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This weather rules!


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My point it that you were not supposed to even use that phrase "in how long", it is supposed to be a common even for Houston winter.

It was probably 10 years since it last snowed, whereas it used to regulary snow at least once every 2 to 3 years, and have a hard free with the icicles mentioned above each year.

You are smokin' CRACK ! Houston hardly EVER gets snow. It is a RARE occurence, at best, for Snow to fall and stick to the ground in Houston. about 1988 or '89 would be the time it snowed before the 10 years prior to 2004. :rolleyes: Every 2 to 3 years........ indeed.

yeah, the wind is picking up, there's thunder and lightning, and all the auto outdoor lights are turning on - the clouds look a little odd, too :ph34r:

The clouds are extremely WEIRD, my friend took some pictures. Those cluods look very HEAVY, if that makes sense ? The clouds are swirling around each other looking like Ying-Yangs.

Edited by TJones
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It has turned out pretty today.

I wish it would be sunny and warm for Christmas, but I think it's supposed to be in the '50s with possibly some rain. Last Christmas was warm and gorgeous. We had Christmas dinner poolside at my aunt's house. It was nice.

The sun came out later in the day. But it was out and in the 50s. Personally, an 80 degree day would have been perfect for me. But we all have our "fav weather" and perhaps 75-80 isn't one of those this time of the year. But I'll take 90 on any given day and love it. Sunbathing and swimming in the sea appeals far more to me than fireplaces. Got to tell yall tho, that I have mine cranked to the max (of course I had gas logs installed.... it's a Houston thang). :)

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If you like 70 - 80 degrees foggy in the morning then sunny around 10:30 am then Santa Monica is a good place to live, but you will get tired of the same weather day after day trust me :wacko:

Edited by Marty
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If you like 70 - 80 degrees foggy in the morning then sunny around 10:30 am then Santa Monica is a good place to live, but you will get tired of the same weather day after day trust me :wacko:

I know. I lived in San Diego for four years and those are seriously my observations exactly.

A lot of people in SoCal must have it though, bragging about it and all. It's a part of the self-gratification that reflects the SoCal mindset.

But I grew up in the Gulf Coast where having those thunderstorms and (from the Houston area side) odd cold gray days sort of refreshed the soul, made the senses tingle with excitement. What's great is the awful weather was shortly followed by beautiful blue days.

I seriously thought something was missing regarding SoCal's so-called perfect weather. It's convenient for tourism and all but if one looks forward to inclement weather as a counterbalance to beautiful...Houston's a great place.

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Actually warmed up to a balmy 22o today, was walking around in a t-shirt and no carhartt's today. Will be glad to come home on the 2nd, get me two weeks of warm weather. Gonna chase my grandson with a paint ball gun for a couple of days. He got one for x-mas and I am going to break out the WGP Autococker and wear his little ass out. Hope the damn thing still works, it's been in a box for 2 years. I soaked it in WD-40 before I put it away, we'll see. The boy has been talking smack on the phone for the past two days, Pawpaw is gonna tattoo his butt with paintballs. Talks too much smack and I'll stash a box in the freezer!! That always get's their attention.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here we go with predictions of sleet and ice pellets or whatever that winter stuff brings for Mon Tues Wed. Hopefully the weather guys are bored and get carried away. Realistically, it should be in the low to mid 30s and rain... my take. And I hope I am wrong because inclement weather days are so friggin rare in Houston that I can't imagine the last one (oh yeah, it was a flood in 2001). But you cold weather lovers, here it comes, right at cha. Have fun with it because I'll be cussin' until its over. Give me 73 balmy days ANY day. :rolleyes:

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The news is freaking out. You'd think the Redcoats were coming. Or another Rita.

But I am glad it's going to at least kill some bugs.

We have people from Canada flying in Monday for meetings. We always taunt them about our mild winter weather. They may be just a bit dissapointed.

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Well headed back to the Tunndra in a few minutes, this should be a fun drive this time. I think the Panhandle and Raton Pass will be the worst of it. Wyoming has amazing winter road crews.

Don't forget to take that new camera. ;)

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It's feeling good today. Getting back into the '60s. I never thought I'd feel warm in the '60s; I usually freeze in the '60s Last week was brutal, sheer misery to me. I'm so glad those temps aren't the norm for us. Just seeing all that snow and ice on the news in the northern parts of Texas and elsewhere make me so glad I'm here and not there. Talk about depressing.

I think I'll have iced tea today instead of hot tea and I'm so having jalepenos grilled outdoors.

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