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Houston v St. Louis


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You have to remember, the cardinals has kicked some serious but winning over 106 games for the season.

They have a TERRIFIC team. We fought our way up and got to where no one really expected us to be inspite of the injuries and the slumps we had through the middle part of the season.

In a way, I'm glad, now the bandwagon won't be as crowded..


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I've been sticking with them through thick and thin, I won't abandon them. As far as everyone else is concerned, they're just now jumping on the wagon since they started making a run for the title.

It's just been too much thin, and I'm still holding on to an original "rainbow logo" bumper sticker.

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This was our year to win. I think we got this far in spite of Garner, not because of him. I've kept my frustration to myself, but now that it's over I have to let it out. Baseball is a very strategic sport, and he made many wrong calls with the exception of holding Clemens until tonight. Next years team will be very different. Wade Miller, Kent, Clemens, Beltran might all be gone. Cardinals played good fundamental baseball, and we looked like we were learning the game all series long. Hopefully we can start with again with a young, talented core. Look at the Rangers. They will be a team for the future.

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I think they made a mistake on counting on Clemens as much as they did. But hey its still bottom of the eight. 5-2

I think they made a mistake counting on Harville, Qualls, Miceli, Vizcaino, Munro, and Ensberg as much as they did... Talk about not showing up.

Of course, you knew those guys weren't going to do anything. The real missing ingredient these last two games was BERKMAN. I like the guy, but wow, he shrunk like a turtle.

Here's the thing about the game. Every damn line drive we hit ended up in someone's glove. It was unbelievable. Three hits the whole game, after all the incredible swings we took. Whereas with the Cards you had three grounders roll into the outfield (two past Kent, one through the glove of Vizcaino) in the course of the game, plus a bouncer make it past first. If we had hit those balls, they would have fielded them in their sleep. It wasn't the Cardinals' offense that beat us, it was their defense. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

I'm not abandoning the team, but I wouldn't pin too many hopes on next season. Bagwell's shoulder will only get worse, and Clemens has got to age at some point (I don't think he'll end his career with a mediocre outing and Game 7 loss, btw - he'll be back). MacLane has more money going to the same people on all these deferred salaries, although maybe this postseason will prove addicting and he will pry open his infinitely deep pocketbook a little more. I'd like to re-sign Beltran, but if you could get three pretty good players for the same money you give him, wouldn't you rather replace Vizcaino and Ensberg and get a middle reliever? One thing's for sure: If I were Drayton MacLane, I would make a personal ritual out of getting rid of Harville, Qualls, and Miceli. I would hire an organist to play somber chords in my office as I invited them in to break the news. I never want to see those jokers again. Ever.

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You brought up some very valid points and most of them I totally agree with.

However, I think it was the relief pitching that totally let us down. Ensberg was on fire towards the middle and late of the season. Berkman had a bit of a slump, but was still putting up numbers.

Bagwell, I feel sorry for the guy, he may not be able to throw worth a damn next year, but there is no denying he's still a good defensive player and can still swing the bat well.

Kent, I'm not entirely sure about, ditto about biggio, but I think they still have a couple years left.

Viz? He still puts up numbers, and if we can just get some people to put up some numbers AT THE SAME TIME, we will have something.

Harville is a disappointment, the same with munro, I never really cared for him.


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Our defense was weak. H-Town Man is dead on. Defense wins championships and that's why the Cards are moving on. I felt we had a chance in the series if we made it though, because the Red Sox are the one team that might be almost as bad as the Astros defensively. Watch Ortiz play first base. Should be funny.

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