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Bob Barker announces retirement from the Price is Right!


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LOL!! . you're a keeper, girls with a sence of humor are a treasure

Well, thank you. But I have a very childish sense of humor. I laugh when people fart and things like that. I honestly can't help it. When my cousin and I were little we'd get our parents' school yearbooks, point people out and hum random tunes while looking at their pictures because we thought they looked funny to the music. I don't know what that means!


The Entertainment business has always been about illusion. I personally find it funny and interesting to see "how they do it". Good example was when I saw Greg Kinnear & Leno's show. As they get everyone seated and somewhat quiet they send out 1-2 PR people that get on stage and start humoring the crowd. Typical silly conversation starters, then they tell everyone when the RED light goes on and you see me whirling my fist around yell as loud as you can just like you are at a football game! and keep smiling and look enthused as the cameras pan across. They throw out NBC shirts, mugs whatever to get people excited. Pure Hollywood.

What is even funnier is how small the studio really is! On TV they seem very spacious and wide almost stadium like but you find its just fake walls that move and tons of lights above, curtains etc. Paramount Studios is another great tour. Its funny how close many of them are to each other. I did Admin work just as a temp at 20th Century Fox years ago and it was pure office work but we got to deliver letters & stuff around the lot. Was like walking around Astroworld in its day. Miss the fun big time. Now you have me lusting for LA.

That's so funny about Leno's show! We got to sit in the studio but I didn't attend a taping.

I forgot about Paramount. Another historic one. I loved all the bits having to do with old Hollywood like Lucille Ball and the high school from "The Brady Bunch"! Though the Bradys aren't old exactly old Hollywood. It was exciting nevertheless.

My dad fell asleep in the old theater where they used to review movies.

Now you have me lusting for LA.

Me too.

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by the way u guys are lucky, i wish i would of gone to see Leno :(

Its easier than you realize. Simple steps, take a short vaca, take a friend if possible (preferably one thats been there), flight is a mere 2 hrs, you can find cheap lodging if you know where to go, grab solid info or we can send you info of cheap ways to get around and not fall into tourist traps, most of all keep the determination that YOU will find cool stuff. You will remember it for years to come. Like I stated in another thread you have to be tough and barge into live on location filmings, get behind the scenes, etc. Being nice wont get you anywhere in the big city. Anyway I could go on. You'll think I'm insane, oh well others think that anyway. Better than being normal whatever that is. :wacko: We even went as far as knocking on Lucile Ball's door to ask for her! I was mortified but now that I think of it funny, funny, funny!I think I'm going to scan some photos I have of well knowns I met in Wallywood. or I'll just bring to next Haifeemeister gathering. :ph34r::lol: and finally they give out FREE tickets to most shows when they get desperate and need fillers in the crowd. You wont want to come back to Tx after youv'e been exposed to the West coast.

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And don't stay in south central like we did one time. We got out of there fast.

You should have went to that (now famous) corner of Florence & Normandy where the 92 riots kicked off. Exit Crenshaw from 405 and your in AK-47 heaven. We lived in nearby Venice and it was getting pretty funky so West LA was the best idea (at that time). Old Rodney King, what a guy. Now he should have had his own reality show. (oh new thread) :ph34r:

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flight is a mere 2 hrs

well - that is technically true on the west bound flight with the time zones -but its actually more like 4 hours real time if you are on non-stop.

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well - that is technically true on the west bound flight with the time zones -but its actually more like 4 hours real time if you are on non-stop.

True and maybe longer now with more security razz ma taz at the airport.

Bob Barker must have a couple of mansions and or beach island getways where he can just relax or like most people in the business they will continue to work behind the scenes on a bit more subdued level. Maybe we can write him a letter to send us a few thousand since we are fans of his. ^_^

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  • 1 month later...

It seems CBS has found a replacement for Bob Barker. And he is.....Drew Carey.

Carey has been tapped to replace Bob Barker as game-show host of the daytime TV institution, The Price Is Right, CBS confirmed Monday.

Barker, 83, handed in his long, skinny microphone in June. The silver-haired personality hosted Price for 35 years, becoming a one-man daytime TV institution and a noted animal-rights advocate who signed off each telecast asking audiences to spay and neuter their pets.

There was no word if Carey intended to carry on Barker's pet-population-control mantra.

Carey announced his new job during a taping for Monday's Late Show with David Letterman on CBS. Per Carey, negotiations wrapped up very, very shortly before he was to walk out on Letterman's stage.


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Drew Carey sounds like a good choice. He seems likable and familiar.

I've been tuning into TPIR on and off since I was a kid and I never had any strong feelings toward Bob Barker, one way or the other. But, it always seemed so unfair that the female models like Janis Pennington were fired at the first sign of a wrinkle and Bob was allowed to stay until he was a walking corpse.

I have more respect for the producers of Wheel of Fortune because they are allowing Vanna to turn letters and age gracefully at the same time.

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Drew Carey sounds like a good choice. He seems likable and familiar.

True! He is humorous yet not pathetic like the woman they were considering.

Careys last show was great where the actors had to improvise right on the spot. Now thats pure genius. Sure miss it. :lol:

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moo. The UK Whose Line Is It Anyway? was far superior (even with a nearly identical cast) because it had a host that would shut up at times. Drew Carey just isn't funny.

Your right. I had heard that the UK version was 10 times funnier. Maybe we could talk the BBC into bringing here on PBS? Why not? most of thier other comedies are there. (Just a thought from an East Ender's fan).

We'll just have to settle for Carey and a fist full of Prozac for now. :mellow:

Edited by Vertigo58
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  • 7 years later...

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