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scary new changes in the earth's eco-system


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Ex-generals: Global warming threatens U.S. security

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Global warming poses a "serious threat to America's national security" and the U.S. likely will be dragged into fights over water and other shortages, top retired military leaders warn in a new report.

<a href="http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/04/15/warming.military.ap/index.html" target="_blank">

Full article here</a>

Droughts -> Impoundments of rivers and streams, with reservoirs covered by reflective plastic coating to prevent evaporation; desalinization.

Floods -> Impoundments of rivers and streams

Disease -> Investment in medical research, legalizing of DDT, and the death of boomers, which will free up a lot of trained labor.

Failed governments -> Globalization and Foreign Direct Investment

Refugees -> Sibera and the Canadian wilderness

Weaver said that over the past years, scientists, who by nature are cautious, have been attacked by conservative activists when warning about climate change. This shows that it's not a liberal-conservative issue, Weaver said.

^Funny how they seem to assume that the generals and admirals that took part in this study are all politically conservative.

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Not to worry, the government will take care of it. Do a search for the Haig-Kissinger depopulation policy

Ex-generals: Global warming threatens U.S. security

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Global warming poses a "serious threat to America's national security" and the U.S. likely will be dragged into fights over water and other shortages, top retired military leaders warn in a new report.

<a href="http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/04/15/warming.military.ap/index.html" target="_blank">

Full article here</a>

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Droughts -> Impoundments of rivers and streams, with reservoirs covered by reflective plastic coating to prevent evaporation; desalinization.

Floods -> Impoundments of rivers and streams

Disease -> Investment in medical research, legalizing of DDT, and the death of boomers, which will free up a lot of trained labor.

Failed governments -> Globalization and Foreign Direct Investment

Refugees -> Sibera and the Canadian wilderness

^Funny how they seem to assume that the generals and admirals that took part in this study are all politically conservative.

I didn't understand that last line ... seems like it was thrown in by an editor.

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The ostrich wing of the GOP weighed in on the subject:

The next day on Capitol Hill, before the inaugural hearing of a special new House committee dedicated to global warming and energy policy, Republican Rep. James Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin expressed similar skepticism.

"I will have many questions about why global warming has suddenly become an issue of national defense," Sensenbrenner said. Later in the hearing he complained that alarmism over climate change is unnecessarily frightening America's children.


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I will conceed a point. That we do not KNOW what is causing global warming, but it seems pretty clear to me that something is happening and either we look at it and plan, or we'll be stuck. No one seemed to be concerned with my honey bee posts here a few weeks back, but now it is all over the national news and seems to be picking up steam, essentially because it could seriously affect crops.

Combine the two (whacky weather and no bees) and we'll have sky-high prices in the grocery store really soon. Maybe not just sky high prices, but LESS food (in general) to go around .. .sooner than we think.

I believe we forget that much of the rest of the world doesn't live like us. They don't have aisle after aisle of useless stuff. We've never really known 'hunger' as a nation in the last 100 years or so. True, there is poverty and hunger in the USA, but not breadlines and soup kitchens.

Maybe we'll get a taste of it again?

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So, we're basically at a point now that anything happening in nature that we can't explain is caused by anthropogenic global warming or some other man-made environmental calamity??

Talk about anti-science!!

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So, we're basically at a point now that anything happening in nature that we can't explain is caused by anthropogenic global warming or some other man-made environmental calamity??

Talk about anti-science!!

Well, here's one from your scientific station known as Fox:

NASA: Summer Temperatures May Rise 10 Degrees by 2080

Average daily high temperatures in in July 2085 (left) and July 1993 (right). Green is 86 degrees Fahrenheit, yellow 93, red 100, dark purple 108.

A new NASA study projects that the eastern United States may see summer temperatures rise by 10 degrees by 2080 if carbon dioxide emissions continue to grow.

"There is the potential for extremely hot summertime temperatures in the future, especially during summers with less-than-average frequent rainfall," according to lead study author Barry Lynn of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies at Columbia University in New York City.

Full article here: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,271232,00.html

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NASA: Summer Temperatures May Rise 10 Degrees by 2080

Full article here: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,271232,00.html

More problems with this study:

the regional downscaling model that this research team used fails even to skillfully simulate recent climate and purports to predict climate decades into the future.


Edited by CDeb
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  • 5 weeks later...
Glacial Lake Disappears in S. Chile

SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) - A glacial lake in Chile's southern Andes has disappeared and scientists want to know why.

full article

Aliens !

No, what I think happened was a giant flock of Canadian Geese settled on the lake, and a quick blast of Polar air froze the lake solid, and the ice locked in around the poor little Geese legs, and then the Geese flew away taking the lake with them, I am sure the geese flew to a warmer climate and now the lake is over in Brazil somewhere.

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I was waiting for you to pop up with that...

Maybe there's a supervolcano there that we don't know about that's getting ready to blow....

Maybe we're on a planet that's been here for billions of years and this stuff happens all the time by it's standards...

Maybe that's what's been dumping on us for the last 3 weeks straight...

And Maybe TJones is right and we're all gonna die...I guess we should stock up on some canned soups.

