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What's/Who's Hulda? Is that some kind of Lawrence Welk act?

I'd probably like whatever she's playing (I'm listening to the Von Trapps as I type this. You must sample "Waltzing Mathilda", it's the bomb: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000AMJDV...v=glance&n=5174 )

And too funny about the couple in the background. What are they looking at?


Edited by KimberlySayWhat
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What's/Who's Hulda? Is that some kind of Lawrence Welk act?

I'd probably like whatever she's playing (I'm listening to the Von Trapps as I type this. You must sample "Waltzing Mathilda", it's the bomb: http://www.amazon.com/gp/music/clipserve/B...665684-6618208).

And too funny about the couple in the background. What are they looking at?


You don't know who Hulda is???????????????????? http://www.aynart.com/hulda.html :wub:

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Oh God.. next comes the voyeur pics! :ph34r:

hey, there's nothing wrong with pretending i'm an undergrad again and checking out the ladies. i went to a pretty bad school when it came to that so UH is all i have (which is quite impressive i must add)!!

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