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Mary Cheney's fortunate child


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When I initially heard about Mary Cheney's pregnancy I thought, "What a great thing for a couple who have been together for 14 years to give a child a loving and priviledged life when so many other kids are doomed from the start..."

Then I read this and a few of the ensuing responses.

While most of you who know me know I have little sympathy for the Cheneys, I was glad to see their response regarding their new grandchild. But then the hypocrisy of it all kicked. So I'm torn between the new life that will soon be coming into the world but worried about the world people like the Cheneys have enabled.

I was glad John's Blue Bayou blog addressed this.

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not that the cheney's personal life is any of my concern: i do think that dick and lynne cheney are an example for other conservative families. the result of the public interest in their family, and the cheney's public response, will comfort and encourage other conservative families coming to terms with gay and lesbian children (read, accepting their gay and lesbian children). i believe that the public display of love and affection between the cheney's and their daughter & partner will have far more reaching effects on acceptance of the gay community than a marriage initiative. love in action wins over legislation any day of the week. :)

congratulations to the cheney family.

Edited by bachanon
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I think people are too quick to label a person either because of group affiliation, or by beliefs in particular issues. The fact that I was initially for, and continue to support the war in Iraq does not mean I am a Republican. The fact that I support gay rights and reproductive rights does not make me a Democrat.

Conversely, my being a Republican or a Democrat would not mean I would support every issue that party stood for.

I think Cheney the man is basically a decent and honorable guy, and one who brings a great deal to the table, be it politically of in business. I have heard him his discourse on a number of issues, and I think he is a genius. I don

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It really riles me when people slam him for being a hypocrite simply because he is a Republican with a lesbian daughter. I think Mary is lucky to have him as a father.

I almost never agree w/Cheney but he has remained loyal to his daughter. An example how how poorly he could have acted would be Alan Keyes.

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I just wish she would not look so lesbian-y.

I mean, what is wrong with getting a decent haircut, why the mullet.

It won't affect her parenting I know, I just hate women with the mullet look.

You don't approve of her "look"? I'm sure she lies awake at night yearning for your approval.

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i believe that the public display of love and affection between the cheney's and their daughter & partner will have far more reaching effects on acceptance of the gay community than a marriage initiative.

I don't particularly think the government should involve itself in marriage-straight or gay. However, I would like to see a bill passed that secures civil unions among couples-gay and straight. The Republican Party has in their platform explicit language that addresses this:

"We further believe that legal recognition and the accompanying benefits afforded couples should be preserved for that unique and special union of one man and one woman..."

So while Cheney publicly supports his daughter, he at the same time supports a policy that denies his daughter and her partner the same rights he and his wife posses. Civil unions would allow surviving spouses to receive SS payments, Veterans payments; to have custody of surviving children and hospital visitation rights.

As long as that is denied, I contend straights have special rights while gays remain second-class citizens.


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Ditto. Should it even be news?

It should always be news when someone is denied their civil rights. Are the elder Cheneys prepared to care for their new grandchild in the event their daughter dies? As you know, her partner will have NO legal relationship with the child. She will be at the mercy of others who posses rights she currently doesn't have.

BTW, it only became news when the right-wing Christian Taliban made it an issue:


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Mary Cheney’s pregnancy poses problems not just for her child, but also for all Americans.


When fatherless children get to be teens, the girls tend to start looking for love in all the wrong places and the boys tend to find as their role model the bad-boy celebrities of MTV, NFL and NBA.


Mary’s pregnancy is an “in-your-face” action countering the Bush Administration’s pro-family, pro-marriage and pro-life policies. She continues to repudiate the work to which her father has devoted his life.


i think a revocation of someone's Ph.D. is in order :wacko:

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