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97 Rock Radio Station


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Oh my god, yes....I listened to Moby in the morning...what a perv!! Let's see, I was 12 or 13 I guess, would listen while I got ready for school. 97 went buh-bye and I soon got hooked on S & P a few years later...now I live for W & J and am just glad that the old station didn't completely fade away.

I remember the old, old KLOL stickers, before "Runaway Radio"...with the silver surfer lookin dude...

I had a Van Halen 97 Rock sticker in my locker :D

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Oh Parrot, you would like Dean & Rodge much better, I promise.

Got to meet big ol' MOBY back in the day, he then slimmed up quite a bit, pissed off the FCC and 97 Rock, and got canned. bI beleive he is still on the radio up north somewhere.

I remember Matthews had a late night talk program on 97 Rock on like thursdays back then. I called in once or twice.

When I was working at Fat Tuesday's back in the early 90's S&P and Outlaw Dave and Loch, the whole 101 gang came in for a promotion they were doing. I want to say it was Mardi Gras and of course all the ladies that had showed up began doing what it took to get those beads, one thing led to another, and we almost got shutdown, because the cops showed up, because of complaints from listeners of the broadcast. It was surreal. :o:D

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Moby's doing country music in Atlanta.


Matthews, well, turned out the quiet one was the one to worry about.

Yes.... I didn't want to mention that because not only did I listen to Moby & Matthews, but I also listened to his talk show on 97 Rock which I remember being on Sunday nights like at 9 or 10pm. Perhaps he had one on Thurs also though...

Of course he later went on to be an AM Rush Limbaugh clone until...

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Yes.... I didn't want to mention that because not only did I listen to Moby & Matthews, but I also listened to his talk show on 97 Rock which I remember being on Sunday nights like at 9 or 10pm. Perhaps he had one on Thurs also though...

Of course he later went on to be an AM Rush Limbaugh clone until...

Cool, thanks for the info!

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I remember the old, old KLOL stickers, before "Runaway Radio"...with the silver surfer lookin dude...

Actually, they had the runaway radio before the silver dude...The silver dude was like in the

late 70's-80's... I think anyway... The runaway radio was the original sticker when they

came on the air, pretty sure..

When I moved here in 1969, KRBE 104 was the hot rock station if I remember right.

KILT was popular on the AM side.. But I remember about 1970-71 or so, KRBE 104 switched

formats, and KLOL became the big rock station. Or to me anyway... In those days, the

little green runaway radio was the usual sticker. The programming in that day was much

more "hippyish" for a lack of a better description. It was kinda like KPFT on commercial

steroids. But they played all the popular album rock, where KPFT played whatever was

weird enough. I still remember when the news came on KLOL, they would play all these

background sounds like crickets, little varmits, spacy noises, etc, etc.. Really weird compared

to the bottled crap they have now. Radio was much better back in those days. It's so

pathetic now, I can hardly stand to listen to it, and in fact, am more prone to be on AM

listening to talk radio, than I am FM rock. Part of that may be old fartism setting in..:(

I recently also bought a metal detector, and like to prowl for old relics. Another sign of

old fartism setting in... :( There was a rock station in the early 70's that tried out the 95-96-97

slot, but danged if I can remember who it was offhand. It was before the 97 rock most think

of , which to me was quite a bit later in the overall scheme of things.

Most of my music these days is on video tape, or recording digital on this puter..

BTW, I remember the "old" 104 back in 69 was a pretty cool station. But I liked 101

better when it came on. It was like groovy man... :lol:


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  • 5 months later...

I met Moby at dancetown USA on Airline he was sighning autograph pictures. I thank he promoting a group called Chance who played there alot this was about 1988.

Edited by Marty
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Oh Parrot, you would like Dean & Rodge much better, I promise.

Got to meet big ol' MOBY back in the day, he then slimmed up quite a bit, pissed off the FCC and 97 Rock, and got canned. bI beleive he is still on the radio up north somewhere.

I remember Matthews had a late night talk program on 97 Rock on like thursdays back then. I called in once or twice.

When I was working at Fat Tuesday's back in the early 90's S&P and Outlaw Dave and Loch, the whole 101 gang came in for a promotion they were doing. I want to say it was Mardi Gras and of course all the ladies that had showed up began doing what it took to get those beads, one thing led to another, and we almost got shutdown, because the cops showed up, because of complaints from listeners of the broadcast. It was surreal. :o:D

That's your idea of surreal? You seem to have a very ordinary life.

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Hell, I remember Moby even before he came to Houston. He used to be a DJ on a radio station called 98 ROCK in the Tampa Bay area. I remember his last day there, as he was saying goodbye over the air, he said something about going to the land of ZZ Top or something. I was very young and never thought about it again. Then in '85 when I found myself here in this strange Houston place, there was Moby on the radio! It was kind of comforting to hear a familiar voice as Houston was very new and scary to me.

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The thing I remember about Moby was that he claimed to know EVERY joke that was out there. And he did. You could go up to him and try to tell him a joke that he didn't know, but he would already know it, and beat you to the punchline!

I put this in the "Houston Radio Stations" section here, but I think it fits the Moby topic. 97Rocks sticker on right. Lots more if you look closely!


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  • 1 month later...
  • 8 months later...

Also does anybody remember the weather guy?? He use to cruise around Houston and when it was time to give the weather, he would randomly stop at a local residence, ask the people to look out their windows and tell the audience what they saw. It was very funny.

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