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Everything posted by BigFootsSocks

  1. I believe they bought one of their properties 10 years ago, and some posters have mentioned earlier projects of theirs.
  2. I thought Robert Eckles used to be a Harris County Judge. But it shouldn't really matter anyway, there's only two stations...
  3. Good for Dallas but why can't Hpuston have an iconic structure too?
  4. I'm all for downtown stations but if the numbers can't work I have nothing against a NW site.
  5. >implying there's anything wrong with a NW Mall station >implying that station won't jump start committee rail down 290 to downtown Ok kiddo
  6. Lol Slick just got railed. Damn rekt Also using HBJ as a credible source isn't your best start.
  7. I don't know the exact numbers but a majority of people in this nation have smartphones so it's not like we don't know how to use our phones. The only trouble people may have is if they're too old to understand technology.
  8. There's a pretty clear difference between supporting the education of our nations future than paying taxes for a private utility, but I think you misunderstand; he says they should pay taxes for the whole city rather than just themselves and then turn around and delicate flower to the city to fix things.Maglev is still under design and would be impossible as a private venture.
  9. Ladies, there's no need for conspiracy theory debates; no one wins
  10. I'm not aware of this. How does it work? Very rigorous and strict liqueur licenses?
  11. Really? Whoops...still, Texas isn't about that strict law life.
  12. That's a really good point. However, this is Texas, home of the no zoning laws and deregulation.
  13. There are just some things we can't fight. Prohibition didn't really work did it? People will find ways to drink (see:Texas Tech), people need casinos to gamble, which obviously excludes online gambling.
  14. My source worked on about half of those Texas City outlets and to this day I still understand why Simon built them. They do bring in a lot of money though so there's that, but damn it would've been nice to see those in Galveston.
  15. I would think if we somehow made the laws that constricting and tight in Texas, that the prop able casinos wouldn't even bother. It's almost too much work to somehow maintain an ethical stance on this while still legalizing casinos themselves.
  16. Exactly. I didn't want to say it because it's so cliche, but it has some ring of truth to it.
  17. No I definitely am... I just think there are better arguments for it than "everyone else is doing it!"
  18. You got drunk and caused a meltdown on HAIF. Well done. 10/10 would recommend doing again.
  19. That's where it comes down to opinion. I'd rather the state forgo that money if it means it doesn't come from a business that's built on people risking and losing(majority of the time) their money.
  20. ...that's not a great argument though. You could insert anything into the statement "people are going to do x thing so we should do it too" but that doesn't mean we should legalize weed, for example. There are better arguments for that sort of legalization, and lawyers/judges are not going to listen to things like that. If Texans want casinos they're going to need a better case than that.
  21. I'm with you on that last part, but I just don't think casinos are the answer.
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