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"God" cut out of airline movies


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No. You just revaled once again how one poster has described you: you have the mouth of a truck-stop waitress and the vacancy of a housewife.

Is that the ONLY thing you can come up with? :lol: Is that supposed to hurt my feelings or something?

You must not be very observant, nmainguy. I'm not the one calling people righteous asses. Can you read? Because you sure can't spell when you get all pissy. :D


A Vacant, but Fun-Loving, Genuinely Gifted Housefrau

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Is that the ONLY thing you can come up with? :lol: Is that supposed to hurt my feelings or something?

You must not be very observant, nmainguy. I'm not the one calling people righteous asses. Can you read? Because you sure can't spell when you get all pissy. :D


A Vacant, but Fun-Loving, Genuinely Gifted Housefrau

LOL! I guess we need to add "housewives" to the list of people to whom nmainguy believes himself superior. :wacko:

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Are you referring to me? I'm just wondering, because I'm not the one condemning anyone's sexuality. I could care less about "alternative lifestyles".

Speaking of righteous asses, why don't you try actually reading a thread through to the end before jumping on the pile and calling people names.

Why would you think it was you? There is enough of those to go around. So did you ask? Is it voluntary or is there an innate behavior gene that makes ppl have to control others and make others adhere to a lifestyle no matter what?

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When you say "no matter what", you're basically saying it is involuntary. I am saying there has not been a gene found that makes one "gay" or "straight". That's all I am saying. There was a lot of hype about this supposed gene in the '90s, but to this day it has not been found.

Genetic researcher Dean Hamer, who tried to find the so-called "gay gene" from 1993-1999, was asked by Scientific American, one of the top journals in the world, if homosexuality was rooted solely in biology. He replied:

"Absolutely not. From twin studies, we already know that half or more of the variability in sexual orientation is not inherited. Our studies try to pinpoint the genetic factors...not negate the psychosocial factors."

No such genetic factors have been proven thus far.

That's my only point. I'm not condemning anyone's lifestyle. I don't have to agree with it--and I don't have to accept it--but I am not condemning it.

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I have actually had several times where I could choose, and I chose to be heterosexual. Period.

I'll chat with my geneticist today and get back with you on why sexual orientation is voluntary, and perhaps we can have a topic devoted to it since the admin has graciously asked us all to keep this topic off this thread.

Interesting ... so you were thinking of being gay? Or thinking of doing a homosexual act?

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"Absolutely not. From twin studies, we already know that half or more of the variability in sexual orientation is not inherited. Our studies try to pinpoint the genetic factors...not negate the psychosocial factors."

??? I think the below numbers would suggest otherwise.

Bailey and Pillard (1991): occurrence of homosexuality among brothers

52% of identical (monozygotic) twins of homosexual men were likewise homosexual

22% of fraternal (dizygotic) twins were likewise homosexual

11% of adoptive brothers of homosexual men were likewise homosexual

But chosen or inherent, who cares. If someone disapproves of me, screw 'em. One can't go through life seeking approval from everyone.

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When you say "no matter what", you're basically saying it is involuntary. I am saying there has not been a gene found that makes one "gay" or "straight". That's all I am saying. There was a lot of hype about this supposed gene in the '90s, but to this day it has not been found.

Genetic researcher Dean Hamer, who tried to find the so-called "gay gene" from 1993-1999, was asked by Scientific American, one of the top journals in the world, if homosexuality was rooted solely in biology. He replied:

"Absolutely not. From twin studies, we already know that half or more of the variability in sexual orientation is not inherited. Our studies try to pinpoint the genetic factors...not negate the psychosocial factors."

No such genetic factors have been proven thus far.

That's my only point. I'm not condemning anyone's lifestyle. I don't have to agree with it--and I don't have to accept it--but I am not condemning it.

So what about the 'control' gene, any researches on that? In your professional or professional by relation opinion, is there such a gene where one 'needs' to control how others live to curb an urge or do people voluntarily 'want' to control and butt into people's lives for fun? I imagine if there is such a gene, it would be closely related to OCDisorder. Otherwise, it is kind of voluntary. Do you think this type of behavior, genetic or not, should be accepted?

