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Pan Handling Notice


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DATE: December 1, 2005

TO: Civic Associations

FROM: Steve Tinnermon, Special assistant to the Mayor for Neighborhoods

SUBJECT: Pan Handling in Traffic By Minors

As you are aware, charitable solicitation by minors along Houston roadways is becoming a growing concern for all Houstonians, particularly when it involves minors.

Too often, we’ve all witnessed young children weaving in and out of traffic along major intersections soliciting money. For whatever well intentioned the cause, these young people place themselves in harm’s way, snarl traffic and a create safety hazards for others.

Mayor Bill White and Houston City Council are considering new regulations that would ban minors younger than 16 from entering roadways or obstructing traffic to solicit charitable solicitations. Older youths would require adult supervision.

The Mayor seeks your help in addressing this problem! Your Civic Association can assist by letting the Mayor’s Office know the “Hot Spot” traffic locations in your community where street solicitation by minors is currently a problem.

Please take a few moments to forward the street locations you are aware of to the following email address:


Thank you for your assistance.

Stephen Tinnermon,

Special Assistant to the Mayor For Neighborhoods

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I've seen kids as young as five or six ambling car-to-car on 610 looking for handouts for their parents' "church." Why would I give money to some church I've never heard of and know nothing about that thinks it's OK to have children in traffic to push its cause?

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Thanks for posting this, sev. I just emailed him on behalf of our civic association. Woodridge/I-45 at Gulfgate is pretty bad with regards to street begging, especially on weekends. What is with all of this constant begging and fund raising by schools? Money, of course, but I don't remember ever having to sell cookie dough or go stand on a corner screaming for money when I was a student. Do "rich" school districts do this stuff too?

It's too easy also for scammers to play. There used to be a couple of kids that looked like brothers, maybe 9-11 in age, who would hold football helmets and kind of mumble something about money. It looked like they were just out begging. Also, when my daughter was at Milby High a couple of years ago, she said some acquaintances went there and begged all day claiming to be cheerleaders or something and really were just using the almost $300 they got for a big party. And has anyone else ever been hit up to help pay for a family's funeral expenses? If it's legit, then OK but how can one know?

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yes, woodridge/telephone/I-45 is pretty bad. and last weekend i was around telephone and bellfort and a kid (maybe 12 or so) was walking through the cars with an upside down football helmet and a jersey on. no sign, but i am assuming it was for a football team (maybe). that and the boy's coach/dad/begging trainer was on the side of the road in the shade sitting on a cooler :angry:

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I wouldn't mind this being extended to all age groups. The pan handling in general has gotten out of control. Not too far from the Woodridge spot you guys are talking about I saw three bums panhandling the other night to the point they were arguing about who's spot it was. Yelling at each other and to the point of fighting until the "peacemaker" one stepped in the middle. Yes kids are dangerous but so are the grown ups. Not to mention its becoming easier to think of stop lights with panhandlers than ones without panhandlers.

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I wouldn't mind this being extended to all age groups. The pan handling in general has gotten out of control. Not too far from the Woodridge spot you guys are talking about I saw three bums panhandling the other night to the point they were arguing about who's spot it was. Yelling at each other and to the point of fighting until the "peacemaker" one stepped in the middle. Yes kids are dangerous but so are the grown ups. Not to mention its becoming easier to think of stop lights with panhandlers than ones without panhandlers.

My best friend keeps a case of pop-top soup behind his front seat. When he is stopped at a light and a panhandler approaches, he offers them up a can. Most take it. Some get pissed and say they want money because they can buy their own food. He-nor I EVER give $$. It doesn't matter if it's kids or adults. It's a good rule-of-thumb.

As far as the guys attacking your windshield un-invited with a bottle of Windex, I have no problem turning my wipers on high and waiting for the lights to change.


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Remember who we have to thank for all of this: The Houston Chronicle.

This is correct.

Westheimer @ Beltway 8 is also a hotspot for teenage scammers. Its the same group of black kids always asking for money for their "all-star" sports team. They never have uniforms, but just a few rag-tag posters, and they all wear their matching blue gym shorts.

The worst part of all are the two grown-ups sitting in the shade by the u-turn median while these kids go car to car grifting for dollars. I'd be curious to have a news crew follow them, and find out what they're doing with the money.

I agree with hokieone - ban them all. If the Chronicle wants to push their paper pollution on esplandes, then make them get a expensive permit.

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If someone's obviously homeless I'll give them a buck. It's no big deal. I get more annoyed when the fire department is out panhandling at intersections.

You get annoyed that the firefighters are asking you to help children with muscular dystophy ? Damn Sub, someone call the Wizard and get Subdude a heart. <_<

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Yeah I was actually going to say the same thing, I get the "those guys don't need a new pool table" argument, but if its for fighting MS versus some guy on the corner begging because he needs another 6 pack, I have to go with the fighting MS. Yes you can get into the philospohical debate of "how do you know where your money goes" argument and that my donation all based on appearance, but I have a hard time knowing as to why I should hand over money at every intersection with panhandlers, which if you go down westheimer/ allen parkway/richmond could cost you a lot real fast.

