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Port of Dallas Developments

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Houston19514 you are still here!  Well, thought I would check up a bit on the old forum.... wow, was a year when I last posted!  Anyways, I see so much building downtown going on, so here checking up on all the projects.  Was in the heights today looking for, uhh.... well, a disco shirt and leisure suit.. (don't ask) OK, SINCE YOU ASKED, I play bass in a Disco and 70s band!  And we wear vintage appropriate costumes at our shows. The crowds love it!.  ANYWAYS, while driving back from the heights, couldn't help but admire all the new buildings going up.  Amazing.  Reminds me of the years leading up to the last superbowl.  Well, anyways, I'll stick around more often.  Always was a cool site!



In case anyone needs to book a groovy 70s band, check us out...


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Well, I couldn't sleep tonight, so I went downstairs to "the batcave" in my garage (or man cave if you will), to troll the web.  I started feeling nostalgic about the good ole days, like when HAIF was hopping and I was a regular here (circa 2003)  And, it made me remember something else... anyone remember before the internet exploded..."bulletin boards?"  BBS's they were called.  The one I remember was "Houston After Dark".  Wow, that was some cool stuff, it was all text based, with dialup modems!  I remember my computer during that time, it was a 386SX clone, years before Pentiums came along.  With those BBS's, you could download programs, files, share stuff.  There were "chat rooms".  And, there were real socials where people could meet and get to know each other.  It was a lot of fun.  Man, I miss those days.  They were simpler.  No frills.  No complication.  Just pure innocent coolness. It seemed more magical, as computers were starting to take over, but before they became the common appliances we now take for granted.  Sometimes,  I want to go back to those simpler times...


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