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So what about the 'control' gene, any researches on that? In your professional or professional by relation opinion, is there such a gene where one 'needs' to control how others live to curb an urge or do people voluntarily 'want' to control and butt into people's lives for fun? I imagine if there is such a gene, it would be closely related to OCDisorder. Otherwise, it is kind of voluntary. Do you think this type of behavior, genetic or not, should be accepted?

Hey webdude, I will expect you to go call out "Chris" in the Presidential thread also, since you seem to want to be the PC police around here. "Chris" won't except a white guy for President, even if he is the most qualified, because he wants "change in America", meaning anything other than a white male, over 50. Go lay into him like you are doing to Parrot just so everyone knows that you aren't picking on anyone, and that you are stirctly PC across the board, fair and balanced. Thanks. :rolleyes:

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Hey webdude, I will expect you to go call out "Chris" in the Presidential thread also, since you seem to want to be the PC police around here. "Chris" won't except a white guy for President, even if he is the most qualified, because he wants "change in America", meaning anything other than a white male, over 50. Go lay into him like you are doing to Parrot just so everyone knows that you aren't picking on anyone, and that you are stirctly PC across the board, fair and balanced. Thanks. :rolleyes:

I am serious over here, if we are to look at homosexuality as an abomination, then we can also look at control freaks as one too.

I am not sure who chris is, but if I see it, maybe I will 'lay into' into him. I am sure you can do that on your own though.

Why does your analogy assume the the white male, over 50 as the most qualified? how about choosing the most qualified person, even if she is a young lady.

I am still figuring out what you meant by me being PC. How is this being PC?

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I am serious over here, if we are to look at homosexuality as an abomination, then we can also look at control freaks as one too.

I am sure who chris is, but if I see it, maybe I will 'lay into' into him. I am sure you can do that on your own though.

Why does your analogy assume the the white male, over 50 as the most qualified? how about choosing the most qualified person, even if she is a young lady.

I am still figuring out what you meant by me being PC. How is this being PC?

I never said nor "assumed" that the white men over 50, ARE the most qualified, but we need to take this part of the arguement back over to that thread, so I can fill you in <--- not in the homosexual sense, not that there is anything WRONG with that. :blink:

I didn't see anywhere , where Parrot said , "Homosexuality is an abomination!" She did say that she has questioned herself on the subject, so that leads room for speculation of will she or won't she, but she hasn't so far, so until she gets a divorce or wants to make her hubby's next birthday REALLY special, I don't think she has anything to worry about. My belief that anyone who has ever had a thought about the subject and questioned themselves as to whether or not that guy or girl is "HOT" to them would hardly ever reveal it to anyone if they truly thought it immoral or an "abomination". Hate the sin, not the sinner.

Now, as far as "control freaks" being a problem ? Absolutely, put them all on a boat and ship 'em off to Australia. We need to nip that problem in the bud.

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I never said nor "assumed" that the white men over 50, ARE the most qualified, but we need to take this part of the arguement back over to that thread, so I can fill you in <--- not in the homosexual sense, not that there is anything WRONG with that. :blink:

I didn't see anywhere , where Parrot said , "Homosexuality is an abomination!" She did say that she has questioned herself on the subject, so that leads room for speculation of will she or won't she, but she hasn't so far, so until she gets a divorce or wants to make her hubby's next birthday REALLY special, I don't think she has anything to worry about. My belief that anyone who has ever had a thought about the subject and questioned themselves as to whether or not that guy or girl is "HOT" to them would hardly ever reveal it to anyone if they truly thought it immoral or an "abomination". Hate the sin, not the sinner.

Now, as far as "control freaks" being a problem ? Absolutely, put them all on a boat and ship 'em off to Australia. We need to nip that problem in the bud.

I agree with everything, except the sin part, nobody knows whether its really a sin until after they die, but many like to think they know though.

And I have lurk around long enough to know that parrot doesn't get picked on, its quite the other way round. Maybe you want to remind her what you remind me too.

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I agree with everything, except the sin part, nobody knows whether its really a sin until after they die, but many like to think they know though.

And I have lurk around long enough to know that parrot doesn't get picked on, its quite the other way round. Maybe you want to remind her what you remind me too.

Trust me, I do !

