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Everything posted by BigFootsSocks

  1. 102 story confirmed, you heard it here first folks
  2. I'm ashamed to admit I don't know which specific fued you're talking about...whatever, somebody's gotta keep in lively in here
  3. I don't understand..isn't that how all taxis work?
  4. Wow that is so 80's Glad to see some of Houston's history is being refurbished or in this case, unearthed.
  5. I'm man enough to admit when Im wrong but you guys don't know if I'm a guy or girl so I'm not going to. *cough*sorrytoxtethogrady*cough*
  6. Chicago seems to be doing just fine with the "L". But I digress. These are not the same things.
  7. In Simon's offices or the design engineer or the contracted architects' offices. The mall is supposedly just about to start design.
  8. Umm yeah they do...those are some of the most important lines in Houston. With all this urbanization occurring in the loop, why do you think they still exist, Dealing with railroads is no where near as simple as you think...nobody is going to waste the money to build a temporary track and neither are the RR company's going to even consider the idea of halting service on these two vital arteries.
  9. Yeahhhh that's a good point. Almost impossible on a segment as critical as that and the RR lobbies would just laugh at the suggestion. Elevated tracks are almost the only way, however idk how that would really reduce home values. We don't have anything to compare it to unless someone wants to look at property values in Japan...
  10. Obviously not, but Chevron will still pay them to design it. No company is above making money. Skanska wins whether this goes up now or a few years. How is that hard to understand?
  11. Why the hell would they walk away from a project as big as this? They'll do the design, Chevron will pay them a large sum, and they will have a small team dedicated to updating as necessary. If you think that Skanska has the entire company focused on this one project then you really don't what you're talking about. They get paid whether the tower goes up or not. That's how the construction works works.
  12. No insight into it, but be prepared to have your hopes and dreams crushed..
  13. Just because they have the plans being worked on doesn't mean it will be built any time soon. My father worked on the second Anadarko tower in the Woodlands back in the early 2000's and they only just finished constructing it. This way, when Chevron finally decides to construct this tower, they will have minimal design updates.
  14. You think you, yourself, is spot on? If this doesn't confirm Htown live as someone's second bull account I don't know what will.
  15. No I'm pretty sure we do know and you're still going off that misquoted Community Impact article, who are known for not getting their reports 100% correct.
  16. Anyone else think htownlive is full of it? He's going back on all of the crap that everyone started arguing about with him and swistig. I'd like to hear other people's opinion of this who are also "in the know"
  17. I wonder towards the end, when construction was starting to ramp up in Houston, if it was harder to find workers. I assume private developers have no problem paying extra to get their project done quicker.
  18. Exactly. All of this. If it was unoccupied why didn't the gut the exterior in the same way they refurbished 806 Main? These guys went floor by floor which means there were obviously people working inside at the time. Just saying "oh it's slow because it's the government lol" is so overrated and cliche.
  19. The rail lines that go along the Washington corridor are a "no noise" segment correct? As in, trains can't use their horns or anything loud. I would assume the same would be said for the HSR, which I'm also assuming makes significantly less noise than a regular freight train. The only concern is constructing the elevated portion above those lines which would require a lot of time and many wrong between those two significant lines.
  20. The comments on that article...lol Also, "grave impact on the rural landscape of 290" How is there any impact other than train flying past the vast open spaces of nothingness a grave impact? Washington Ave people better be prepared for this, if it goes in downtown, everyone benefits.
  21. He might not care about that but the people that provide funding to him certainly do. He will do anything as long as he keeps getting "funding" for his political endeavor's.
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