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We tax payers deserve some transparency and accountability!


In my experience, MUDs are usually operated reasonably well. There are lots of them, most of them are very similar and easy to manage or audit, and their powers to spend are very limited by state statutes. And after all, infrastructure has to be paid for by one mechanism or another. To make it so that the people who use a discrete and separate infrastructure system from that of a larger community are the ones that finance and pay for it (and only it) was actually pretty novel when the idea was first devised. That way, a municipality or county doesn't have to subsidize newcomers; the newcomers pay their own way.

But...if you're looking for something to jump on and investigate, soapbox, management districts are where the controversies get taken to a whole new level. They can do whatever MUDs can do, but also a great deal more. They can effectively replace nearly all of the government services that incorporated municipalities have traditionally provided, circumvent some of the requirements that incorporated municipalities are held to, and do so with dangerously little transparency.

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For the love of mud. Allen, TX got the wake board park from this group and it didn't cost the public a dime. Why on earth is Frank McCrady throwing taxpayer money at this stuff?




And, it should be no surprise to learn that Don Holbrook is also likely involved in the shooting range nonsense. He met up with that bunch in Pahrump, NV and probably introduced them to EMC. It is just too much of a coincidence that the shooting range bunch is now soliciting EMC. Hasn't Don Holbrook made enough money off of us? He was paid 144 grand in 2009 for working 15 hours a week for the EarthQuest Institute alone.

What in the world is Frank McCrady doing paying for this stuff? He will do anything to divert attention from the dino adventure park fiasco it looks like to me.

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Hey that looks like fun! East Montgomery county is going to be a lot of fun to visit in a few years. Frank McCrady and Don Holbrook "probably" deserve a raise for "likely" turning East Montgomery County into a place worth visiting and spending Garland, TX tourist dollars in the future.

Edited by Mister X
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.... other than the fact that the Allen wake board park is located in a city park

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from the article - "So who will pay if EarthQuest isn’t built? You will." - Calvert (opinion)

As someone who wants to see this park built (whatever it takes), I couldn't be happier that there is this great new incentive. Seems like it just might be the perfect missing ingredient to get this park built. Don't build it and the taxpayers get screwed. Build it and add jobs, taxable revenue and tourism. By all means - spread the word.

Yes. Whatever it takes. I would sacrifice Soapboxmom's first born to Jesus H. Christ to get this park built if I thought it would help.

Frank McCrady deserves another bonus for keeping this project on track. So far, he and Tilman Fertitta are my new heros. They are trying to create a tourism industry in the Houston area. That is a good thing. Soapmom and calvert can go jump in lake EarthQuest after it's built. That would also be a good thing and I'm looking forward to it.

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Mr. X, would you care to elaborate on just what McCrady has done to keep this project on track?? If he had checked out the developer, Don Holbrook et all in the first place we might not be in this quagmire at all. If there isn't a $10,000,000.00 dollar bid on the property in 13 days it automatically goes into foreclosure and back to the bank that has $21,000,000.00 in the property. Frank McCrady's absolute desperation is not going to fund this project. I spoke personally with Chris Brown CEO of Contour and though he is totally committed to the project and very excited to be involved, he conceded that raising the money is going to be challenging. Perhaps you know something about the potential funding the rest of us don't???

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Mister X, you're really really into theme parks aren't you? :huh:

Hm? I wonder what ever gave you that idea? Yes I am. But no more than you are really, really into posting on EVERY thread at HAIF all day long. :)

...or no more than soapboxmom is really, really into bringing down Frank McCrady and the EarthQuest project. My God, she has an entire website dedicated to it. I must admit it is a challenge being the ying to her yang - especially when there is so much uncertainty currently surrounding the project. But I like to stay positive.

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Mr. X, would you care to elaborate on just what McCrady has done to keep this project on track?? If he had checked out the developer, Don Holbrook et all in the first place we might not be in this quagmire at all. If there isn't a $10,000,000.00 dollar bid on the property in 13 days it automatically goes into foreclosure and back to the bank that has $21,000,000.00 in the property. Frank McCrady's absolute desperation is not going to fund this project. I spoke personally with Chris Brown CEO of Contour and though he is totally committed to the project and very excited to be involved, he conceded that raising the money is going to be challenging. Perhaps you know something about the potential funding the rest of us don't???