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Oops, my mistake then. I thought they were collecting on their own account.

Oh No, strictly for the kiddos, you notice they only come out twice a year, Memorial Day weekend, <---Jerry Lewis telethon weekend), and Toys for tots time, although I have not seen them yet. They aren't looking to get a new pool table, or a new Plasma TV. :lol:

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:lol: Well the reason I thought that was that they used to telephone at night, asking for contributions for their retirement fund. So I just assumed they were out there panhandling on corners for themselves also. I stand corrected.

Now I do get called for the "100" club, every now and then, but now I am a life member, so I don't get hounded anymore, some of the best money I ever spent though. :D

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I do not usually give cash to panhandlers. At 610 Loop and TC Jester we have the red-faced regulars which I ignore. A couple of weeks ago, a young hispanic guy was juggeling oranges. He actually had 5 oranges keeping them afloat. The red-faced guy was over in the shadows watching and I'm sure not happy this young fellow was on his turf. I gave the young guy a dollar.... I figure he is at least providing some entertainment. I have not seem him since.

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How does a city get rid of panhandlers?

By making the act of giving money from your vehicle a traffic violation. Pretty simple, and clears up that whole "I can beg because it's a free country, you're violating my rights" rhetoric.

Fine by me. Enforcing it is entirely different. Its kind of like the "how do we get rid of people living under overpasses" thing. It was outlawed, its still not enforced. Still, making this a law would be a step in the right direction.

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Speaking of passing laws, did anyone see where they are gonna pass laws, so that police can ask if you are an illegal or not. This is being done in an effort to stop the roadside job seekers. This is a subject we talked about extensively here on HAIF, was someone actually lurking and taking notes about our conversations ?

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Back on panhandling. Isn't it already illegal? Of course, enforcement is the issue. What are you going to do? Throw them all in jail? Assess fines they can't pay to begin with? If you make it illegal to give money, then there will be a lot of criticism who look at it as a charitable act.

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Now I do get called for the "100" club, every now and then, but now I am a life member, so I don't get hounded anymore, some of the best money I ever spent though. :D

Is there any other city where people openly brag that they've paid a bribe to the police department?

Every time I see a '100 Club' sticker, I want to get out my ball-peen hammer.

Save me the widows and orphans drivel. There other, less demeaning ways to collect money.

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Looks like its Michael Berry who is trying to broaden the restrictions. Apparently, in reading some of the stuff online, there are some restrictions currently, but they supposedly allow panhandling/ begging if the person is idle, meaning not weaving through cars at stoplights. Yeah, that did a whole lot. The other non-related thing I saw was that they passed laws making it illegal to lay down and or sleep on the sidewalks of downtown between 7AM and 11PM. Someone should tell the guy that lays down in front of Stowers building all day and smokes cigarettes and begs for money.

Chronicle article

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If you make it illegal to give money, then there will be a lot of criticism who look at it as a charitable act.

Ah, but it wouldn't be illegal to give money--however, it would be to give it from a vehicle in traffic--it would be classified somewhere along the lines of "hindering the flow of traffic". I have found myself behind someone who has held up or slowed traffic at a red light because he was talking/giving money to a panhandler. As far as enforcing it, well, I imagine it would be a bit like speeding in a school zone. If the fine is hefty enough, all it takes is one time getting a ticket and most people say "I'll never do THAT again." But honestly, if it were a ticketable (is that a word?) offense, would you risk giving money to someone panhandling? I wouldn't. I can use $250 in fines a lot more efficiently than the city can.

Is there any other city where people openly brag that they've paid a bribe to the police department?

Every time I see a '100 Club' sticker, I want to get out my ball-peen hammer.

Save me the widows and orphans drivel. There other, less demeaning ways to collect money.

Have you ever been a widow or an orphan? <_<

Being a 100 Club member didn't stop me from getting a ticket two years ago for an expired registration. Neither did being the sister of an HPD sergeant. Boy the perks of bribes and family connections, eh? ;)

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Is there any other city where people openly brag that they've paid a bribe to the police department?

Every time I see a '100 Club' sticker, I want to get out my ball-peen hammer.

Save me the widows and orphans drivel. There other, less demeaning ways to collect money.

^^^ spare you the orphan drivel huh?^^^ I wasn't bragging, I do feel it was money well spent , when is the last time you saw a bum putting his life on the line everyday for you, :angry:

edit: TJones did some name-calling.

name-calling is not tolerated. Even towards moderators.

you are right, I apologize, I was steaming when I read your post.

I spelled the word right for you,I wish you would explain your callous outlook.

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i like ticketable, whether it is a word or not (although since i am tired, my eyes want to read it as "tickee - table") :D

i think dbigtex was referring to possible driving habits of possible owners of said decals who may think they have special priveleges, which would then be a manipulative form of charitable giving (there it goes: cherry - table...ugh!)

possibly...maybe...i don't know :)

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