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Everything posted by phillip_white

  1. That would be nice, but a local publication should be buzzing about that by now. Agreed that this sliver of Austin/Caroline has the potential to make a destination area if the landowners get off their butts. That development opportunity is long gone. I believe this is what is moving forward:
  2. There is a TABC sign up in the window of the building where Next Level E-Sports was supposed to open up. Here are the details: Notice is hereby given in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code that Eleven 11 Lounge Group, LLC D/B/A Eleven 11 Lounge has filed application for Mixed Beverage Permit, Mixed Beverage Late Hours Permit, Beverage Cartage Permit, Food and Beverage Certificate. Said business to be conducted at 2402 Austin Street, Houston (Harris County), Texas 77004. Eleven 11 Lounge Group, LLC D/B/A Eleven 11 Lounge David Gonzalez, Manager There is also a business listing under that name/location on Google Maps. Has anyone heard anything? Seems too big for a hookah lounge. Maybe a nightclub?
  3. There were surveyors on site this morning. Crushed concrete has been added to the entrance on Austin Street, so it looks like they are expecting some big trucks soon.
  4. Yes, so the future of the park depends on who the executors of the trust are and what their long term goal is for creating revenue for the beneficiaries.
  5. The parking lot is owned by a university that doesn't pay property tax. The park exists because of a ground lease from a private owner. With this being Houston, I would guess the park disappears before the parking lot.
  6. Not necessarily. Splavs hug the bank. The bayou east of downtown could accommodate barges on both sides and still have room for traffic in between.
  7. You joke, but after visiting Belgrade I wondered how we could get our own Splav District going in Houston. They have old shipping barges which are converted to cafes, restaurants, nightclubs, and we even stayed in a floating hostel. I think it works by securing a docking lease for the section of riverbank you tie up to.
  8. I stopped by BuffBrew this weekend and there are more corrugated tubes on site as well as a major trenching effort underway. Really impressed that they are putting this much effort into stormwater mitigation, but I would guess there are financial incentives motivating the decision.
  9. A lot of crumbling roads/utilities have been upgraded in Midtown/Downtown over the past 6-12 months; this is probably part of that work. It's crazy how much they have accomplished with the daily car count reduced due to covid.
  10. I would imagine they are going to need quite a few more than that for a site of this size. Here's a video about installation of a CMP detention system.
  11. Based on a comment to that Facebook post, the warehouse Hindesky mentioned will become the Texas Railroading Heritage Museum. This is news to me. Anyone have any other information?
  12. Are there any b-cycle stations in the area? If not, that would be a great idea for them to reach out about getting a station added on the property.
  13. That's enough green space that in 50 years this sidewalk will be known as Storage Park.
  14. Anyway... back to Caydon related updates: they have been running a generator to keep power on at Drewery Place. Photo taken 2/16.
  15. That's the address for Mark Dana Corp, so I guess the bland infill is moving forward. This is a good location for that though and the affordability adds bonus points.
  16. It looks like the contractors got a kick in the rear because the pace of street pouring has really increased. I would guess there's a month or two left for the street works, then the focus will shift to sidewalks and later landscaping. I also noticed this while walking in the area: 2406 Caroline has been completely scraped clean. Has anyone heard of something being developed here? It's a weird spot for townhomes, but a low-rise condo tower might make sense. Paired with the lot next door, this would have amazing potential. Google streetview of the site:https://www.google.com/maps/@29.7442048,-95.3712092,3a,84.2y,305.44h,92.35t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1scGs37zyWFtyTK0EkR4vExQ!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo3.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DcGs37zyWFtyTK0EkR4vExQ%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D20.732653%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192
  17. While we were eating at Bonchon, my wife noticed a Pizza Hut Express sign affixed to the Main Street side of the bus station. I'm assuming this is new? The Google page shows it is takeout only.
  18. Soft opening was yesterday. They are offering a free 12 piece boneless chicken for Instagram followers, which was pretty sweet. Service is obviously a little shaky, but they did a great job with the space.
  19. With all DUE respect, this chain of corrections has been quite entertaining.
  20. This group HAS TO BE friends with the folks who attempted to open the Next Level gaming bar in Midtown. The level of clusterf*ckery between the two projects is unbelievable. With that said, I wish them the best with this endeavor.
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