Despite the harsh realities that a slow economy has brought us, bankruptcy, and the scandal you are trying to invent, Frank McCrady hasn't lost faith in the project and seems to be making every effort to not let people like you derail it. Maybe a weaker person could be bullied into abandoning the project by now. He seems to be pushing for it harder than anyone - at least publicly. Frank McCrady works for an entity that is designed to bring jobs and businesses into his county and that is exactly what he is trying to do. I like that that he doesn't give name calling, time wasting, self-serving muck rakers the time of day. You should be thankful I am giving you a moment of my time.

Also, the only chance any new theme park has of being built is with the blessings and incentives that a local govt authority is willing to give. The ECMID is for the project. Not every community would welcome the changes that EQ could bring to the area.

... and since I AM really REALLY into theme parks with no appologies, I applaud McCrady's effort. I couldn't care less how much it cost to build or who pays for it. They can double your taxes for all I care. The resort could be a real game changer for the area, bring in jobs, ect. and make the Houston area that much better to live. Which I am highly in favor of.

If EQ isn't built - I'll get over it and hope the next proposal has better luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mr. X, the project is in worse shape than anyone imgained. Here is your chance to step up and help make this happen. Folks who want to save this project need to attend the EMCID board meeting on Thursday March 8th at 5:30. Just under 1 million dollars was donated to the charity, the Earthquest Insitute, and I have been trying to access the documents that by law must be publicly available and am still waiting for them. It is time for honest disclosure and transparency. The charity, The Earthquest Insitutute, and EMCID office share the same address and the docs should have been there available for public inspection and copying all along. Everyone involved with the charity has left the project (except for a single EMCID board member who can't handle it alone), so it is up to the local taxpayers to step up to the plate and volunteer. Why was it not disclosed the charity had no one left running it for over a year? I have spoken to or had e-mail correspondence with everyone that was ever associated with the charity in my search for the elusive documents that the IRS and Texas Non-profit Corporation Act specify must be public. I think we have a right to know where the $996,667.00 dollars donated went and why the promised educational activities of the charity are not taking place. Why was Frank McCrady not on top of that and working to keep it alive and run properly?

Why did Frank McCrady hide the bankruptcy on the property for five months? It is only thanks to Cynthia Calvert and her excellent reporting that we learned of this crucial development. This project could be fantastic if we had better leadership. Frank McCrady needs to be replaced with someone that can step in and get this back on track. The local residents should be at that meeting asking lots of questions and holding McCrady's feet to the fire. The project would be getting a lot more support if the public was getting information and things were being handled.

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I hope after the next EMCID meeting everyone will have their questions answered and that they maintain that the project is still on course. But I'm only interested in seeing the park built. I don't care how they do it. I have little interest in holding McGrady's feet to the fire because I don't see how that will help get the park built. I'm not following this project for the pure enjoyment of watching people burn like some people are.

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Filed & Entered: 01/23/2012 silverball.gif Chapter 11 Confirmation Hearing 36 Filed & Entered: 01/23/2012 silverball.gif Order on Motion for Relief from Automatic Stay 37 Filed & Entered: 01/24/2012 silverball.gif Operating Report 38 Filed: 01/25/2012 Entered: 01/26/2012 silverball.gif Certificate of Mailing 39 Filed & Entered: 01/30/2012 silverball.gif Order on Motion (Generic) 40 Filed: 02/01/2012 Entered: 02/02/2012 silverball.gif Certificate of Mailing 41 Filed & Entered: 02/20/2012 silverball.gif Operating Report

Nothing has been filed. It appears Marlin Atlantis did not get the minimum 10 million dollar bid on the property and the bank will be foreclosing. That means Contour was not able to raise the funds. The question now becomes will they be able to come up with money later and purchase the property?


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"To date, The Tribune has not received any information."

- Now THAT I believe. Those articles read more like an editorial than a report. A nice little history report, but no new news. Contour or the latest public EMCID meetings were not even mentioned. I didn't see anything alarming or illegal. It looks like the typical boring stuff that goes on for EVERY major project while it is in the planning phase.

Give McCrady a raise for keeping EarthQuest ALIVE. I wish somehow they could find a way to tax the people of Garland, Texas for this whole project.

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Wow. Frank McCrady had a second cup of coffee at Denny's. EarthQuest is dooooooooomed! I wish you would just start another thread for all your Frank McCrady non-sense. This thread is supposed to be about EarthQuest, not a personal hate web page dedicated to Frank McCrady.

