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Andrea Yates Criminal Trial

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Hey Red;

Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't this verdict only in connection with the charge that she killed three of her children? If so, could the prosecution still try her for murder of the other two concurrently or separately? In essence, she may not necessarily be out of jeopardy yet.

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Hey Red;

Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't this verdict only in connection with the charge that she killed three of her children? If so, could the prosecution still try her for murder of the other two concurrently or separately? In essence, she may not necessarily be out of jeopardy yet.

The prosecution said publicly that they will NOT pursue additional charges.

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Isn't that ridiculous...they said that much of it was due to hiring outside doctors to find her sane.....It seems the county doctors were finding that she was INSANE and the prosecution didn't like that so they asked for an outside opinion i.e. one that agreed with theirs.

An action like this is an injustice to the judicial system.

We paid $500,000 to outside doctors to see if a woman who murdered her five kids is insane or not?

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Post Partum, and a push to have ANOTHER child right after by the husband would probably make most women go "Nuggin' Futz", and take extreme measures as Andrea did. She is clearly a nutjob, and I don't believe her to have pre-meditated anything. The woman had been in the hospital previous times it was just a matter of time, she was gonna snap. Just too bad she couldn't have just committed suicide.

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Post Partum, and a push to have ANOTHER child right after by the husband would probably make most women go "Nuggin' Futz", and take extreme measures as Andrea did. She is clearly a nutjob, and I don't believe her to have pre-meditated anything. The woman had been in the hospital previous times it was just a matter of time, she was gonna snap. Just too bad she couldn't have just committed suicide.

My sentiments exactly!

And why was her husband not held accountable for him making a baby machine out of her...and not getting her the help she needed. Now he is out doing it again. WTF?

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My sentiments exactly!

And why was her husband not held accountable for him making a baby machine out of her...and not getting her the help she needed. Now he is out doing it again. WTF?


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Yes at the direction of the prosecutors because the county's doctors said she was insane and the prosecutors did not like that.

I wonder if the prosecutors still would have done that study on Yates if we flipped them the bill <_< What a waist of time. After hearing that, it's no wonder she was found not guilty of drowning her three kids (I guess the other two didn't matter to the legal system). HOW IN THE WORLD WAS A DOCTOR GOING TO FIND HER SANE AT THE TIME OF THE INCIDENT?

Two questions. One, would anyone here consider Charles Manson insane, and if so, why is he in jail? Second, does this mean no one is responsible for the death of five children?

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Take a trip down to Forest Park Cemetary in Webster/League City.

The kid's grave site is a trip. Sadly, it looks very neglected and I doubt Rusty has been there in a while. Recently there was still Christmas junk on the headstone.

Anyway, visit that grave and then tell me Andrea Yates deserves to still be living.

That women is evil and should be dead.

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Wow, don't know much about post-partum depression, eh? :blink:

Dont care to know about it when i know those kids were begging and pleading for thier lives. One by one the "depressed" delicate flower drowned them...kicking and screaming.The devil made her do it? I say take that sorry sack of trash to the death chamber and give all tax payers a break on taxes. I dont wish to pay another dime to house that garbage.....

That post partum crap is better dramatized in a Hollywood movie. That wench is familiar with right and wrong. She knows now as she knew then that her actions were WRONG!!

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Dont care to know about it when i know those kids were begging and pleading for thier lives. One by one the "depressed" bitch drowned them...kicking and screaming.The devil made her do it? I say take that sorry sack of trash to the death chamber and give all tax payers a break on taxes. I dont wish to pay another dime to house that garbage.....

That post partum crap is better dramatized in a Hollywood movie. That wench is familiar with right and wrong. She knows now as she knew then that her actions were WRONG!!

That women is evil and should be dead.

wow...just wow. :huh:

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Dont care to know about it when i know those kids were begging and pleading for thier lives. One by one the "depressed" delicate flower drowned them...kicking and screaming.The devil made her do it? I say take that sorry sack of trash to the death chamber and give all tax payers a break on taxes. I dont wish to pay another dime to house that garbage.....

That post partum crap is better dramatized in a Hollywood movie. That wench is familiar with right and wrong. She knows now as she knew then that her actions were WRONG!!

