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Republican judge says DeLay can't cut and run.


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Well Republican Judge Sparks has ruled today that the Republican party cannot replace DeLay on the ballot.

Now Tom DeLay can campaign "vigorously" as he stated he would after the primaries. Of course DeLay is blaming the decision on everything except for the fact that he quit the race and his constituents.

The Judge, a Republican, didn't agree that DeLay was ineligable. So Tom has two choices, concede the election, or stand up like a man and get his ass kicked.

Texas style. Who wants to whine first?

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Judge Sparks ruled that while Mr. DeLay was free to withdraw, the Republicans may not remove his name from the ballot, because there was no residency requirement for the House in the Constitution except that a candidate "when elected, be an inhabitant of that state in which he shall be chosen." No one could yet say where Mr. DeLay would be living on Election Day, Nov. 7, the judge said. To allow such a switch on the ballot would be to illegally disadvantage the Democrats, he said.

"Political acumen, strategy and manufactured evidence, even combined with a sound policy in mind, cannot override the Constitution," Judge Sparks said. He cast doubt on some of the Republican evidence, noting that Mr. DeLay had sent a draft of his letter announcing his move to Virginia to Ms. Benkiser for editing.

Texas law rules out replacement of names on the ballot except under narrow circumstances to prevent parties from seeking advantages by suddenly switching candidates. "This would be a serious abuse of the election system and a fraud on the voters, which the court will not condone," Judge Sparks ruled. He said the Constitution, not Texas law, prevailed.

rest of the NY Times Article is here

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Well Republican Judge Sparks has ruled today that the Republican party cannot replace DeLay on the ballot.

Now Tom DeLay can campaign "vigorously" as he stated he would after the primaries. Of course DeLay is blaming the decision on everything except for the fact that he quit the race and his constituents.

The Judge, a Republican, didn't agree that DeLay was ineligable. So Tom has two choices, concede the election, or stand up like a man and get his ass kicked.

Texas style. Who wants to whine first?

The Judge just wanted to make sure the Dems. have every opportunity to win. Way to go Lampson, you win in a landslide against a lame duck candidate, WOO-HOO ! :lol:

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The Judge just wanted to make sure the Dems. have every opportunity to win. Way to go Lampson, you win in a landslide against a lame duck candidate, WOO-HOO ! :lol:

Such strong words from a supporter of a quitter.

DeLay should have stayed and took it like a man and fight for his supporters.

What a wussy.

(BTW. I have to apologize about the "little girl' comment I made. Turns out that insulted the little girls. At least they stand and fight.)

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Such strong words from a supporter of a quitter.

DeLay should have stayed and took it like a man and fight for his supporters.

What a wussy.

(BTW. I have to apologize about the "little girl' comment I made. Turns out that insulted the little girls. At least they stand and fight.)

So what happens when Lampson loses to a write-in vote. It will just prove how much thunder the Dems. really have.

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I started a thread this morning but I guess it got lost. :(

Anyway, it's time for you Republicans to blame the Democrats for DeLay's misreading of election law before he slitherd back to his home state of Virginia. But don't worry, I'm sure a conservative activist judge will ride to your rescue on appeal.

So what happens when Lampson loses to a write-in vote. It will just prove how much thunder the Dems. really have.


Do you have any straws left to grasp? I know you have more self respect than that.

Your guy and his handlers screwed up. They took Texas election law and tried to apply it to a federal election. Now I'm not saying he's stuck with his place on the ballot-you may well get your alternate choice if you can find a right wing activist judge to over turn the Constitution. Since Republicans control all three branches, that shouldn't be too hard to do.


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Now I'm not saying he's stuck with his place on the ballot-you may well get your alternate choice if you can find a right wing activist judge to over turn the Constitution. Since Republicans control all three branches, that shouldn't be too hard to do.


You forgot to mention that the 5th Circuit is the most conservative appellate court in the country.

It's still amusing to watch their brilliant scheme blow up in their faces. :P

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You forgot to mention that the 5th Circuit is the most conservative appellate court in the country.

It's still amusing to watch their brilliant scheme blow up in their faces. :P

Well Red, apparently not "conservative" enough for the gang that couldn't shoot straight... :lol:


BTW, what do you think their chances are on appeal?

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I started a thread this morning but I guess it got lost. :(

Anyway, it's time for you Republicans to blame the Democrats for DeLay's misreading of election law before he slitherd back to his home state of Virginia. But don't worry, I'm sure a conservative activist judge will ride to your rescue on appeal.


Do you have any straws left to grasp? I know you have more self respect than that.

Your guy and his handlers screwed up. They took Texas election law and tried to apply it to a federal election. Now I'm not saying he's stuck with his place on the ballot-you may well get your alternate choice if you can find a right wing activist judge to over turn the Constitution. Since Republicans control all three branches, that shouldn't be too hard to do.