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Has anyone figured out who the entity is that is planning to build this? The last article only mentions the East Montgomery County Improvement District and that there's a bill in the State legislature waiting for the governor's signature, so it sounds like the State is putting up funds but the author leaves us guessing.... mellow.gif It says that this site was chosen from 64 sites around the country, so obviously this wasn't just EMCID's idea.

This might spur development in New Caney.

Could start gettin some them there highrise condominiums going up.


Where did you get this amazing photo?
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please do not list personal information or information involving a case or investigation. if the information listed is from the links provided earlier in the discussion, it is redundant and unproductive to list everything here. please keep the conversation civil. personal or libelous attacks are not allowed. some comments have been unapproved.

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Reposted from houstondinopark.com

Very interesting comments by Don Holbrook - Economic Development Representative of EarthQuest

Comment by: Don Holbrook on Mar. 9th, 2012

With regard to all the rumors and unjust comments about EMCID and Frank McCrady, I can truly say this about the entire situation:

Just because John Marlin as the original developer failed to perform does not mean he did so with malicious intent. I believe we experienced and most Americans still are experiencing one of the worst global financial crisis in most of our lifetimes. He simply was trying to do this and did not know the economy would tank and thus his investors ran for cover as did thousands of other projects across the globe... Almost every city, town and region has faced this same scenario. Many with no hope of turning their plight around.

But not EMCID, led by Mr. McCrady. EMCID looked at it strategically and said if we are to improve our local economy we have to focus on being a destination in our region. They diversified and began working on more than just EarthQuest to build visitor draw and ancillary and complimentary tourism projects that employ people, fill hotel rooms, buy gas, food and other things. These efforts diversified their risk and made them not so dependent on just the success of EarthQuest. Those actions are now bearing fruit... Wake Boarding is hugely popular and will attract residents from all over Houston to EMCID territory to spend money and guess what employ people. Then they attract the worlds #1 Firearms Training Institute to build their new $25M plus state of the art world headquarters to EMCID besting out San Antonio for the project, which attracts over 25,000 trainees from around the world on NV and they expect to do over 60,000 in Texas. Those create nearly 300,000 room nights, consume food & beverages and buy gas and other retail items while in EMCID territory.

Not a bad outcome considering the great economic transition we are in. But I'm not skipping EarthQuest. EMCID once Marlin made them award he couldn't perform began making plans for how to mitigate Marlins lack of performance. They did not sulk or stick their head in the sand. They asked Chris Brown, one of the worlds foremost theme park designers to consider becoming the developer. He accepted the challenge and began planning the mitigation. He began by updating the business model so it would be valid in the post 2008 economic meltdown. Then he started building an astute board of advisors from the theme park industry and raising capital so that he could do the most important first step, regain site control once the Bankruptcy Court and the Bank were willing to allow such actions. This was controlled not by EMCID or Chris Brown but our judicial system.

Meanwhile EMCID strategically made all the right moves to protect the project so it could move forward. They positioned their interest in the land at no additional cost so they could provide Brown the new developer with an option to purchase the land from the BK proceedings. They clawed back all intellectual rights to the project and wrote a new and much stronger new development agreement requiring the new developer to license the Intellectual Property for a fee that would be enough to pay off the public investment in the project.

Most important they remembered that Marlins failure did not mean the project was not viable. Three different world renowned theme park experts all agreed Houston is the best market in the central time zone for a major Theme Park. So EMCID made sure the project would continue to move towards successful opening even if the developer failed. In my opinion EMCID and McCrady did their job excellent and because of their actions, someday soon Greater Houston will have one of the greatest theme park attractions in America. EMCID's strategic vision and perseverance will prove to have been strategically well executed and produce exceptional economic outcomes for their constituents. I feel so sad that these good people have endure such horrible abuse from some in the general public while doing their peers such a great outcome. Now that the Marlin scenario is beginning to settle out EMCID is moving forward just as it appears the economy is beginning to invest again. I know they will do excellent. I also believe Chris Brown deserves our full support as he works hard to get a great project back on track.
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More very interesting comments by Don Holbrook - Economic Development Representative of EarthQuest

Reposted from houstondinopark.com

Comment by: Don Holbrook on Mar. 9th, 2012

Slander and defammation are easy to do and show the lack of intelligence of those that smear others with no regard for facts. Factual analysis that is not jaded requires intellect. I have found these comments to be wildly unfactual.

