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Everything posted by YakuzaIce

  1. Just to remind us of what started this nonsense. "A new program may commence to call our neighborhood "SoDo" (pronounced "SoDoe"), as in South-of-Downtown. This signature name will identify the uniqueness of our neighborhood with its in-town living style, restaurants, shops, etc., similar to SoHo in London and LoDo in Denver, and HoDo in New York City." Just stick with Midtown. It is a small enough area to not need two names. Also where is this HoDO in NY? I have only heard of SoHo.
  2. ^^yeah SO did anyone save it? I was hearing how it was so bad and then when it is gone I hear it is pretty much the same renderings as those in the thread.
  3. Yes I am sure some (but not all) would use it for unnecessary items just as an group would, poor or otherwise. There will always be a segment of the pop. that will do these things. But just FYI I think people got pissed because just generalized inner city dwellers as drunks and druggies. And that you made that just from some reports.
  4. So editor is this the secret highest level you were talking about a while ago?
  5. Great historical pics. I have always liked old construction pictures. Also I guess the pics with people in the stands was one of the first games (or at least an early one). Seeing as the roof panes are still clear.
  6. Nice, that was pretty funny. We definately need some people here to learn to use the search button.
  7. There was a ruling a while back. It doesn't really mean it will happen, but it has more of a chance after this. Here is some more info http://www.houstonarchitecture.info/haif/i...wtopic=2569&hl=
  8. It doesn't seem any slower. But there was one thread that took about 5 minutes to load early this morning. Other than that one incident everything has been fine.
  9. I am right handed and straight, so I guess I just fit with the "trends". But what if you can write with both hands, and you are blind and deaf?
  10. LOL perfect. But seriously I have thought of so many things for downtown it would be imposoble to put them all in one post. Tomorrow after I get some sleep I may put a few things down. But I have gone as far as designing buildings, (for res.) figuring building costs, size of units, price of units, amenities, finding a site and factoring its cost into the equation, even calling a few places to see if they would be interested in leasing space in the "new" building. Never anything definite, just to see what their interest level is. Plus hundreds of other details. I have planned probably 25 buildings with this much info. And scores of others that have bits and pieces. As you can tell I want to be a developer. And I have a plan that could if all the pieces fall right (I hope) allow me to get into larger developments that I dream of. But it will take many years. So yeah I will put some stuff tomorrow.
  11. What is Sesame St.? I know it is a show, but is it an amusement park. And I hope they don't build a disney park near downtown. This is one of those times LT. AWACS old saying "they should have built this DT" does not apply. Plus the land would be too expensive, they would just take the smart move and build further out. Not to mention you need to get these people to sell their homes. Unless the Supreme court finds that they aren't as proffitable as disney. j/k
  12. Not quite as new, but clearer Astroworld An overview of the area. Edges are a little blurry, but if you want I get get a clearer one of that area.
  13. Any new word on this. I hope that the attacks have ceased. Also just wondering did you change the flood control time to 10 seconds rather than 20 sec. Just curious. EDIT: Just as an interesting point. After we went through some what of a slump around a month ago we have alot of users on now. 68 guests, 31 members 2 anonymous members ---today and just 4 days ago we had our most ever 165.
  14. ^^In case you hadn't seen it here is the thread about it. http://www.houstonarchitecture.info/haif/i...wtopic=3597&hl=
  15. Thanks for the links. I am surprised the value went down in '05 seeing as how the med center seems to keep expanding south. And Pineda do you really think it will be a parking lot or park and ride? I mean with the area booming along with the TMC expanding, and being adjacent to the rail line I can't see it going to waste as a parking lot. I am sure a developer will want in on the action. History may prove me wrong, but I hope not.
  16. Are they done remodeling? Last I saw it, it still had the garbage chute sticking out of a window.
  17. moo, I just can't wait until you can go anywhere in the inner city on rail. Or at least rail with a bus transfer. But commuter rail is good to see. Anything to get cars off the road and allow us to go a long while till we even consider widening our freeways.
  18. Sorry to hear how quickly conditions there turned sour. Hopefully the most inconsiderate residents will move out, making the building a nice place again.
  19. Maybe I read it wrong, but it sounds like thats in Mexico technically.
  20. Ok that makes more sense. Sorry about the misunderstanding. Do you have the link to it just wondering (since I am lazy).
  21. What do you mean mean by Tilman's compound? His office off of 59?
  22. This is sad. They really need to extend the waiting period or just not allow demolition if HAHC does not approve it.
  23. Just curious are you against rail, or are you just against spending on that and not studies for signal timing? Also when you say "I haven't ever lived in a city where" I guess you are not counting Houston. Never in all my years living here have I seen a light just go out or start flashing red. I have seen them, but never was I at the light when it happenned and usually it was raining when I saw it. Also I have seen very few burnt out lights. Maybe I just don't drive enough.
  24. Does anyone know how much longer it will be open? I may try and go. Also now that I think about it, it has probably been more than a decade since I last went.
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