage facility (landfill)?
  3. Didn't see the /s designation so I assumed the worst lol
  4. Not likely considering there's a parking garage beneath it. Probably have to re-do the waterproofing to keep that pesky seepage out.
  5. I haven't been by this building in a long time, but Google streetview shows it to be vacant. Looks like this might become a bakery that doubles as a storefront for a coffee roaster? New electrical permit for a Mango Pickle LLC kitchen remodel: LLC search shows Eadough Pastries as an alternate name: That leads to http://eadough.com And also found http://www.instagram.com/itscakegirl And Google Maps shows Blackwater Coffee Roasters at the location: https://www.google.com/maps/place/3204+Polk+St,+Houston,+TX+77003/@29.7429671,-95.3478145,90m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x8640bee39138903b:0x79798a02fd06ac3e!8m2!3d29.7429144!4d-95.3477554
  6. As far as I know, the only substantial work to be completed was the construction of the partition along Main & McGowen. No permits were ever issued by the city.
  7. Building permits show this being a low budget ($7,000 valuation) office remodel.
  8. There's a waste water sign on the fence that says something along the lines of Q3 2022 completion (I think it was Oct, but don't remember). Still very fast considering the size of the project
  9. A chunk of new permits issued on 8/30. Seems like this one is crawling forward.
  10. Looks like the entity that owns this development also owns another gas station branded as "Primetime" with additional retail units. So this may end up with three retail tenants (based on the three doors shown in the progress photo). Here's the other property: https://www.google.com/maps/@29.6916775,-95.7414373,3a,52.9y,178.61h,87.87t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s-97Nf9Gmf6hhc36PzHAYTg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
  11. Workers on site today. Really impressed with the quality and speed of this development's construction.
  12. More townhomes are confirmed. midtownmodernhtx.com
  13. "What in the wild, wild world of sports is going on here?"
  14. I haven't seen an approved demo permit, so maybe it's just easier to apply a layer of CYA paint to avoid the fine like you said. Hopefully Rowdy doesn't notice the blank canvas!
  15. Not sure if the wood structures are related, but the entities that own this lot (BAP 2800, LLC & Grassy Knoll, LLC) just submitted documentation asserting that the groundwater pollution under the site has reached an acceptable level. Assuming the monitoring/abatement is complete, this entire block is now available for immediate development. https://www.publicworks.houstontx.gov/sites/default/files/assets/executive_summary_2020_148_fpc.pdf Also of note, this same group is supposed to be speaking 8/10 at this meeting: City of Houston Special-Called Council Committee on Regulatory and Neighborhood Affairs
  16. Don't get too caught up in guessing the location. The name translates as "Hopefully" East Riverside, so they don't seem too sure about where it will be yet... 😂 I'll show myself out
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