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tw2ntyse7en's postings


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yeah i don't know how he found time to delete over 1500 posts and replace them with "...". Seemed like he was a little wierd if he had time to do all of that. The only posts that are still on there are the ones he couldn't get to under closed threads.

He was kind of funny and i enjoyed reading his posts. That's why i was a little bit frustrated when he just deleted them for no apparent reason.

Edited by C2H
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  • 11 months later...

There's another thread about this called deleted posts. He left the forum and deleted all his posts. please merge.

Edited by Marty
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I saw that, too. I cliked his profile and it says he last signed on here in late July, so I guess now he lurks. I sent him a PM asking why, so just in caase he lurks again, he will see it.

He wanted people to like Rasing Canies the Resturant from his home State of Louisiana. Well now that we have one here in Bryan-College Station I do like them. They are letting people eat free until November something (with a coupon that you can easily find at book stores intown).

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i thought that tw2ntyse7en's sudden departure was a little wierd. He was a very active poster. For a while, i thought he returned under a different name who's currently very active on this forum and registered shortly after he left. (No names, but y'all can guess who i'm talking about ;) )

tierwestah jones

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i thought that tw2ntyse7en's sudden departure was a little wierd. He was a very active poster. For a while, i thought he returned under a different name who's currently very active on this forum and registered shortly after he left. (No names, but y'all can guess who i'm talking about ;) )

tierwestah jones

AftonOwl? :huh:

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no, guess again. this guy i'm talking about registered in may last year and has a huge number of posts. (i think i just gave it away :lol: )

It aint me! :lol:

I knew that is who you were thinking, but I assure you I would NEVER waste the amount of time it would take to delete 1,527 posts. :lol:

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It aint me! :lol:

I knew that is who you were thinking, but I assure you I would NEVER waste the amount of time it would take to delete 1,527 posts. :D

Alright , you're right. I thought it was you because you have the highest number of posts on this board like he did at the time. At first i thought you were twe2ty sev7en reincarnated as Redscare. :lol:

And no i'm not TJones either. My real last name just happens to be Jones too!

tierwestah jones

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Okay everybody Elvis has left the building. I think 27 probably kicks his self every day for deleting up to 1500 post. I don't think he is coming back. But i did enjoy his post while they were there.

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Okay everybody Elvis has left the building. I think 27 probably kicks his self every day for deleting up to 1500 post. I don't think he is coming back. But i did enjoy his post while they were there.

Yeah, we just don't have any good fried chicken talk around here anymore.

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I believe the Taz Texas Tornado discussion is still open for debate ;)

Houston was too hot for that coaster, that is why it was always shutdown.

They eventually moved it out of Astroworld because of that, (not that it matters anymore huh!)

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  • 2 months later...
How long can a person be "offline" before there account is deleted?

I don't know, why don't you log off for a bit, and we'll find out. <_<:lol:

Anywho, I have no other personas on this forum................or do I ?

I definately know I have never registered on HAIF before the date that I have now............or did I ? MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! ! ! MUWAHAMUWAHAMUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! ! ! *cough* *cough* ACK ! *cough* WATERRRRRRR *cough*

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Are you hinting you are tw2ntyse7en?

Not at all, I definately wouldn't choose a dumb@$$ play on words like that with the cute little numbers, BLEH ! Like Red, i would NEVER take on the tedious task of going back just for spite, and delete EVERY post and put "..." ! Just not my style.

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