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Republican judge says DeLay can't cut and run.


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This is easy, all he has to do is go ahead, stay on the ballot and go get his cakewalk victory. Then we listen to Lampson cry for a couple of weeks about how Delay, SHOULD have been taken off the ballot because he resigned. Then, Delay resigns again, and a special election gets held, then the Republicans win again, and Delay is out of the picture for you guys. You girls need to have a little patience.
TJones, where did you come up with that scenario
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He is being forced to run nmain,

He's not being forced to run. He has every right to sit up there in Virginia and rake in all the $$ he can get by being a lobbiest and not campaign at all. The only thing that binds his name to the ballot is the law-something you guys so easily dismiss when it comes to your particular brand of whine. What happened to your fiscal conservatism? Why should my tax $$ pay for your screw-up by having a resignation then a reinstatement then an election then another resignation then another election? You tax and borrow guys have definatly cornered the market on hypocracy.

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Don't you EVER, NNNNNEEEEEEEEEVVVVVVVEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRR. Try to throw Michael Savage in with the Conservatives. If he is anything he is an Idiot first and an Independent second. His take on the military and how they should act and be treated is dead on with me, I agree with him, but the rest..........no way my friend, Savage is damaged goods. :lol:

Edited by TJones
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Don't you EVER, NNNNNEEEEEEEEEVVVVVVVEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRR. Try to throw Michael Savage in with the Conservatives. If he is anything he is an Idiot first and an Independent second. His take on the military and how they should act and be treated is dead on with me, I agree with him, but the rest..........no way my friend, Savage is damaged goods. :lol:

Savage, Limbaugh and Coulter have a small following but a loud voice. I never understood why Republicans like Hagel, McCain, Hatch, Lugar and others don't call these people what they are: divisive, hatefull and mean-spirited for the sake of being mean-spirited. Could it be they are afraid of offending the far-right sheeple? Clearly Republicans by and large embrace even the damaged goods since they never refute them in public.

When was the last time you heard DeLay denounce a Coulter for saying something like:

"My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building."

Should not someone from your party have said, "My only regret is that he parked it next to the daycare center in OKC and murdered innocent babys and toddlers."

Or Limbaugh:

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Did anyone else find it funny that despite DeLay's "move" to Virginia, he answered the door to his Sugar Land home yesterday morning?

Seems pretty clear that he did NOT move to Virginia, unless summer vacation in Fort Bend County is the new rage...

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This is easy, all he has to do is go ahead, stay on the ballot and go get his cakewalk victory. Then we listen to Lampson cry for a couple of weeks about how Delay, SHOULD have been taken off the ballot because he resigned. Then, Delay resigns again, and a special election gets held, then the Republicans win again, and Delay is out of the picture for you guys. You girls need to have a little patience.

DeLay is clearly not "running". He collected less than $12,000 in campaign contributions last quarter, but spent $485,000 on legal fees.


Now, he may sit on the ballot and win anyway, but with only $641,000 left to pay his lawyers, he is not going to waste it on campaign activities. So, he is not "running", but merely on the ballot.

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DeLay is clearly not "running". He collected less than $12,000 in campaign contributions last quarter, but spent $485,000 on legal fees.


Now, he may sit on the ballot and win anyway, but with only $641,000 left to pay his lawyers, he is not going to waste it on campaign activities. So, he is not "running", but merely on the ballot.

Hum...my math must be on the blink, I counted $800,000+ on legal expenses. I will recheck.

And how about that $32,000 for his last payment on his car? Geez, he's got to like those campaign donors!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Uh Oh


Do I see an appearance of the Supremes in the near future. They were so good to Bush in 2000-surly they can rig-er-fix-I meant rule in DeLay's favor?

Times a running out. 'Ol Tom just needs to suck it up and start running again. I just hope the folks in Sugarland are finally wise to his BS and give him the BSlapping he deserves.

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Times a running out. 'Ol Tom just needs to suck it up and start running again. I just hope the folks in Sugarland are finally wise to his BS and give him the BSlapping he deserves.