As far as the "sin" it is all how you might interpret the bible. I can't quote scripture at all. The only time I have read The Bible, was the week I had to spend in P-farm on Mykawa back in the '96. I do believe there is a passage, I think in Leviticus, where it says, "NOT to lie with men and animals." Something to that effect. My friend parrot, types thoughts out loud sometimes, and they are innocent and not meant to provoke or stir the pot at all. I like her for that, and defend her right to say what she wants, just as much as I would defend yours webdude, it is the Voltaire in me, I guess.

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Trust me, I do !

I do believe there is a passage, I think in Leviticus, where it says, "NOT to lie with men and animals." Something to that effect. My friend parrot, types thoughts out loud sometimes, and they are innocent and not meant to provoke or stir the pot at all. I like her for that, and defend her right to say what she wants, just as much as I would defend yours webdude, it is the Voltaire in me, I guess.

Leviticus 20:13 "If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable."

Now I can almost guarantee parrot and CDeb will surly join me in hell because it is highly doubtful they have never touched a pigskin, eaten a ham sandwich or mixed fibers. If they were consistant in their defense of their cult, they would have to agree with me, would they not?

Now, I'm off to gamble with my Friday night poker buddies where afterwards we shall all be condemend hell.

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nmain, this happens every single time you paint yourself into a corner. You become belligerent and defensive, resorting to name-calling, without a single attempt to bring civility and respect to a conversation that has been, until you chimed in, quite reasonable. You have made assumptions about people's faith here that you know nothing about and have insulted what happens to be most of the board members' beliefs and morals in an effort to try to make me look stupid, per your M.O..

If I thought for one second that you could have a reasonable discussion about Christianity without referring to it as a cult, and calling it other assorted juvenile names, and make fun of people for believing Christ is their Savior, then I'd be happy to talk to you about things like Mosaic law (eating pork, etc). Unfortunately, your history speaks for itself, so I'd be surprised if that would ever happen.

I never knew how closed-minded my gay friends were until I told them I was going to church again. That being said, I rarely speak to them anymore, save for one. We don't have a whole lot in common, unfortunately. They decided that Christianity put a crimp in the whole "same-sex relationship" thing. They decided, not me, that I was wrong, just like you are doing. Fortunately for me, I have something on paper to back up my beliefs. All you have are hormones.

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Now, I only brought up Leviticus because of what it says in the Bible, and to show webdude where he might be wrong. Now, how one interprets it is another matter. It is my belief that whatever happens behind closed doors is your own damn business, far be it for me to point a finger and proclaim "SINNER!" unless it was in a joking manner on here, which I have done a few times. I don't care, if you want to be Homosexual, Heterosexual, Bi-sexual, or Try-sexual ( try anything), that is up to you and between you and your maker, it is only when it is on my coffee table at home that I might be inclined to break out the artillery and do something about it. Live your lives as you see fit, I don't listen to those who would force their beliefs upon me. Friend or no friend, I will give them a smile, then talk about how crazy they are to my wife as I walk away with her hand in mine.

Nmain, I would say that I would be sittin right next to you on a hot rock in Hell there my friend, but the truth is that I have already been there and I got kicked out because I tried to take over. ;)

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People, people! Come on now.

Most religious or spiritual people aren't going to follow the teachings of Warren Jeffs or Jim Jones, and are in fact healthy productive members of society, more likely to be your friend than foe. Likewise, most gay people are not members of a cult. Some can act like it, though. But that is true among many American subcultures. Rational people need to see through the fringe and not be afraid to call out people from even their own side.

This is why I'm growing to like Guiliani. He's basically sane and humble, almost to a fault.


Now, before we call this thread quits and move on, lets all gather around the campfire, hold hands, sing Kumbaya, and then listen to Parrot tell us of her bi/lesbian experience. ;):P

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Now, before we call this thread quits and move on, lets all gather around the campfire, hold hands, sing Kumbaya, and then listen to Parrot tell us of her bi/lesbian experience. ;):P

I might have to hang around for this. :ph34r:

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Now, I only brought up Leviticus because of what it says in the Bible, and to show webdude where he might be wrong. Now, how one interprets it is another matter. It is my belief that whatever happens behind closed doors is your own damn business, far be it for me to point a finger and proclaim "SINNER!" unless it was in a joking manner on here, which I have done a few times. I don't care, if you want to be Homosexual, Heterosexual, Bi-sexual, or Try-sexual ( try anything), that is up to you and between you and your maker, it is only when it is on my coffee table at home that I might be inclined to break out the artillery and do something about it. Live your lives as you see fit, I don't listen to those who would force their beliefs upon me. Friend or no friend, I will give them a smile, then talk about how crazy they are to my wife as I walk away with her hand in mine.

