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Who do you like for Governor?

Mark F. Barnes

Who do you Like for Governor?  

43 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you Like for Governor?

    • Rick Perry
    • Chris Bell
    • Carole Keeton Strayhorn
    • Kinky Freidman
    • None of the Above

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chris bell will not make a strong leader. kinky freakman is simply entertaining. rick perry reminds me of someone who winged it through high school and simply tows the party line. no original thinking going on there. oh, and he smells like aqua net and polyester.

now strayhorn, on the other hand, is a moderate conservative who will give a polite middle finger to bureaucrats who are not fiscally conservative. she despises redundant programs and has proven so by eliminating the very office she ran (was it rail road commissioner........i can't remember). i like the fact that she has distanced herself from the state republican establishment. i'd like to see texas elect another woman governer. especially an "independant".

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Rick Perry, but only as the least of four evils.

Strayhorn seems to wanna come across as another Ann Richards, like a "good ol' girl". She runs about ten times the number of commercials as the other three combined, but she has said nothing about what she stands for. All she does is knock Perry and talk about her old sweetheart which she eventually married.

I like Bell well enough, but he has never impressed me with any leadership qualities.

Kinky? Well, Kinky is for Kinky. He is in this campaign simply for the exposure, to further his fame, and to line his own pockets as a result. He is a total embarrassment to the State of Texas. If you want a clown as governor, then, by all means, vote for Kinky. At least cats will sleep better at night.

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chris bell will not make a strong leader. kinky freakman is simply entertaining. rick perry reminds me of someone who winged it through high school and simply tows the party line. no original thinking going on there. oh, and he smells like aqua net and polyester.

now strayhorn, on the other hand, is a moderate conservative who will give a polite middle finger to bureaucrats who are not fiscally conservative. she despises redundant programs and has proven so by eliminating the very office she ran (was it rail road commissioner........i can't remember). i like the fact that she has distanced herself from the state republican establishment. i'd like to see texas elect another woman governer. especially an "independant".

Bach, I have to totally disagree with you. 1) She has no clue what type of politician she is. She was a Dem. who jumped ship and became a Rep., then when she realized she didn't have a snowball's chance of beating Rick in the primary, she jumps ship again, and becomes an Ind. She can't be trusted to keep her "values" she claims to have, she has no loyalty. She only thinks about what's best for her, and when you have someone like that in office, how can she possibly think about what's best for Texas, FIRST. 2) She is fickle, married how many times ? Can't be a politician, if you can't cope with struggles in life, you make a commitment to something you try to see it through, seems to me at the first sign of trouble, she always bails, thinking the grass is gonna be greener elsewhere.

Sounds to me like the only thing the "One Tough Grandma!" is tough on is anyone that gets involved with her.

Edited by TJones
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Bach, I have to totally disagree with you. 1) She has no clue what type of politician she is. She was a Dem. who jumped ship and became a Rep., then when she realized she didn't have a snowball's chance of beating Rick in the primary, she jumps ship again, and becomes an Ind. She can't be trusted to keep her "values" she claims to have, she has no loyalty. She only thinks about what's best for her, and when you have someone like that in office, how can she possibly think about what's best for Texas, FIRST. 2) She is fickle, married how many times ? Can't be a politician, if you can't cope with struggles in life, you make a commitment to something you try to see it through, seems to me at the first sign of trouble, she always bails, thinking the grass is gonna be greener elsewhere.

Sounds to me like the only thing the "One Tough Grandma!" is tough on is anyone that gets involved with her.

I would not declare Strathorn unfit for public service just because she has been married 3 times. However, her using her family as a qualification for governor DOES make one think of her failed family life. Bad strategy. The only commercials I have seen brag about "shaking up Austin" and her high school sweetheart. SO? Kinky says more than that! For reasons stated above, Strayhorn is the poster child for that beloved Republican term, "flip-flopper". She appears to set her platform based on who is giving her money at the moment. This is in contrast to Perry, who gets his money from the same sources, year after year.

Kinky is Kinky. Perry has shown what he is and will continue to do. Chris Bell is largely unknown, but is the only one who gives clear concise answers to the question of "What will you actually DO in the governor's mansion?" He may not win the race, but it won't be for lack of a platform or convictions. It will be because no one outside of Houston knows who he is.

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Anyone who watched the debate would have to say Chris Bell.

The others were completely lost on that stage. He was the only candidate who appeared to have a firm grasp of the issues and the only one who didn't have major fumbles (uh, you might want to know the name of the Mexican President...we share a border).

That said, he lacks the $$$ to win and that is all it takes to win in Texas.

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Anyone who watched the debate would have to say Chris Bell.

I definitely agree with this statement, but it reminds of the last mayoral campaign debate with White and Sanchez and Turner. I thought Turner did the best job answering all the questions put forth that night, and yet... Too bad that it's not enough to win the debates, you have to have buckets of money to boot!

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Since this board is pretty politically balanced, I hope the results mirror the actual race. I'm surprised that many Houstonians are not supporting Bell. While I say Bell does not have a chance, I may give him my vote, even though it may be a "waste".?.?

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Since this board is pretty politically balanced, I hope the results mirror the actual race. I'm surprised that many Houstonians are not supporting Bell. While I say Bell does not have a chance, I may give him my vote, even though it may be a "waste".?.?

wel, i hope another poll is put every monday until election week to keep track of the numbers and see how it matches the actual poll results.

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"This Grandma puts-out"

Thank you very much for putting that picture in my head? Yuck!!!!
Hew, W20th! One of these days, you're gonna be an Olphart like me, and them Grammas will start lookin' pretty damn good to you - Carole Stewart Keeton-McClellan et.al. excluded, of course!
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