Here are some facts. Since you all enjoy googling so much. Find one failed project, one customer complaint, or any factual misconduct that is not just bloggers or hyperbole. You can't. They don't exist because I have done excellent projects, well over 100 and those projects have employed over 50,000 hard working Americans. These outcomes led my International Association of peers the international economic development council, made up of over 5,000 professionals to award me their highest honor of Fellow Member in 2008, for excellence in the profession and lifetime achievement. Less than 1% of my peers will ever win this award. Furthermore, projects of great magnitude take time to unfold and often face set backs, but they work through them and eventually succeed. Then everyone cheers how wonderful, and they claim they always supported it. Truth is great projects take vision, perseverance and thick skin to tolerate all those that lack such qualities. Almost forgot most people also overlook that I am the #1 author in my industry worldwide, #1 keynote public speaker world wide in economic development and one of the most sought out public policy consultants on economic development in the world. Communities seek me out I don't sell myself through marketing and advertisements but through word of mouth testimonials and references from satisfied clients... That is how I make a living, advising my clients on the best course of action to achieve the problem or opportunity they have asked me for advice on.
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Well that's reassuring. Did he makes those comments directly towards soapboxmom, or does it just sound that way? I'm sure she'll find some way to spin his words to benefit her agenda and try to trick us into going to her site and write all her numbers out in full form with all the zeros and .00 cents to make them seem larger.

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  • 2 weeks later...

More very interesting comments by Don Holbrook - Economic Development Representative of EarthQuest

Reposted from houstondinopark.com

Comment by: Don Holbrook on Mar. 9th, 2012

Slander and defammation are easy to do and show the lack of intelligence of those that smear others with no regard for facts. Factual analysis that is not jaded requires intellect. I have found these comments to be wildly unfactual.

Here are some facts. Since you all enjoy googling so much. Find one failed project, one customer complaint, or any factual misconduct that is not just bloggers or hyperbole. You can't. They don't exist because I have done excellent projects, well over 100 and those projects have employed over 50,000 hard working Americans. These outcomes led my International Association of peers the international economic development council, made up of over 5,000 professionals to award me their highest honor of Fellow Member in 2008, for excellence in the profession and lifetime achievement. Less than 1% of my peers will ever win this award. Furthermore, projects of great magnitude take time to unfold and often face set backs, but they work through them and eventually succeed. Then everyone cheers how wonderful, and they claim they always supported it. Truth is great projects take vision, perseverance and thick skin to tolerate all those that lack such qualities. Almost forgot most people also overlook that I am the #1 author in my industry worldwide, #1 keynote public speaker world wide in economic development and one of the most sought out public policy consultants on economic development in the world. Communities seek me out I don't sell myself through marketing and advertisements but through word of mouth testimonials and references from satisfied clients... That is how I make a living, advising my clients on the best course of action to achieve the problem or opportunity they have asked me for advice on.

Don Holbrook after numerous requests has not named a single completed project out of those 100+ he claims. And, unfortunately, the many thoroughly researched news articles coming out are contradicting what he and Frank McCrady are saying. It might be time to stick a fork in it. For those who do enjoy comedic gold, the articles about Don Holbrook and his proposed prooject in Pahrump are very interesting reading. My thanks to Cynthis Calvert for keeping us up to date on what is really happening with Earthquest!


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The EMCID and Contour Entertainment have NOT abandoned the project. The articles you keep creating links for admit they don't have the full story. You keep basing opinions on INCOMPLETE data. Not smart.

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Removed personal attack
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I have barely been paying attention to anyone's comments in there, just scanning them really. But hasn't soapbox mom been right on a lot of this stuff or am I just dreaming?

I've been following the project closely since the beginning and I have never seen a soapmom posting on any website that has been based on anything other than opinion. She doesn't have all the information of what has been going on behind the scenes, yet that has not stopped her from making accusations about members of the EMCID board and the project's developers. This is why there are a lot less soapboxmom postings at haif than there used to be.

By no means am I saying that this project may or may not be cancelled at some point. But as of now the EMCID and Contour Entertainment are still working to develop it. This is all we KNOW about the project at this time. Anything else is opinion.

If soapmom is ready to stick in a fork in it - let her. That doesn't mean EQ is done by a long shot. The project is still alive. They are having a town hall meeting about it on Thursday.

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