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Artic Blast

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Puma, I am surprised, you of all people "gay bashing" on Frank. What would GLAAD say ? ;)

IMO Frank is a sorry excuse of a gay man. Again that is just my personal opinion.

The irony of it all, is that Frank is the biggest closet case ever, from what I have seen, as much in the public eye that he is, does not serve as MC's for gay events or give back to the community.

Hell, I don't think he identifies himeseld as a gay man in public.

And like I have mentioned over time and time again, he is a cheap tipper. And no I am not a disgruntled server, as I have never served him. But the people I work with have and have commented so.

Digression over, back on topic.

Edited by Pumapayam
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The irony of it all, is that Frank is the biggest closet case ever, from what I have seen, as much in the public eye that he is, does not serve as MC's for gay events or give back to the community.

He MC'ed the HRC or Black Tie dinner 2years ago. Can't recall for sure which one.

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This "Artic Blast" will turn out to be much ado about nothing!


Maybe not in Houston, but Bryan/CS is shut down today. A nice sheet of ice on everything. The roads in the southern half of Brazos County are still clear, but there's reports of a lot of accidents in north Bryan with all of the bridges frozen over (glad I got my car to the body shop yesterday!!). Texas A&M is closed today, it was supposed to be the first day of classes. We're supposed to get another line of freezing rain this afternoon and into the night, so tomorrow doesn't look too good either. While I was typing this, the freezing rain started up again and I can hear it bouncing off the window.

I guess I won't be BBQing tonight! :rolleyes:

IMO Frank is a sorry excuse of a gay man. Again that is just my personal opinion.

The irony of it all, is that Frank is the biggest closet case ever, from what I have seen, as much in the public eye that he is, does not serve as MC's for gay events or give back to the community.

Hell, I don't think he identifies himeseld as a gay man in public.

Gosh, maybe his entire life isn't wrapped up in his sexuality! The horrah!! :rolleyes:

Edited by CDeb
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He MC'ed the HRC or Black Tie dinner 2years ago. Can't recall for sure which one.

HRC Human Richts Campaign? Admirable, but could still do more.

Maybe not in Houston, but Bryan/CS is shut down today. A nice sheet of ice on everything.

So no snow for College Station, just freezing rain too.

Any good photos?

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IMO Frank is a sorry excuse of a gay man. Again that is just my personal opinion.

The irony of it all, is that Frank is the biggest closet case ever, from what I have seen, as much in the public eye that he is, does not serve as MC's for gay events or give back to the community.

Hell, I don't think he identifies himeseld as a gay man in public.

And like I have mentioned over time and time again, he is a cheap tipper. And no I am not a disgruntled server, as I have never served him. But the people I work with have and have commented so.

Digression over, back on topic.

Puma, this thought is ridiculous. I don't skip around in short shorts, waving a rainbow flag. I don't even go to gay clubs/bars as much as breeder clubs & bars. I don't give back to the community either. So would you label me as a 'sorry excuse' too? Or is it because he is some what of a public figure?

Since when did being gay mean you have identify yourself in public? When did being gay mean you join a secret club that you constantly have to re-afirm membership & identity? And when did his personaly life become any of your business?

Sorry Puma, but I really don't understand your statements.

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Puma, this thought is ridiculous. I don't skip around in short shorts, waving a rainbow flag. I don't even go to gay clubs/bars as much as breeder clubs & bars. I don't give back to the community either. So would you label me as a 'sorry excuse' too? Or is it because he is some what of a public figure?

Since when did being gay mean you have identify yourself in public? When did being gay mean you join a secret club that you constantly have to re-afirm membership & identity? And when did his personaly life become any of your business?

Sorry Puma, but I really don't understand your statements.

Come to think of it, I didn't realize what a pi$$-poor heterosexual I've been!!! ;)

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Right. Sorry...

When I had to be outside today, and the wind was blasting in my face, I actually caught myself wishing it was normal hot Houston day. And when Summer rolls around again, I'll be missing what little winter we have.

edit: Last night as the 'news covarage' was blaring from the t.v., I heard the anchor woman say "The Harris County Emergancy Operations Center has been open since 9:00am". I might have heard that wrong, or perhaps different words were used after Harris County.

I wonder what people in Colorado or Wyoming do when they get temperatures at or below 32 degrees. FEMA is probibly there year round'.

Ok, but in all seriousness, drive careful. I feel for those of you HAIFers that drive pick ups (JMancuso).

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I wonder what people in Colorado or Wyoming do when they get temperatures at or below 32 degrees. FEMA is probibly there year round'.

Nope, it's -22o here in Wyoming right now, no FEMA in sight. Seriously they are just prepaired up here for the winters, it's just another day in paradise to them. Luckily no wind right now, wind chill will be no factor tonight.

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Do tell...just what "more" have YOU done, exactly?

Many of us-gay weathermen or not-have done tons when called upon. Chuck George would rally at the drop of a hat. Dan Meador would supply blankets to the homeless on cold nights. It has nothing to do with being gay-it has everything to do with what kind of person you are.

So, Do tell...just what "more" have YOU done, exactly?

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Well ,*I* am blasting. Right out of my nose and I'm in a crises, I ran out of cold medicine and I only have part of the recipe. I have plenty of nyquil but no Vodka and the liquor stores are closed. :(

THAT is a matter worth discussing about.

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