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Everything posted by nativehou

  1. I'd like to: 1) Have more nights out with my friends (if I can pry them away from their husbands and kids) 2) Get a new challenging job 3) Go see more live music (now that the smoking ban is in place, that will be a lot easier). Might even host concerts in my house -- I've got the perfect room. and of course: 4) Get healthier
  2. My mother and her sisters were interviewed a few months ago by someone with Houston Arts and Media about their experiences growing up in Montrose in the 1940s and 50s. I don't know if these interviews will be transcribed and posted online. I hope so. I love Story Corp that they play on NPR on Friday mornings. They aren't transcribed, though. But the stories that arise from interviews with average folks are just wonderful.
  3. The apts at 1920 W. Alabama have recently been renovated. They still look great on the outside (from what I can see from the street), but I don't believe they were kept mod on the inside. I spoke to the office several months ago to ask them. I'm just glad they haven't been demolished. http://www.apartmentratings.com/rate/TX-Ho...Apartments.html
  4. I had my first date with my now husband there in late 2000. They were showing the Beatles' "Hard Days Night." This is a real shame.
  5. Was in San Marcos, then Bryan-College Station the past few days, now back in Houston. Merry Christmas all!
  6. The Symphony is performing Handel's Messiah: http://www.houstonsymphony.org/
  7. How did the "Mod of the Month" open house go on Sunday? Were there many visitors? Any interested buyers? I was out of town unfortunately and couldn't go see it.
  8. I agree. If you don't feel good about your smile, and you don't want people to look at your mouth when you talk, it really affects your own sense of well-being. I got braces at age 30 -- it was totally worth the cost and the effort.
  9. Well, the plumber said it wasn't a clogged vent pipe because the toilet works too well. And it's not a wax ring issue. Given the age of my house (almost 50 years) he thinks it might be a cracked pipe at the foundation. Joy. Apparently I need someone to perform a "smoke test" to see if there is indeed a crack. The test itself can run several hundred dollars -- he's trying to get my home warranty to pay, but he says they don't like to pay for serious stuff like that. Well, we wanted to redo the bathroom at some point. May have to be sooner rather than later. Thanks for the advice, all.
  10. For the Houston area customers, does it come with a licorice wrecking ball?
  11. We sometimes have a horrible methane smell coming from one of our toilets. It happens periodically. Last week when I called to schedule a plumber, it smelled to high heaven. Since then, it doesn't smell at all. But once a month or so for a few days, it's bad. I've been told it might be a clogged vent pipe. Several months ago I used our home warranty to have a plumber come out and tell me that my warranty "doesn't cover smells," whatever that means. We've been busy and haven't had anyone else come out to take a look at it. Until today -- and of course it doesn't smell now. Does anyone have any experience with clogged vent pipes? Would it come and go like it does? Any ideas? I want this guy to really examine it and not just say there's no problem because it's not smelling now.
  12. I don't know. Does it have Pagan origins?
  13. We're only halfway through her visit -- it runs until late April. So the final impact won't be known for some time. I know they've gotten money from me and will get more -- I went once by myself, once with the spouse, and will go this week again with my kid. On the days we can all go together it's too crowded!
  14. Not too far away from that log cabin, and also on Sims Bayou, is another log cabin next to Charlton Park. It used to be a residence. Now it's owned by the Houston Audubon Society. I'm sure it's mentioned somewhere else on the forum, but here's a link.
  15. Jax, did you have any idea your post would go down this path (pun intended)?
  16. I agree with Fredricksburg -- go to the Auslaunder restaurant for some good German food and live music: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...endID=130385834 During the day on Saturday hit the shops and wineries in and around Fredricksburg. Then the next night go to Luckenbach for some more live music: http://www.luckenbachtexas.com/ Now that's a good weekend! Bring back pictures!
  17. This is also good for the Texas A&M folks who travel to their Doha campus.
  18. Oooh, you've gotta go to Spec's on Smith Street. They have almost an entire aisle of chocolate. Try Guitard and Santander. Here's something I found on this site: http://www.chocolate-week.co.uk/good-chocolate.php * The quality and provenance of the cocoa beans and the manufacturing process is vital just as it is for fine wines. * The country of origin & quality of the cocoa bean is far more important than the country in which chocolate is made. If your chocolate is primarily sold on the basis of the country it was made in, you are probably buying overpriced, low grade chocolate. * Ideally chocolate should contain a minimum cocoa content of 60%+ for dark and 30%+ for milk. However, just because a chocolate contains 70% cocoa does not mean it is good
  19. Willowisp: Can we make this the next Mod of the Month?
  20. Wow. You should send these photos to the realtor to replace some of the ones on HAR. With the photos the realtor posted, it's almost as if she WANTS it to be torn down.
  21. There wasn't a map with the online article, so I e-mailed the writer yesterday to ask if there was one available. No response yet. I'd like to have a better idea where this is going to be.
  22. I think I read something recently about an event facility going up there -- something you could rent for parties, weddings, etc. I couldn't find anything in the Chron archives, so I don't know where I read it.
  23. These look really great, but you should know that some of them sat half-built for quite some time -- the northernmost units. Then it took months, maybe more than a year, to sell them.
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