Well, from an article I saw on KTRK, I don't think that is going to happen. It seems to me that as long as a republican is on the ticket, they'll vote for him.

I wasn't aware the Sekula-gibbs was one of those that was planning on running against Lambert. The only plus I see out of all this, if anyone OTHER than Delay is voted in, he will be a Junior member and thefore, Delay won't be the force he would have been.

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Well, from an article I saw on KTRK, I don't think that is going to happen. It seems to me that as long as a republican is on the ticket, they'll vote for him.

I'm not sure that is true, at least in this election cycle. Delay would have never resigned his office and quit the race if he thought he could win. I'm sure he polled and studied on this and came to the conclusion he can't win this one. Tom Delay is a lot of things but being politically naive aint one of them. I think he actually knew this was a lost cause before the primary but he stuck that out to raise more money for his defense fund.

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I'm not sure that is true, at least in this election cycle. Delay would have never resigned his office and quit the race if he thought he could win. I'm sure he polled and studied on this and came to the conclusion he can't win this one. Tom Delay is a lot of things but being politically naive aint one of them. I think he actually knew this was a lost cause before the primary but he stuck that out to raise more money for his defense fund.

I'd give Delay better odds if this were a Presidential election cycle. I'm a Dem in TX-22 and I give Lampson about 60% chance against Delay. If Delay would have simply continued to campaign and never tried to move to VA, I would have given Delay a slight edge. I believe his Sugarland support to be unconditional.

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Well, I guess we're stuck with DeLay http://chron.com/disp/story.mpl/front/4099725.html

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia today declined to issue a stay that would allow Texas Republicans to replace former U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay on the general election ballot.
Scalia. Go figure, huh?

No problem for me. I welcome a fair fight.

And another one bites the dust http://chron.com/disp/story.mpl/nation/4100123.html

Until his announcement, Ney had insisted that even if he were indicted he would run for a new term in the 18th Congressional District

He's pulling out for the sake of his family-it has nothing to do with his plea bargaining with the Justice department. REALLY! It's because of his FAMILY! It's true.

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Well, I guess we're stuck with DeLay http://chron.com/disp/story.mpl/front/4099725.html

Scalia. Go figure, huh?

No problem for me. I welcome a fair fight.

And another one bites the dust http://chron.com/disp/story.mpl/nation/4100123.html

He's pulling out for the sake of his family-it has nothing to do with his plea bargaining with the Justice department. REALLY! It's because of his FAMILY! It's true.

I heard on the radio several hours ago that DeLay pulled out of the race, citing that he was now a resident of Virginia and could not run. Its too late for the GOP to replace the candidate, so there is no candidate.

That means that its down to Lampson and the seemingly-nameless Libertarian candidate.

Might a Libertarian actually stand a chance in Texas???

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I heard on the radio several hours ago that DeLay pulled out of the race, citing that he was now a resident of Virginia and could not run. Its too late for the GOP to replace the candidate, so there is no candidate.

That means that its down to Lampson and the seemingly-nameless Libertarian candidate.

Might a Libertarian actually stand a chance in Texas???

The Republicans will be using a "write-in" vote. Should be interesting.

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The Republicans will be using a "write-in" vote. Should be interesting.

That will work. Straight ticket voters won't be able to vote straight ticket and vote the write in. In a strong GOP district like that that will only hurt the Republicans. Delay should have just sucked it up and ran. That was their only hope of retaining that seat.

Another note on the Ney replacement. Looks like Ohio law may prevent the GOP from picking a replacement there also. The Chron. didn't go into detail as to exactly what that law was.

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The Republicans will be using a "write-in" vote. Should be interesting.

They better hope Shelley Sekula-Gibbs doesn't run..."Uh...excuse me?" the voter says, sticking his head out of the booth, "How do you spell that woman's name, Mr. Election Official?"

I see gnashing of teeth and utter chaos. ^_^

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