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Everything posted by monarch

  1. Behind the scenes at my shoot with @Bloomingdales...more coming soon! houston rocket star JAMES HARDIN, is currently preparing for his role for an upcoming commercial shoot regarding bloomingdales. to date, us HAIFER'S.. are all aware that there has been a small bit of chatter regarding the forthcoming arrival as per bloomingdales to downtown houston. is there something conjuring up behind the scenes? james, took the liberty of tweeting this info out this evening. my curiosity is now on overload capacity. MOD's, please pardon me if this subject is upon the wrong area. much obliged, monarch.
  2. "let us name the twins before christmas" my choices are: BHP BILITON / ROCKIN EDDIE ASTORIA / ROCKIN STEADY
  3. anyone know what's actually coming to this location?
  4. actually, i think that it would be most wonderful.. if they would have designed for the old houses to be contained within a very intimate inner courtyard. or even have them placed inside the overall structure itself. upon my most honest view... the old house just looks ridiculous upon the outside front entrance of this most modern structure.
  5. i concur! very nice indeed. even the christmas decor seems a bit more ambitious...
  6. since i actually live downtown houston, i am quite acquainted with the quirky bar / establishment names etc. however, HOUSTON WATCH COMPANY just does not make one think of lively libations.. other than wonderful timepieces. i want you and yours to be truly successful.. and i love that you chose downtown, just make certain that your overall product is remarkable... and that you ensure that the word BAR is prominently added to your moniker...
  7. props for sharing mab! if one should blink, you could easily miss it. however, updated rendering is very nice!
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