YAWN ! Moonman, I normally agree with you on 99.9%, this is the exception. I am all for the death penalty, WHERE IT IS WARRANTED. This woman is mentally ill. She was previously treated and released, so, should we put the doctors that treated her in the gas chamber also ?

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Gotta love Moonman. There is no problem that killing a bunch of people won't fix. Consistent, to say the least.

LOL. Thanks for the smile. You sound just like my sister and her husband. They are both lawyers too. Is it a lawyer conspiracy to stop me from being a bullheaded jackass?!?!?!?!?! ;);)

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Two questions. One, would anyone here consider Charles Manson insane, and if so, why is he in jail? Second, does this mean no one is responsible for the death of five children?

No doubt that Manson is crazy, but he never actually "Killed" anyone. He had others do his dirty work for him, so he was a conspirator. Manson is a brainwasher, a one time pimp, a check forger, a fraudulent credit card passer, a prostitute, and a career criminal. You still want to try to put Andrea into that category?

What do you mean responsible, do you think Andrea is ever getting out of the Hospital, and that Hospital I am sur eis no Spa and Resort. She isn't going out for lunch at the local Mickey D's my friend. She is on LOCKDOWN, permanently. I think her punishment fits the crime. I think the worst thing you can do to a mother is make her have to live with the GUILT that she has killed her own child, now times that by 5. Crazy or not, this woman will probably wind up killing herself in the Mental Hospital over the guilt and grief.

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LOL. Thanks for the smile. You sound just like my sister and her husband. They are both lawyers too. Is it a lawyer conspiracy to stop me from being a bullheaded jackass?!?!?!?!?! ;);)

Probably not. It's just that if life was as simple as you make it, there'd be no money in it for us lawyers.

We need complexity and nuance, dammit! :P

Oh, and don't forget....semantics.

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Gosh, between this and the River Oaks Theater thread, I'm shocked at the kind of people who post on this forum....maybe I was blind, or naive, or both, but I don't remember it being so hostile when I first started lurking and contributing to this forum.

I find it particularly interesting how people post sentiments as if they (i) personally know Andrea Yates, and/or (ii) were present the moment her children died. Maybe everyone who has posted here does and/or was (although, for the record, I don't know her and I wasn't there), but I find it surprising that such an allegedly well-educated, open-minded, and diverse group of individuals can apparently be so insensitive, hypocritical, judgmental, and intellectually dishonest. Not to mention horrible spellers....

All I can say is that I am thankful that I was not called to be a juror in this case.

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Without hearing and knowing what went on during the trial, there is no way to know what I would have decided. So I can't answer your question.

I re-read your post, and I catch your drift now. You are like me on this one, I would have wanted no part of trying to decide that case either.

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I think the worst thing you can do to a mother is make her have to live with the GUILT that she has killed her own child, now times that by 5. Crazy or not, this woman will probably wind up killing herself in the Mental Hospital over the guilt and grief.

But see, heres the thing. I don't think she has any grief of guilt over any of this.

Shes not your everyday mother. This isn't one of those cases you see on lifetime. It is not like if she would have picked her kids up from school 2 minutes earlier, maybe the ax murderer wouldn't have killed them. Or whoops, I gave little timmy the wrong medication. This approach of "Grief and Guilt" do not apply to this insane individual.

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Dont care to know about it when i know those kids were begging and pleading for thier lives. One by one the "depressed" delicate flower drowned them...kicking and screaming.The devil made her do it? I say take that sorry sack of trash to the death chamber and give all tax payers a break on taxes. I dont wish to pay another dime to house that garbage.....

That post partum crap is better dramatized in a Hollywood movie. That wench is familiar with right and wrong. She knows now as she knew then that her actions were WRONG!!

It must be nice to be so sure of yourself. I read Moonman's post on How Old Are You? He says he's 12. I'd say that giving him some on an emotional level. That post is vile and disguting. Only a person whose never experienced any form of depression can be so callous. I'm glad Andrea is not going to be free. What's the difference to us if she's in a mental instituition or locked in prison the rest of her life? There's a reason for "judge not lest ye be judged." Moonman better hope he lives a totally sin-free life or his peers will judge him by his own yardstick.

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