Nmain, I would say that I would be sittin right next to you on a hot rock in Hell there my friend, but the truth is that I have already been there and I got kicked out because I tried to take over. ;)

Ah, Leviticus, one of the most colorful parts of the bible, which would be a great discussion on its own. I haven't touch/read the bible in eight years; but it doesn't really matter since it doesn't pertain to what I was saying anyway. When I mentioned that people think they can read god's mind, I wasn't just arguing about people's interpretations of the bible, but rather their trust of the bible as an absolute reference.

With the existence of other holy scriptures and manuals, in addition to the bible being a translation of a interpretation of twelve people who translated what one guy or messiah has to say about god, there is should be at least a sliver of doubt that the bible is the absolute truth of god. Yet, some people can so easily abuse it as reference to interfere with how others live is laughable.

And for parrot, even if one believes absolutely what it says, it is not a piece of paper used to back anyone up as a right to say they are correct and others are wrong; it is used for your own spiritual salvation. And between 'something on paper' that has so many other papers contradicting it and real life homosexuals' hormones, I wouldn't say so easily that one is right over the other. If god created each and everyone of us, whose to say he didn't intend to create homosexuals too.

As for nmain, I will say your tone is somewhat aggressive, even like the fundies I sometimes meet. While I can understand how frustrating it is not to be accepted for who you are, and the daily battles you have to deal with in society, I certainly do not like that aggressiveness. But between an aggressive fundamentalist and an aggressive homosexual, I would side with the latter cause the latter fights to be equal while the former fights to keep others down.

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Ah, Leviticus, one of the most colorful parts of the bible

Man this thread should be renamed American short wave radio. I believe in God but don't have to go to church to feel like I'm a better Baptist.

But i do have a question for you. who created God? Has he always been here forever and who created the person that created God?

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Man this thread should be renamed American short wave radio. I believe in God but don't have to go to church to feel like I'm a better Baptist.

But i do have a question for you. who created God? Has he always been here forever and who created they person that created God?

I wish I know.

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Guys, the Editor has already asked for this to be kept on topic.

What a refreshing idea.

Let's also refrain from name-calling while we're at it.

Back on topic: as has already been pointed out, this came about as an attempt to mollify people who go ballistic whenever the Lord's name is used in vain. Anyone remember the Steppenwolf song from almost 40 years ago called "God Damn the Pusher Man"? There was no problem with playing it on the radio then, yet now that same phrase would be "(bleep) Damn the Pusher Man". This seems to be a relatively recent development brought about by the nuttier members of the Religious Right. How ironic that the unintended result was to remove all references to God.

I'm reminded of an article I saw in Reader's Digest a few years ago regarding places to eat in Houston. Among the attractions mentioned was "several Native American restaurants". Huh? Apparently they were employing some sort of Politically Incorrect sensing software which didn't recognize that Indian restaurants is an inoffensive term. :wacko:

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Man this thread should be renamed American short wave radio. I believe in God but don't have to go to church to feel like I'm a better Baptist.

But i do have a question for you. who created God? Has he always been here forever and who created the person that created God?

I was taught that He always was.

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Man created gods whether they be Jewish, Wiccan, Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, etc...

All religious cults have a deity. Some shared-some not. But they are all man-made.

of course - and we (mankind) need answers to the unknown (apparently)

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Just one question for Nmainguy or anyone else that shares his views.

If something is genetic, does that mean you should wholeheartedly allow yourself to indulge in it?

I just want to know what YOU think. No right or wrong.

If you are refering to my status as a gay man, then yes-I should indulge my sexual orientation to the fullest-just as most heterosexuals do. I'm not sure what this has to do with cults but on an objective level, I think I've given you an objective response.

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