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This weather rules!


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It does not feel great. It's way too humid.

Maybe it feels great if you sit on your butt all day, but when there is work to do outside, I'd prefer to have real December temps in December.

We get to sweat all year long. We deserve a break.

I don't know what you're whining about. It's been rainy, cloudy and cold for 2 weeks straight without a stitch of sun (with this past Sunday Jan 21 as an exception).

Point is, we really need a break on this cold weather.

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I don't know what you're whining about. It's been rainy, cloudy and cold for 2 weeks straight without a stitch of sun (with this past Sunday Jan 21 as an exception).

Point is, we really need a break on this cold weather.

Amen. Fortunately, Sat. afternoon it was gorgeous; and although only in the 50s, much better than 2 weeks of drizzle. But the rain will return tonight. :angry2: Seems like last January was in the 70s and even 80s a lot. I don't remember anything like this.

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Oy vey.

A lots change since December 17th.

These 50 degree highs are getting old .I'm ready to turn my heater off for awhile.

February is a subtle transition month though. We gain 7 degrees on the average highs (63 to 70) from the 1st to the 28th, and the daylight gains are also large.

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You run your heater all the time? AH HA! YOU'RE the cause of all that dastardly "global warming!"

The heat does go straight out the ceiling and windows in my house almost (no insulation) so maybe I am partially guilty.... :ph34r:

I didn't mean that I run it all the time though. I keep my bedroom warm but it was 49 in the rest of the house this morning...I'm getting used to it.

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I can't believe it's still only January. I don't think I've evern anticipated spring as much as I do now. Come on highs of '70s.


February is a subtle transition month though. We gain 7 degrees on the average highs (63 to 70) from the 1st to the 28th, and the daylight gains are also large.

Yesterday was when I noticed that the days are getting longer. At least I felt good about that.

Edited by KimberlySayWhat
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  • 2 months later...
I can't believe it's still only January. I don't think I've evern anticipated spring as much as I do now. Come on highs of '70s.

Yesterday was when I noticed that the days are getting longer. At least I felt good about that.

Okay, tonight it is supposed to be in the upper 30's

In APRIL of all months.


The whole country is blue on the forecast maps.

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My dad grew up in the country (Centerville, TX), and whenever it gets it starts to get pretty warm before Easter, he starts to talk about how his father used to tell him it may have felt like spring and the calendars may have said spring had begun, but "true spring" didn't arrive until after Easter (you know about country folks and weather ;) ). Wintry weather would come back in what he called a "Easter Snap". And sure enough, he was right. It was like 80 degrees earlier this week, I was riding with A/C at full blast and shorts and sandals on, now it's going to be in the 30s tonight and I'm wearing my coat again. But the warmth will be back next week.

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Still enjoying this nice balmy weather while I can, reminds me of when I lived on the west coast (Santa Monica, Ca). We were so close to the beach hardly anyone ever used an air conditioner. Year round tropical breezes. Only when the occasional heat wave would come around would you need the air conditioner. The only areas that got hot were if you lived in the San Fernando Valley because the mountains trap the heat, but as far as living in the beach communities you were a-ok! miss it :mellow:

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