He tried to get out of the way for you guys, and that wasn't good enough for you. Trying to give another Republican a chance, I'll let you guys go ahead and count your chickens before they hatch though. ^_^

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He tried to get out of the way for you guys, and that wasn't good enough for you. Trying to give another Republican a chance, I'll let you guys go ahead and count your chickens before they hatch though. ^_^

:lol: He didn't try to get out of anyone's way-he weaseled out and slithered up to Virginia. He screwed up by misinterpreting election law. I welcome him on the ballot. What's his court schedule? Will it conflict with his non-campaign? Also, can a felon hold office from a federal penitentiary?

BTW, I'm not counting chickens because you guys are masters at manipulating the courts-I'm sure you'll come up with some way to circumvent the law-I'm sure this is just a temporary screw-up on your part. ;)


BTW, TJ...how 'bout my avatar? I thought of you because you seem to be the Avatar Master of the Universe!

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I saw the avatar, I have never seen such a violent side to you. See, I told you, those tree huggin no clothes wearin' hippie freak Democrats have poisoned your mind. :o

Someone needs a hug. :huh:

btw, is that little clip from the DNC softball game ? Looks like Kerry punchin' Edwards after the Ohio ballot count.

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btw, is that little clip from the DNC softball game ? Looks like Kerry punchin' Edwards after the Ohio ballot count.

No, it's from the annual Mean-Spirited, Angry and Frustrated Far-Right Talking Head Whackos Softball Smackdown. I think that's Limbaugh beating on Savage after he called Limbaugh a limp-d##ked drug addict.


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The Judge just wanted to make sure the Dems. have every opportunity to win. Way to go Lampson, you win in a landslide against a lame duck candidate, WOO-HOO ! :lol:

We have Whiner!...uh...winner!


He tried to get out of the way for you guys, and that wasn't good enough for you. Trying to give another Republican a chance, I'll let you guys go ahead and count your chickens before they hatch though. ^_^

It seems that Tom DeLay quitting on you is tearing you apart. So sorry.

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We have Whiner!...uh...winner!


It seems that Tom DeLay quitting on you is tearing you apart. So sorry.

He didn't quit, he had some decency and stepped down before he had to be asked, so that his investigation wouldn't bog down the rest of the Republicans, UNLIKE some Louisiana Statesmen who get caught on tape taking a bribe and with money in their freezers but are too stupid to know what is best for their party, just ask Jefferson, and Pelosi they'll tell you all about it. :lol:

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He didn't quit, he had some decency and stepped down before he had to be asked, so that his investigation wouldn't bog down the rest of the Republicans, UNLIKE some Louisiana Statesmen who get caught on tape taking a bribe and with money in their freezers but are too stupid to know what is best for their party, just ask Jefferson, and Pelosi they'll tell you all about it. :lol:

He cut and ran. You know DeLay's first priority is DeLay. No one ever confused his actions with decency or honor. He weaseled out and didn't even do a good job at it. So for now, he's stuck on the ballot. He can either campaign or sit back and watch the show.


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He didn't quit, he had some decency and stepped down before he had to be asked, so that his investigation wouldn't bog down the rest of the Republicans, UNLIKE some Louisiana Statesmen who get caught on tape taking a bribe and with money in their freezers but are too stupid to know what is best for their party, just ask Jefferson, and Pelosi they'll tell you all about it. :lol:

Gosh it really sucks to have your saviour quit on you.

Where is your messiah now?

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The Judge just wanted to make sure the Dems. have every opportunity to win. Way to go Lampson, you win in a landslide against a lame duck candidate, WOO-HOO ! :lol:

I seem to remember a certain Attorney General who lost an election to a dead guy......

Anyway, I don't think the Dems really want DeLay on the ballot, they just want the whole process stalled a while longer. Everyone knows Lampson's name, can anyone name the top 5 republican contenders without looking it up? Dems just want it to stay that way another month or two. In all seriousness, DeLay actually making it on the ballot could backfire on the democrats. That alone could energize the base that was politely thanking him for leaving in the first place. Dems need to remember that the goal of this thing is to put Lampson in the seat, not to further humiliate someone who has already bowed-out.

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Another thing to take into consideration in this year's election is the dynamic that Strayhorn and Kinky bring to the vote. if you believe that the two of them can garner a combined 40% of the vote or more, that's 40% of the voters that will not be electing a straight ticket and will have to go through each race one-by-one. It will be imperitive for the candidates to have a known name, and the longer that Repubs don't have a pick the longer they go without getting a name out there for people to remember.

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I hate the straight ticket voting.

We shouldn't have to dumb down the voting process in order to make people participate.

If you don't know a candidate, a race, or an issue, DON'T VOTE. It's that simple.