Edited by AJXterra
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And Maybe TJones is right and we're all gonna die...I guess we should stock up on some canned soups.

WHOA WHOA WHOA !!! I don't want ot be right if it means we are all gonna die ! I will happily conceed and be wrong, if my being right means the end of the world is at hand ?

My reasoning leads me to believe that we are all gonna be here for a very loooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnngggggggggg time, and that neither us, nor our children, nor our children's children, our their great great great great grandchildren's children will be around to see it all end.

I think that erosion may have played a part in this, and the bottom simply fell out, doesn't take an Earthquake for erosion to occur. But, maybe those Geese got further north than I thought, and all the rain the past 3 weeks IS the lake, like AJ said ?

I truly believe "Global Warming" will NOT be the end of us all, Nuclear Weapons will be.

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In skimming through this topic, I've realized that people pay too much attention to the question of how soon and how much is going to effect us. Most people agree that something is happening with our climate, it's just that the "skeptics" are more skeptical about the doomsday scenarios than the science of global warming itself. The way I look at it is this: No matter how much we invest in research, nobody is ever going to determine EXACTLY how much global warming is going to effect us, and if they do it'll be too late. So why don't we just play it safe and clean up our act a bit - how can that hurt?. I don't mean completely overhauling the world economy overnight, but try to walk a bit more, don't buy an SUV, and invest in clean energy when you can.

I believe Al Goe's got his science mostly right, although he tends to steer towards the worst case scenarios in his predictions. I don't find there's anything terribly wrong with that if that's what it takes to motivate people to become more environmentally friendly. And the thing about him "taking initiative to create the internet" is a non issue for me, because he did just that. Find something that he really got wrong if you're trying to discredit him, don't waste our time with that "i invented the internet" thing.

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But you are right, we are all going to die. Just not all at the same time. Unless of course we all buy dogfood instead of soup.

Or e-Coli infested spinach. Mommy ... I'm scurred.

In skimming through this topic, I've realized that people pay too much attention to the question of how soon and how much is going to effect us. Most people agree that something is happening with our climate, it's just that the "skeptics" are more skeptical about the doomsday scenarios than the science of global warming itself. The way I look at it is this: No matter how much we invest in research, nobody is ever going to determine EXACTLY how much global warming is going to effect us, and if they do it'll be too late. So why don't we just play it safe and clean up our act a bit - how can that hurt?. I don't mean completely overhauling the world economy overnight, but try to walk a bit more, don't buy an SUV, and invest in clean energy when you can.

I believe Al Goe's got his science mostly right, although he tends to steer towards the worst case scenarios in his predictions. I don't find there's anything terribly wrong with that if that's what it takes to motivate people to become more environmentally friendly. And the thing about him "taking initiative to create the internet" is a non issue for me, because he did just that. Find something that he really got wrong if you're trying to discredit him, don't waste our time with that "i invented the internet" thing.

I don't even think global warming is the main issue. I think the Earth is literally breaking down around us ... and either we are naive to the signs or don't care.

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I don't even think global warming is the main issue. I think the Earth is literally breaking down around us ... and either we are naive to the signs or don't care.

Huh? You mean like the earth is dissolving? I'm afraid I don't understand, or I have been naive to the signs.

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  • 3 weeks later...
"Won't see"? The changes are already undeniable. And make no mistake, this isn't "climate change" - it's global warming.

Or maybe those disappearing species are just playing hide-and-seek as a joke?

So far as consensus about an impending ice age among scientists in the 70's and early 80, there was none. It was a hotly (if you'll excuse the term) debated topic. But no legitimate scientist discounts global warming. The evidence is overwhelming.

This is the problem. There are plenty of legitimate, reputable scientists that do not believe that global warming is anything other than a theory at this point. They are drowned out by politicians, special interests and the hyped up talking heads screaming that the debate is over. Many of them are having their reputations destroyed as revenge for not towing the line. Glenn Beck did an interesting piece on the GW hype and it was enlightening.

Yes, there are changes in the climate. But we do not yet know with any level of logical conclusion that man is causing it or even to what degree. A very good friend of mine is an MIT doctorate and tore me a new arsehole when I made the mistake of mentioning that I had watched Al Gores movie and that I thought he made some good points. He went on a 2 hour lecture, complete with documentation from the exact same studies Al was using and pointed out the soft science that was used to make his movie.

We, as humans, should be nicer to our environment. This is common sense. But the jury is still out on global warming regardless of how many times Al Gore and Bill Maher say it isn't.

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  • 1 month later...
That would be me. My bad...

There seems to be a lot of politicians who like to brush the idea of global-warming and the greenhouse effect aside because all they care about is money now.

People need to stop being so nieve, man. Theory or no theory, how people can say that all the pollution us humans cause is helping the earth's environment is like saying Saw III is the feel-good movie of the year, yo. WE affect how polluted our air is. Look at how Houston had the "dirtiest air in America" a few years back. We're still working on it, but you can already see that our cutting down on pollutants can make a difference.

We had the dirtiest air only moments after "W" announced his run for Prez.


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