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2006 Essence Music Festival Moving To Houston

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Fresno....................nope, never heard of it .

Now, now, if you go to Frisno's visitor's and convention site & attempt to click on "arts & culture," I think it tells the story of Frisno's culture and arts. ;)

Edited by rps324
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Now, now, if you go to Frisno's visitor's and convention site & attempt to click on "arts & culture," I think it tells the story of Frisno's culture and arts. ;)

Thanks rps. I found the site "The page cannot be found" to be minimalist yet so telling. It seemed to say "we are here and yet we cannot be found. Take THAT Houston, you barren cultureless wasteland. http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/front/4014184.html

No wonder your envy is so stiffling. Continue to strive for Fresno. Perhaps you will reach our zenith-in time."


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last call is 1:15a... and then where do they go? back on the train to reliant, unless they're staying in a downtown hotel.

we hardly have cab service.

i don't know what bars or clubs you go to, but last call is more like 1:45 to 2 if not later most places. and i've never had issues finding a cab off Main street after the bars close.

though i do agree with most of your post- i wish last call was later, and there was more to do after 2am.

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He's right about that one. Houston trying to host the Olympics, and can't handle something small like the Essence Festival. That's one strike against Houston for the Olympics.

Semipro, that's quite possibly your most stupid statement to date. It has been explained that Houston had very little time to prepare for the Essence festival, and to compare that with how the city would handle the Olympics is absurd. The city has a great deal of the infrastructure in place already to host "THE GAMES", in fact it's probably more prepared than any city in the country. In other words your showing your ignorance by making such a comment.

On top of that, I'm sick and tired of the negativity on this thread regarding Houston and the Essence festival. This city opened it's arms to the city of New Orleans (which were being compared to), hosts a festival that most didn't know about, and still all people do is delicate flower and moan. True that it was not held where it probably should have been, but geeez it was our first time.

Use your head next time before making such gooffy statements.

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I talked to a good friend of mine that went to the Essence last weekend, and she told me a good story about how Bobby Brown would NOT get off the stage and they finally had to close the curtains on his @$$. I wonder if that will be on the Whitney and Bobby show ? He was yellin' at the audience to STAND UP ! Because nobody sits down at a Bobby Brown concert, Hello, it wasn't a Bobby Brown concert, and the audience was like "Who is that brotha talkin' too ?" it was the Essence Awards. I found this story hilarious,

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I talked to a good friend of mine that went to the Essence last weekend, and she told me a good story about how Bobby Brown would NOT get off the stage and they finally had to close the curtains on his @$$. I wonder if that will be on the Whitney and Bobby show ? He was yellin' at the audience to STAND UP ! Because nobody sits down at a Bobby Brown concert, Hello, it wasn't a Bobby Brown concert, and the audience was like "Who is that brotha talkin' too ?" it was the Essence Awards. I found this story hilarious,

I heard the same story from some friends of ours who went.

Our friends said the curtains were dropped on Bobby after he refused to quit singing, but he found his way through the curtains AND KEPT ON SINGING ("My Prerogative", by the way). Finally they had to cut his mike!

I meant to search the web for a video clip, cause you know SOMEBODY got that on tape, but I haven't done it yet...

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I would like to see this thing come back. It brought in a great deal of money which is good for the city. If it does come back, hopefully it will be a better experience for all. As far as the cheap comments go, the main players in the music venue are anything but cheap. Those are the ones carrying most of the economic prowess and if you dont think so......turn on MTV-VH1 or BET and take a look. These guys and girls spend large!!!!

Dont forget some of the same people that were here for the Super Bowl, spending lots of cash, were also here for the Essense Awards.

I will be the first to kick the snot out of anyone bad mouthing my beloved hometown, but i also understand economics. Economics dictate we should have atleast a small portion of attention dedicated to paying attention to some of the gripes about our fine city that some of the participants had. Perhaps there are ways to remedy the situation. ;)

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i visiting a very ill friend in the med center on both sunday and monday and had the opportunity to speak with some of the essence festival visitors while riding train. i think the most prevalent complaint was that there was nothing to do near Reliant. Sunday was particularly bad because whereever they went, nothing was open. Foley's in particular i heard several times. Funniest thing was i met three girls staying at the Icon. we started talking at the preston station and they asked where's reliant? i said the 2nd to last stop. they were floored cause they thought Toyota center was reliant stadium.

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I would like to see this thing come back. It brought in a great deal of money which is good for the city.
How much did the city make off of this event?
Nothing at all. It was a total waist.

So which is it?

It brought in a great deal of money which is good for the city
=tax revenue.


Nothing at all. It was a total waist.
=no tax revenue.

It can't be both...can it??? :wacko:

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I had to rethink my $200M figure, after you subtract paying the performers and production costs and other incidentals, you are really looking at about $100M for the city, in terms of restaurants, hotels and venues that partygoers went to.

Edited by TJones
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