Straight slate is dangerous. Too many freak-jobs from all parties can sneak in and we all pay for it in the end.

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I hate the straight ticket voting.

We shouldn't have to dumb down the voting process in order to make people participate.

If you don't know a candidate, a race, or an issue, DON'T VOTE. It's that simple.

Straight slate is dangerous. Too many freak-jobs from all parties can sneak in and we all pay for it in the end.

If you do a little research, you'll find that there are a number of Republican office holders in Texas that carried Democratic party cards back in the 80's that "became" Republican because of straight ticket voting, especially long-serving judges who knew they would be goners if the stayed Democrat.

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I hear ya', but the thing is he also spoke at a fund raiser or something and state they're going to fight this all the way up to the supreme court because "the citizens deserve a choice..."

I was so pissed I flipped off the TV.

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I hear ya', but the thing is he also spoke at a fund raiser or something and state they're going to fight this all the way up to the supreme court because "the citizens deserve a choice..."

I was so pissed I flipped off the TV.

He spoke at a fundraiser on Saturday night. Chris Right Winger Wacko from KTRH was the guest speaker. I had a friend who actually sat right next to DeLay.

2 days later DeLay quit. They NEVER knew it was coming. Baker was even pissing on Delay on his Wadio show.

Yea. "the citizens deserve a choice..." to kick DeLay in the nuts.

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I just finished reading the Chronicle article and this has to be the most childish thing I've ever seen the Democrats do (forcing Delay to run.) I thought the whole idea was to keep him OUT of office, not give him a chance to win it again. Are the Dems taking this whole election as some kind of joke?

I'm saying this because I thought the public was happy when Delay resigned. Is having the chance to beat Delay in an election REALLY that much more important than actually doing something in office? Watch, Delay will win, and Sugarland's gonna be represented by a Virginia resident <_<

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I just finished reading the Chronicle article and this has to be the most childish thing I've ever seen the Democrats do (forcing Delay to run.) I thought the whole idea was to keep him OUT of office, not give him a chance to win it again. Are the Dems taking this whole election as some kind of joke?

I'm saying this because I thought the public was happy when Delay resigned. Is having the chance to beat Delay in an election REALLY that much more important than actually doing something in office? Watch, Delay will win, and Sugarland's gonna be represented by a Virginia resident <_<

The Democrats never forced DeLay to run. He ran on his own and won his primary. Then he resigned from office and slithered back to Virginia to become just another lobbiest. The Republican appointed judge ruled his name must remain on the ballot for now. That pesky Constitution seems to have gotten in DeLay's way once again.

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This is easy, all he has to do is go ahead, stay on the ballot and go get his cakewalk victory. Then we listen to Lampson cry for a couple of weeks about how Delay, SHOULD have been taken off the ballot because he resigned. Then, Delay resigns again, and a special election gets held, then the Republicans win again, and Delay is out of the picture for you guys. You girls need to have a little patience.

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This is easy, all he has to do is go ahead, stay on the ballot and go get his cakewalk victory. Then we listen to Lampson cry for a couple of weeks about how Delay, SHOULD have been taken off the ballot because he resigned. Then, Delay resigns again, and a special election gets held, then the Republicans win again, and Delay is out of the picture for you guys. You girls need to have a little patience.

You don't think this is a waste of time?

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This is easy, all he has to do is go ahead, stay on the ballot and go get his cakewalk victory. Then we listen to Lampson cry for a couple of weeks about how Delay, SHOULD have been taken off the ballot because he resigned. Then, Delay resigns again, and a special election gets held, then the Republicans win again, and Delay is out of the picture for you guys. You girls need to have a little patience.

Well that stratagy certainly fit's the Republican mold. Run, resign, slither under a rock for awhile, then run again, then resign so a new election could be held. A perfect waste of tax $$ brought to you by your Spend and Borrow Republicans.

Thanks for showing your true colors-again.

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Well that stratagy certainly fit's the Republican mold. Run, resign, slither under a rock for awhile, then run again, then resign so a new election could be held. A perfect waste of tax $$ brought to you by your Spend and Borrow Republicans.

Thanks for showing your true colors-again.

He is being forced to run nmain, so why not win it, if you have to be in it ? I'm glad to see that you don't think Lampson has a snowball's chance either.

You don't think this is a waste of time?

Of course it's a waste of time, why not just let DeLay go away ? Isn't that what the Dems. wanted all along ? Now, they are happy that he has to stay, but what I will truly relish is how the bleedinghearts will cry FOUL if he wins again. I really don't think DeLay will even campaign for it. His name recognition will probably be enough steam and all the help from the Dem. holding him up for everyone to see, he probably won't have to spend a dime on this one. This is gonna be SWEET ! :lol:

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